I don't have many sisters, but they are all qualified. 2、用四个字形容自己:我恨苍天!
Describe yourself in four words: \ 3、浮华落尽、我依旧是骄傲的自己。
When vanity falls, I am still proud of myself. 4、铁塔很高,但高不过你空虚的誓言。
The tower is high, but high, but your empty vow. 5、难道是你的心伤了锁,还丢掉了钥匙。 Is it your heart lock, also lost the key. 6、骗自己成全他,根本没那么伟大。 Cheat yourself, help him, not so great. 7、我以为你很冷,原来你暖的不是我。
I thought you were cold, so you didn't warm me. 8、既然注定成不了主角,又何必逢场作戏。
Since it is not destined to become the protagonist, why find amusement when the occasion arises. 9、来到这世上,我就没打算活着回去。
When I came to this world, I did not intend to go back alive.
10、埋葬了自己的初怀,遗忘了自己的伤痛。 Buried his own bosom, forget his pain. 11、哥不是收破烂的,既然滚了就别回来。
Brother is not junk, now that you're rolling, don't come back.
12、删了一个好友,空了一个分组。 Deleted a friend, empty a group. 13、永不言弃,涐愿与伱至死不渝。
I would never give up, and you will never change until death.
There is no need to regret that people who are able to separate are wrong.
I have short hair, so don't make me marry again. 16、没有爱,你注定挤不进他的生命。
Without love, you are destined not to move into his life. 17、宁愿做过了后悔,也不要错过了后悔。
Would rather do regret, also do not miss the regret. 18、永远在不到饭点的时候说:我饿了!
Always say \ 19、这世界愿意倾听,习惯沉默的人。
The world is willing to listen to those who are used to silence.
Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and close your eyes after marriage.
I'm lucky to have met you, but I'm sorry to have met you. 22、好故事总得用心酸作陪衬才显得动人。 A good story must be made with acid. 23、唯愿相思不相遇,奈何伤情道离别。
Only wish love not meet, but how hurt the way parting. 24、说不尽的心酸我也只能当笑谈。 Untold sad I can only be a joke. 25、三分温柔七分醉,别让自己心太累。
Three points soft, seven points drunk, don't let your heart too tired.
26、我喜欢你,这是永远不会变的事实。 I like you, it's never gonna change. 27、幸福很简单,不要跟别人比较就好了。
Happiness is simple. Don't compare yourself to others.
I'm nostalgic because I can't see you and the future. 29、你走后,除了回忆真的什么也木有啦。
When you're gone, there's nothing more than memory. 30、小三你的葬礼我会盛装出席。 Little three, I'll dress up for your funeral. 31、美丽是幸福的,幸福是花,也是叶子。
Beauty is happiness, happiness is a flower, and it is a leaf. 32、我不懂浪漫,但我懂什么叫对你好。
I don't know romance, but I know what's right for you. 33、一个人并不孤单,想一个人时才孤单。
A man is not alone, and he is alone when he wants to be alone.
34、末世流年,是否只是沧海桑田。 Last time, is just now.
Elegance is a flow of sand, old is a period of time. 36、用生者不朽的爱,祭死者不朽的名。
Sacrifice the immortal love of the living for the immortal name of the dead.
There are so many people in love that you don't care
about me.
Do not say I wish happiness, you are not qualified. 39、做女人一定要做顾里,有女王范。
Be a woman must do, there are female king fan. 40、什么叫多余,就是心冷之后,你的殷勤。
What is superfluous, that is, after your cold, your hospitality.
41、有些东西,现在翻出来看一样会哭。 Some things, now turned out to see, will cry. 42、因为,放手才是拥有了一切。 Because to let go is to have everything. 43、每个人的生命中都有一个错过的沈佳宜。 Everyone has a missing Shen Jiayi in their lives. 44、初见动了心,再见痛了心。
First saw the heart, goodbye, hurt the heart. 45、期望有多重,失望就有多痛。
Hope is heavy, but disappointment is painful. 46、世上所有的道理,敌不过一句随便你。 All the truth in the world is no match for you. 47、比起怒骂,沉默才是最彻底的失望。
To defy, silence is the most thoroughly disappointed.