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Part A Reading Aloud

Navigating and surviving in this vast, remote wilderness, had proved almost impossible for this experienced sailors. And at times, even the ultimate ocean travelers need help. Natural harbours may be safe heavens for sailors, but for the migratory whales, they can be death traps. One whale is still alive. Left like this, he will die within days. But he’s held fast. The only opinion left is to use nets. At last he’s free. But he’s not out of trouble yet. First, he must negotiate the rocky heads of the bay. His sensitive skin, never designed to touch rock, is badly lacerated. He is through and back into the safety of the endless blue. navigate [?n?v??ɡet] 航行 vast [vɑ:st] 广阔的,巨大的 wilderness [?w?ld?n?s] 荒野,荒地 sailor [?seil?] 水手

ultimate [??lt?m?t] 首要的,最大的

harbour [?hɑrb?] 海港,港口 heaven [?hevn] 天堂

migratory [?ma?ɡr??t?ri] 流浪的,迁移的 negotiate [n??ɡo?i?et] 成功越过 lacerate [?l?s??ret] 撕伤,刮伤

Part B Role Play 情景介绍 角色:你是学生。



(2)根据谈话内容回答问题。 生词:registration plate 车牌 视频文本内容:

W: Doctor Brown, is it true that English people

prefer old things to new ones?

M: I suppose so, the English are very fond of traditions.

W: I was thinking more about houses and other things.

M: It depends on what kind of old things you are talking about. I would always prefer to live in an old house with a garden than some new one. I used to lived in a house that is over one hundred years old. It was really something I am proud of, so yes, on the whole, I think the English do prefer old things.

W: Why do you think that is the case?

M: Well, a lot of people feel not all things were much better made. It also goes better with old style houses. We think lots of modern furniture is poorly made. 三问:


Q:Does the British people like cars?

A:In fact, we love new cars. In England, people care much about first letter of their car number. 2.你什么意思呢? Q: What do you mean?

A: In August, each year, there is a new letter before the number on the registration plate. For example, my car is an “M” registration, which means it was made in 2004. People love to have a really recent letter on their number plate. An English person would buy a brand new car and drive it if they had a lot of money. 3.英国人不太在乎穿什么衣服,对吗? Q: The British people care little about clothes, do they?

A: We generally don’t care much about clothes, some are even quite proud that they find their clothes in second-hand shops. I guess this is mainly because in England what really matters is not clothes but background. 五答:

1.Q: Where would the man prefer to live?

A: He prefer to live in an old house with a garden.

2.Q: What do the English people think of modern


A: They think lots of modern furniture is

poorly made.

3. Q: What do English people care about their cars? A: In England, people care much about the

first letter of their car number. 4. Q: When was the man’s car made? A: It was made in 2004.

5. Q: What is really important in England? A: In England what really matters is not

clothes but background. Part C 梗概:

Brown夫妇把狗寄养在宠物店,度假归来接狗回家,发现领错了狗。 关键词: holiday (假期) dog (狗)

pet shop (宠物店) bark (狗叫) wrong(错的) 录音文本:

This is not Jacky

Mrs. and Mr. Brown were going abroad for their



