3DLO 3D long offset seismic survey三维长偏移距野外资料采集 3DHR-HR 3D High resolution –high seismic survey 三维高分辨-高密野外资料采集。 AAC = adjusted AC;
ABI inclination at the drill bit
AC acoustic 声波时差 ACN =adjusted CN;
ADN Azimuthal neotron density
AIT* Array Induction Imager Tool A&S admistration&service
AHC Ascendant Hierarchical Clustering
ARC Induction Resistivity GR annulus pressure ingrated tool ARI Azimuth resistivity imager方位电阻率成像测井仪
APD Elevation of Depth Reference (LMF) above Permanent Datum
APWD apparatus whle drilling
ASI Array seismic imager阵列地震成像仪 AVG: Average
AVO Amplitude Versus Offset(Amplitude variation with offset calibration)
AZI: Azimuth (deg)
BBC Buy Back Contract BGG: Background Gas (%) BGP 物探局
BHFP bottomhole flowing pressure
BHS :Borehole Status
BHT :Bottom Hole Temperature
BHTA 声波幅度 BHTT 声波返回时间 BLWH Blue White BML below mud line
BOP Blow out preventer BOP stack 防喷器组
BS Bit Size
BSW basic saturation water(综合含水) CAL borehole diameter 井径 CAST 声波扫描成像测井仪
CBI Central Bank of Iran CBIL 井周声波成像 CBL Cement Bond Log
CC correlation coefficient
CCAL common core analysis常规岩心分析 CCL Casing Collar Locator
CCM Contractors Committee Meeting CDF cumulative density function CDF Calibrated Downhole Force
CDS condensat CF core facies
CF cut fluorescence
CFA Composition Fluid Analyzer CGR Condensate-to-gas Ratio
CMC Crown mounted compensator安装在天车上的升沉补尝器 CMR Combinable Magnetic Resonance 可组合的核磁共振测井仪
CMR-A Timur/Coates Permeability CMR-B Timur/Coates Permeability CMR_DMRP Timur/Coates Permeability CMR_FLOW Timur/Coates Permeability CMR_SMRP Timur/Coates Permeability CMRT Timur/Coates Permeability
CN neutron 中子
COMP AMP Compessional amplitude纵波幅度 COMP ATTN Compessional attunuation纵波衰减 CON induction log 感应测井
COPA Companhia de Petroleo de Angola CP conductor pipe
CQG Crystal Quartz Gauge
CRA Corrosion resistant Alloy
CRF cumulative recovery factor(采出程度) CSI 组合地震成像仪 CT cut fluorescence
Ct Conductivity of un-flushed
cvgs cavings(井壁垮塌)
Cxo Conductivity of flushed zones DAC 阵列声波
DC drilling collar
DCCR Daily Cost Control Report DDR Daily Drilling Report DEN density 密度 Dev deviation井斜
DF direct fluorescence DGR Daily Geological Report
DHI direct hydrocarbon indicator DLS dog leg severity DPH Development Phase
DPPM Density Porosity Processing Mode DSC drill string compensator
DSI* Dipole Shear Sonic Imager偶极子横波声波成像仪
DT1 Delta-T Shear - Lower Dipole
DT1R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole DT2 Delta-T Shear - Upper Dipole {}
DT2R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole DT3R Delta-T Stoneley, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley DT4P Delta-T Compressional - Monopole P&S DTCO Delta-T Compressional
DTRP Delta-T Compressional, Receiver Array - Monopole P&S DTSM Delta-T Shear {}
DTTP Delta-T Compressional, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S
DVRT 数字垂直测井
Dyn Clustering Dynamic Clustering
ECD equivalent circulation density
Echoes(Echoescope) Integrated Resistivity neutron density tool标准回波数据
EMW equivalent mud weight EFAC Electro-facies EOS Equation of State E&P exploration&production
FCM finantial committee meeting FFV free fluid volune FG Formation Gas FLD FIELD
FLW: mud flow rate(gpm)
FMI Formation Micro-scanner Image全井眼地层微电阻率成像仪
EPD Elevation of Permanent Datum above Mean Sea Level
FRF final recovery factor FPSO 浮式采油轮 FV: Funnel Viscosity
GCSE Generalized Caliper Selection GDAT GeoDetic Datum
G&G Geology&geophisics
GIIP gas initially in place gpm gallon per minute
GR natural gamma ray 自然伽马
GRSE Generalized Mud Resistivity Selection GTSE Generalized Temperature Selection
HDIP 六臂倾角
HGNS Highly Integrated Gamma Ray Neutron Sonde HRMS High-Resolution Mechanical Sonde
HRLA High-Resolution Azimuthal Laterolog Sonde HWDP heavy wall drillpipe
lb/ft pounds/foot
IFD 低频偶极测井仪
IGIP Initial Gas In place
Ild deep investigate induction log 深探测感应测井 Ilm medium investigate induction log 中探测感应测井 Ils shallow investigate induction log 浅探测感应测井 Image DIP 图像的倾角
INAGEO Instituto Nacinal de Geologia INC: Inclination (deg) IPL 孔隙度综合测井仪
IRR Initial Remuneration Rate JOA Joint Operating Aggreement JMC Joint Management Commitee K potassium 钾
kips kilo pounds
KRI Kernel Representative Index KOP Kick Off Point
KTH gamma ray without uranium 无铀伽马
KTIM Timur/Coates Permeability, NMR_Permeability
HALS 高分辨率方位侧向测井仪 HGS high gravity solids HRI 高分辨率感应测井仪
LATD Latitude (N=+ S=- ) L/D lay down
LFA Live Fluid Analyzer LGS low gravity solids
LMF Logging Measured From (Name of Logging Elevation Reference)
LMRP lower marine riser package
LNG feed gas Liquified Natural Gas ---Sour-rich-wet gas at the outlet of the
receiption facilities for hand over to NIOC LNG plant
L/O lay out
LOND Longitude (E=+ W=-)
LOT leak of test
LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas LWD logging with drilling MAC 多极阵列声波成像
MATR Rock Matrix for Neutron Porosity Corrections
MBVI 束缚流体体积 MBVM 可动流体体积
MC motion compensator升沉不成器 MCFL Micro-Cylindrically Focused Log MD: Measured Depth (m)
MDP Master Development Plan
MDRT Mesured Depth Rotary Table
MDT Modular Formation Dynamic Tester模块式地层动态测试器(组件式动态地层动力学测试仪)
MER Maximum Efficient Rate mkwh milk white MIT 多道感应测井仪 MMBBL metric million barel
MMS Minerals Management Service MOA Memorandum of Agreement MOU Memorandum of Understanding MPERM 核磁共振渗透率
MPHI 核磁共振有效孔隙度
MRGC Multi-Resolution Graph-based Clustering
MRIL Magnetic Resonance Imager Log核磁共振成像测井 MRILWD magnetic resonance imaging logging while drilling MR_KLAMBDA_PERMS Timur/Coates Permeability MRP Magnetic Resonance Porosity
MSIP Modular Sonic Imaging Platform 模块化声波成像平台 msl mean sea level
MTSA Master Technical Services Agreement M/U make up,mount up
MUSD million United States Dollar MW: Mud Weight (ppg)
NGR neutron gamma ray 中子伽马 NGS Natural Gamma Spectrum
NIDC National Iranian Drilling Company NIOC National Iranian Oil Company NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NSP 防磨补心 NTG Net to Gross OBM Oil Based Mud
OBMI Oil Base MicroImage tool OCM operating committee meeting
ODP overall development plan总体开发方案 OGWC Original Gas Water Contact OOC Oil On Cuttings
OOIP original oil in place 原始石油地质储量 OPS operations
OWC oil water contact
P90 which represents the realistic low side P50 the Median value range
P10 representing the realistic UPSIDE for the prospect.
P16H_RT ARC Phase Shift Resistivity 16 inch Spacing at 2 MHz, Environmentally Corrected,