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人教高中英语选修七同步作业:nit 4 haring课后限时作业 含答案

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限时/40分钟 (见课时作业P23)


1.As far as I know, the woman over there is a voluntary(volunteer) worker at a charity organization.

2.I go to the stadium occasionally(occasional) when there's a basketball game. But usually I watch it on TV.

3.The minister has retired from political(politics) life and gone to live a quiet life. 4.It is really a privilege for me to work as an interpreter in the company. 解析 句意:对于我来说,在这家公司做一名口译员真是非常荣幸。interpreter为可数名词,以元音音素开头,并且此处表示泛指,故用不定冠词an。

5.As is known to all, fresh air contributes to health. 6.In order to help the pupils in mountainous areas, many citizens donated(donate) books to them last week.

解析 句意:为了帮助山区的学生们,上周许多市民向他们捐赠了图书。根据时间状语last week可知,此处要用一般过去时。

7.Whenever/When she needs help, she always asks me for advice. 解析 句意:无论何时(当)她需要帮助(时),她总是向我寻求建议。根据句意可知,此处应用whenever或when引导状语从句,表示“无论何时”或“当……时”。

8.I am sure that this meeting will contribute to the reinforcement of peace and security(secure) all over the world. 9.It is said that not the passengers but the driver is(be) responsible for the car accident. 解析 句意:据说应对那场车祸负责的是司机而不是乘客。not…but…连接并列成分作主语时,谓语动词要遵循就近原则,即此处谓语动词的数与the driver保持一致,故填is。

10.The vase purchased(purchase) at a high price turned out to be of little value. Ⅱ.阅读理解(建议用时:7分钟)

There's nothing like experiencing history to understand it. So instead of reading about the

U.S. Civil War in textbooks, some schoolchildren in Virginia are taking a hands-on(实际操作的) approach to learning about what happened in their area. They are creating videos related to the conflict, in which the northern Union and southern Confederate States fought over slavery, from 1861~1865.

In one scene children act two Union generals, meeting at the Rapidan River in central Virginia. The 12- and 13-year-olds are producing a mini-video or vodcast on the key role temporary pontoon bridges (浮桥) played during the war. Shane Lohr, who played one of the generals, learned the bridges provided big advantages for the armies because they could set them up quickly.

“They took horses and all the soldiers across the bridge, and once everyone crossed it they took it apart and brought it with them,” Lohr said.

The scene is in one of several videos related to the Civil War being produced by local schoolchildren.The project is sponsored by the Journey Through Hallowed Ground, which raises awareness of historical sites from Pennsylvania to Virginia, including many Civil War battlegrounds.

Jessie Aucoin, the group's Educational Programs Director, said the vodcasts are put to good use.

“We can upload them to the Internet, and teachers across the country, and probably, across the world, can then use them in their own classrooms,” Aucoin said.

With the help of advisors, the children also research, write, and edit the videos. Alexis Albert got a chance to try out directing and learned a lot about the Civil War's history in the process.

Student director John Ashley says the experience has made him think more about the human aspect of the war.

“In history books, you read about the battles and that sort of stuff. I learned a little bit more about the people who were living here at that time,” said Ashley.

语篇导读 本文为说明文,介绍了美国弗吉尼亚州的一些学生通过拍摄视频来重现和学习美国历史的事。

1.How are some students in Virginia learning history? A.By spending more time on textbooks. B.By visiting the historical sites. C.By producing videos themselves. D.By writing research papers.

解析 C 细节理解题。根据第一段第二、三句可知,弗吉尼亚的一些学生通过自己制作视频来学习历史,故选C项。

2.What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 2 probably refer to? A.The conflicts. C.The generals.

B.The bridges. D.The armies.

解析 B 代词指代题。根据画线词所在句可知,浮桥为军队提供了很大的便利,因为士兵们可以很快将桥搭起来,them指的是the bridges,故选B项。

3.What can we know about the Journey Through Hallowed Ground? A.It promotes the sale of videos produced by students. B.It is the sponsor of a worldwide charity organization. C.It is devoted to the protection of national historical sites. D.It tries to make people know more about historical sites.

解析 D 细节理解题。 根据第四段第二句可知,这个组织致力于提升人们对历史遗迹的关注度,故选D项。

4.What's the best title for the passage? A.Students Think More about U.S. History B.Students Like Making Videos about History C.Students Make Movies to Experience U.S. History D.A Group Raises Awareness of Historical Sites

解析 C 标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了学生们通过自己制作视频来学习、理解和体验美国历史的事,故选C项。


About three days before Christmas when I was 17, I brought a Christmas tree home. You can't imagine how 1 and excited I was. My heart was bursting as I announced to my mom that I had a 2. But when I told her I spent the whole eight dollars I earned on it, she got 3. “Leave it there,” she said. “Leave that tree there 4 it rots, so every time we see it, we'll all be reminded of how 5 you are.”

I just stood there. My mother had never talked to me like that before and I couldn't believe what I 6. I felt awful and I began to 7. Then she 8 up the stairs to her bedroom and we didn't see her until the next day. It was the 9 Christmas I ever had.

Fast forward to today. On Christmas Eve I 10 very late. I heard a noise in the kitchen and 11 that it was mom.We started to talk. “Do you 12 that time on Twelve Mile Road when you 13 that tree?” “Yes,” I said, “I've just been thinking about it you know.”

She 14 for a long moment. Finally, great tears started down her face and she cried, “Oh, son, please 15 me.That time and that Christmas have been a(n) 16 to me for all these years.”

Well, we both cried a little and 17 each other and I forgave her—it wasn't 18,_you know. Then we talked for a long time, and I did 19;_I saw what I had never seen and the bitterness and 20 that had gathered up in me for all those years gradually washed away. 1.A.clever C.proud 2.A.surprise C.prize 3.A.excited C.worried 4.A.because C.till 5.A.smart C.rich 6.A.saw C.heard 7.A.laugh C.sing 8.A.stormed C.climbed

9.A.most boring C.worst 10.A.got up C.ate up 11.A.guessed C.imagined 12.A.remember C.enjoy 13.A.stole C.saved

14.A.explained C.rested 15.A.love C.excuse 16.A.comfort

B.tired D.lucky B.reward D.secret B.angry D.confident B.unless D.although B.stupid D.selfish B.experienced D.thought B.cry D.shout B.rode D.flew B.most valuable D.shortest B.stayed up D.showed up B.discovered D.predicted B.mean D.miss B.recovered D.bought B.hesitated D.pressed B.forgive D.help B.experience

C.need 17.A.held C.comforted 18.A.enough C.bad 19.A.grow C.understand 20.A.sadness C.doubt

D.burden B.blamed D.respected B.clear D.hard B.win D.puzzle B.loneliness D.concern

语篇导读 本文为记叙文。一棵圣诞树在母亲心底留下了多年不解的结。多年之后母亲对儿子致歉,突显了沉甸甸的母爱。

1.解析 C 空处与excited并列,都是描写作者当时的心情,根据选项可知,此处表示作者因为在圣诞节前买回一棵圣诞树而感到骄傲(proud)和兴奋,故选C项。

2.解析 A 根据语境可知,此处指作者宣布要给家人一个惊喜(surprise),故选A项。 3.解析 B 根据下文可知,当作者说是用所有的8美元买来圣诞树的时候母亲非常生气(angry),故选B项。

4.解析 C 根据语境可知,此处指母亲说把圣诞树放在那儿,直到(till)它烂掉,这样“我们”每次看到,都会想起“你”是多么的愚蠢(stupid),故选C项。

5.解析 B 此处仍然是母亲的气话,因此不能选择褒义词。selfish也是贬义词,但与语境不符,故选B项。

6.解析 C 根据上文的talk可知,此处指作者从来没有听到(hear)过母亲这样说话,故选C项。

7.解析 B 根据空前的felt awful可知,遭到母亲的责骂,作者感到很难受,于是哭了(cry),故选B项。

8.解析 A 根据上文可知,母亲当时非常生气,所以一阵风似地跑上楼去,故选A项。 9.解析 C 根据上文发生的事情可知,那年的圣诞节是作者经历过的最糟糕的(worst),故选C项。

10.解析 B 根据语境可知,此处指作者很晚了还没有睡觉,stay up熬夜;晚睡,故选B项。

11.解析 B 根据语境可知,此处指作者发现(discover)弄出声响的是母亲,故选B项。 12.解析 A 根据空后的that time可知,此处指母亲问作者是否还记得(remember)那年的事,故选A项。

人教高中英语选修七同步作业:nit 4 haring课后限时作业 含答案


