Oscilloscope based return loss analyzer
申请(专利)号: US20030637901
专利号: US7271575B2 主分类号: G01R23/00
LAUDIE J. DOUBRAVA 公开国代码: US 优先权国家: US
摘 要:
A system, apparatus and method for performing differential return loss
measurements and other measurements as a function of frequency uses a digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) having
spectral analysis functions. A waveform generator generates a differential test signal in the form of a series of pulses where each pulse includes spectral components associated with each of a plurality of frequencies of interest. A test fixture presents the differential test
waveform to a load including at least one of a device under test (DUT), a short circuit, an open circuit and a balanced load. A signal acquisition device
differentially measures the test waveform during each of the load conditions. The signal acquisition device computes an error correction parameter using
measurements made during the short circuit, open circuit and balanced load
申请日: 2003-08-07 公开公告日: 2007-09-18
分类号: G01R23/00;
G01R23/16; G01R27/06 发明设计人: LAUDIE J.
优先权: 20030807 US
63790103; 20020807 US 40190302
摘 要 附 图:
conditions. The correction parameter tends to offset signal acquisition errors within measurements made during the DUT load condition. 主权项:
1. A method of determining a characteristic parameter of a device under test (DUT), comprising: 权 利 要 求 说 明 书 【Oscilloscope based return loss analyzer】的权利说明书内容是......请下载后查看