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新课标人教版英语选择性必修一Unit 4reading and thingking导学案(无答案)

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B4 Unit 4 Body Language Reading and Thinking 大儒诚信教育资源

Unit 4 Body Language Listening to How Bodies Talk


1. reading about the function of body language and its implications in different cultures. 2. hear and talk about how people use and understand body language. 3. can understand the difficult and complex sentences. 【情景导入】

1. What might the people be doing in the photos?

2. When and how do you use body language to convey meanings? 【阅读深思】

Read the text Listening to How Bodies Talk on page38 and answers these questions:

1. Can you think of an example of body language that is appropriate in China but might be misunderstood in another culture?

2. What advice on body language can you give a foreign friend on his/ her first trip to China? 【自主反馈】

Body Language/ Gesture Eye contact between men and women Looking down when talking to someone Ok sign Kiss on the cheek them on the side of your head while closing your eyes Moving your hand in circle over your stomach after a meal 【自主探究】

探究一:Fast reading: find out the main idea of each paragraph. Para.1 A body language varies in different cultures

Para.2-4 Some body language shows different meanings in different situations

Para.5 Body language is another way to communicate



Meaning Not polite Country/ Region Middle East Placing your hand together and resting B4 Unit 4 Body Language Reading and Thinking 大儒诚信教育资源

探究二:Careful reading:

1. What is the main idea of the text?

A. The culture differences of body language

B. The differences between body language and spoken language C. The characteristics of body language D. How body language is used

2. The gesture for “Ok” has the meaning _________ in France. A. money B. impoliteness C. zero D. permission 3. Which of the body languages has many different users? A. Closing one’s eyes B. Placing one’s hands together

C. Moving one’s hand in circles over the stomach D. Smiling 【成果展示】

to present the answers in groups. 【点评精讲】

1. Core words and expressions. 2. Difficult and complex sentences. 【随堂检测】

Try to fill the blanks with correct words and then retell the passage.

We use both words and body language _________ (express) our thoughts and opinions in our _________ (interact)with other people. Just like spoken language, body language _________(vary)from culture to culture. The crucial thing is using body language in a way_________ is appropriate to the culture you are in. For example, _________(make)eye contact is not appropriate to all cultures. Some gestures like the _________ for \have different meanings in different cultures. Even the gestures we use for \the world. There are also differences _________ how we touch each other, how close we stand _________ someone we are talking to, and how we act _________ we meet or part. Such gestures_________ the ones for \and \I am full\seem to have the same meaning everywhere. Some body language has many different uses. One example is smiling. 【巩固应用】

to finish the exercise about this text.

2 大儒诚信教育资源

新课标人教版英语选择性必修一Unit 4reading and thingking导学案(无答案)


