初中英语演讲稿简单的Cheating in Examinations Noadas, heating in exams is monplae in olleges and universities. It is onsidered to be a major problem b the shool authorities. Some students do not stude hard at their usual time. Bur during the examinations, the alas heat in order to pathe examinations.
Cheating in examinations has ver bad effets. Firstl, it is impossible to reveal one's eakneof knoledge. So it is diffiult for a teaher to kno ho to help suh students. Seondl, it ma enourage other students to heat in the examinations, too. Thirdl, it is not helpful for fair petition. Some students do not stud hard, et their grades are higher.
In m opinion, heating in examinations is an unhealth tenden. As a student, e should alas be strit ith us. We shouldn't deeive ourselves, nor should e deeive others.
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Good morning everone.
Does one plus one equals to? If I ere a five-ear-old bo, I ill tell ou ithout an hesitation – “Yes, definitel.” But I am not. In math one plus one is surel equal to, hoever, different onditions have different ansers.
But in m opinion, I think one plus one is more than to. Sine e enter the 21st entur, the spirit of ooperation has bee more and more important.Win-in is a popular ord. In this a, one plus one is atuall bigger than rather than just equal to to.
In this highl developed soiet, the progreof siene and tehnolog is the result of ooperation.The Human Genome Projet is a good example.More than 1000 top sientists from different ountries have partiipated in the great projet. Ever sientist ma be a 'one', but one plus one, the final result is muh greater than 'to'.
The theme of our soiet is not petition, but ooperation. Ever stage of pratie shos that people ith spirit of ooperation or team ork ill in suemuh more easil than those
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ithout the spirit, and a ountr or region ill develop faster and better if ooperating ith the outside orld instead of self-enlosed. We an benefit from eah other if e reate value together.We must orretl handle the relationship beteen ooperation and petition, and learn to ooperate ith other.
So hat is one plus one ? Absolutel, it’s muh bigger than to!
That’s all. Thank ou for our time!
初中英语演讲稿 范文
初中英语演讲稿 范文
初中英语演讲稿 范文Whether there’s afterlife, the anser has never been the same. The atheists den after life,
believing that our life is no more than from the radle to the grave. The ma are about their illustrious names after death; the ma feel attahed to the affetion of their offspring, but the never la their hopes on their afterlife. The ma also sa that good ill be rearded ith good, and evil ith evil, but the don’t reall believe an retribution in their after life. Hoever, in the religious orld or among the superstitious people, the belief in afterlife is ver popular.
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The do not onl believe in afterlife, but thousands of reinarnations as ell. In the msterious orld, there are the paradise and the hell, the elestial beings and the gods, the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas. Mabe the reall believed it, or mabe the just anted to make use of people’s veneration, the anient emperors alas delared that the ere the real dragons, the sons of God, hile the roal ministers laimed to be the reinarnations of various onstellations. But an the stars reinarnate? Man people burn inense and koto, do good deeds and strive for virtues, not just for the present, but mainl to let God see their sinerit so as to be reborn into a better afterlife, or to ahieve the highest enlightenment after several lives of pratie. The do believe in afterlife. But I an’t help asking: Suppose there ere no afterlife, ould ou still do good deeds and strive for virtues?
And If God does not see hat ou are doing, ould ou still be so upright and selfless? If ou ork, not for serving the publi and liberating the others, but just for a better afterlife of our on, isn’t it a little too selfish?
Comparing ith this kind of believers, those ho don’t believe in afterlife, but still keep doing good deeds, are the most sinere and honest philanthropists, beause the do them not for themselves but for other. You ma onder if I believe in afterlife. M anser is: I kno nothing about m previous life,
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so I dare not make improper ments on afterlife. But I do hope there’s afterlife! Beause our present life is so short that so man things slip XX before our proper understanding. I have so man dreams, so man ishes, so man ambitions, as ell as so man reGREts and onerns. If there ere no afterlife, all of them ill remain unrealized! I’m not ontented ith the present monplae life, I’m ver muh attahed to the affetions that should have been mine but have been ashed XX b the hurring time, and I earn for the perfetion and maturit if I ould start all over again. So believe it or not, I’d rather there ere afterlife.
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