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I. Daily Expressions日常用语:

Asking about a person’s name问人名:

A: My name is Lily. What’s your name, please 我叫莉莉。请问你叫什么名字? B: My name is Lucy. 我叫露西。

A: Can you spell it, please 你能拼拼你的名字吗? B: Yes. L-u-c-y, Lucy. 好的。L-u-c-y,Lucy。 II. Words单词:

Names of fruits 水果名: apple: n.苹果,苹果树 orange: n.橙子,桔子

banana: n.香蕉;芭蕉属植物 pear: n.梨

grape: n.葡萄;葡萄藤 peach: n.桃子,桃树 cherry: n.樱桃;樱桃树 mango: n.芒果

III. Sentence Patterns句型:

Inviting a person to have something to eat/drink邀请某人吃/喝东西: A: Would you like an apple / some apples 你想吃一个/几个苹果吗? B: Yes, please. / No, thanks. 是的,谢谢。/ 不,谢谢! IV. Grammar语法:

Plural form of nouns名词的复数形式:

1. 一般情况加-s, 清辅音后读[s],如grape — grapes,浊辅音后读[z],如apple — apples; 2. 以s,x,ch,sh等结尾的词,加-es,读[iz],如peach — peaches;

3. 以ce,se,ze,de,ge等结尾的词,加-s,读[iz],如orange — oranges; 4. 以“辅音字母加y”结尾的词,改y为i加-es,读[z],如cherry — cherries; 5. 以“辅音字母加o”结尾的词,加-es,读[z],如mango — mangoes; 6. 特殊情况。


I. Daily Expressions日常用语:

Talking about whether谈论天气:

A: Beautiful day, isn’t it天气不错,不是吗?

B: We couldn’t ask for a better day than this.是很不错。 II. Words单词:

Sports 运动:

Basketball: n.篮球;篮球运动?Football: n.足球比赛;足球?Volleyball: n.排球;排球运动?tennis: n.网球运动;网球?ping-pong: n.?乒乓球;桌球 swim: v.游泳?skate: v.滑冰?ski: v.滑雪?jog: v.慢跑?fish: v.钓鱼?

III. Sentence Patterns句型:


1. A: What’s your favourite sport 你最喜欢的运动是什么?

B: My favourite sport is basketball/skating. 我最喜欢的运动是篮球/滑冰。 2. A: What do you do in your spare time 你业余时间做什么?

B: Playing basketball/Skating. 打篮球/滑冰。 IV. Grammar语法:

-ing form of verbs动词的-ing形式:

1. 一般情况下直接加-ing,如ski—skiing, fish—fishing;

2. 以不发音的e结尾的词,去掉e, 再加-ing,如skate—skating;

3. 以重读闭音节结尾,最后又有一个辅音字母的词,双写这一辅音字母,再加-ing,如swim—swimming, jog—jogging。注意:(1)音标中结尾的音节必须要重读,如listen就不属于这一类;(2)音标中结尾的音节必须是闭音节,如try, play就不属于这一类;(3)单词最后只有一个辅音字母,且辅音字母前面只有一个元音字母,如take, watch, work就不属于这一类。 4. 特殊情况,如lie—lying, die—dying。 练习:写出下列动词的-ing形式。 look see read liste hear smell n taste say speak talk ask answe r sing eat drink think forge feel t touc put write h work study begin start give have com go walk e run jump dance sit stand lie sleep fly make bring take get 第三天 I. Daily Expressions日常用语:

Telephone English电话英语: 你好!。

B: Hello! This is George. Could I speak to Mr. Wang 你好!我是乔治。我可以同王先生讲话吗? A: Speaking. 我就是。 II. Words单词:

Things in a classroom 教室里的东西: Roof: n.屋顶;顶,顶部 floor: n.地板;楼层 blackboard: n.黑板

wall: n.墙,壁,围墙,城墙 door: n.门

window: n.窗子,窗户,窗口 desk: n.书桌,办公桌 chair: n.椅子

computer: n.计算机,电脑

light: n.光;灯 adj.明亮的;轻的;浅的 v.点燃 III. Sentence Patterns句型:

There be句型表示某处存在某人/某物:

肯定句:There is a computer in the classroom. 这间教室里有一台计算机。

There are two doors in the classroom. 这间教室里有两道门。

否定句:There is not any sofa in the classroom. 这间教室里没有沙发。

一般疑问句:Is there a teacher in the classroom 这间教室里有教师吗?Yes, there is. 有。No, there isn’t. 没有。

Are there any books in the classroom 这间教室里有书吗?Yes, there are. 有。No, there aren’t. 没有。

特殊疑问句:What are there in the classroom 这间教室里有什么?There are 22 desks, 21 chairs, and a blackboard. 有22张桌子、21


IV. Grammar语法:

Plural form of nouns名词的复数形式: 1. 一般情况加s, 清辅音后读[s],如roof—roofs, desk—desks, light—lights,浊辅音后读[z],如blackboard—blackboards, wall—walls元音后读[z],如floor—floors, door—doors, window—windows, chair—chairs, computer—computers; 2. 以s,x,ch,sh等结尾的词,加es,读[iz],如bus—buses, box—boxes, peach—peaches, dish—dishes;

3. 以ce,se,ze,ge等结尾的词,加s,读[iz],如choice—choices, license—licenses, size—sizes, orange—oranges; 4. 以f或fe结尾的词,多数改f或fe为v加es,读[z],如wolf—wolves。但有些只加s,读[s],如chief—chiefs; 5. 以“辅音字母加y”结尾的词,改y为i加es,读[z],如cherry—cherries;

6. 以“辅音字母加o”结尾的词,加es,读[z],如mango—mangoes。但外来词加es,读[z],如photo—photos; 7. 特殊情况,如man—men, woman—women, child—children, foot—feet, mouse—mice, sheep—sheep。 练习:写出下列名词的复数形式。 tiger fox goose family thief wife city zoo student leaf tomato tooth shelf knife glass tool choice license brush size match 第四天 I. Daily Expressions日常用语:

Asking the date问日期:

A: What's the date today/tomorrow 今天/明天是几月几日?

B: It is Apr. 18 today. 今天是四月十八日。/ It is Apr. 19 tomorrow. 明天是四月十九日。 II. Words单词:

Months of a year 一年的月份:



