【期刊名称】《红外与激光工程》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)006
【摘要】 库德光路光束指向稳定性是保证激光测距机光轴指向精度的关键因素,通过坐标变换建立了一种可以从空间角度表征光束指向稳定性的动态方法,解决了大型激光测距机库德光路系统误差对光学系统影响的问题,将库德光路系统误差与光束指向有机地结合起来,以某地平式激光测距机为研究对象,建立了库德光路光束指向的动态误差模型。将CCD固定在库德镜5的安装接口处,并与图像采集卡组成图像采集系统,直接对库德光路激光光斑进行采集,获得了精度较高的光束指向动态误差数据。利用实测数据对光束指向的动态误差模型进行了最小二乘拟合,由此标定出了该设备库德光路光束指向的动态特性,为设备系统误差的修正工作奠定了基础。%The beam pointing stability in coude optical path is a key factor for the optical axis pointing accuracy of the laser range finder. By coordinate transformation, a dynamic method was developed to characterize the beam pointing stability in geometric space. A dynamic beam pointing error model in coude optical path for an altitude-azimuth laser range finder was built as an example, which was used to describe the relationship between the system error in the mechanical structure and the beam pointing error in coude optical path. A image collection system, consisting of an image acquisition card and a CCD mounted on the interface of the 5th coude