1.tolerance公差 2.computer-aided manufacturing计算机辅助制造 3.numerically controlled machines数控机床 4.necking颈缩 5.turning,drilling and boring operation
6.formability and machinability成形与可加工性 7.assembly lines装配线 8.dimensional accuracy尺寸精度 9.cross-sectional area横截面积 10.percentage elongation伸长率 11.structural strength结构强度 12.stress-strain curver应力应变曲线 13.quenching and internal stresses淬火和内应力 14.earthmoving and construction equipment土建设备 15.straightening operation 16.cracking and distortoon断裂和扭曲变形 17.light service at fractional horsepower小马力轻载 18.screw pump螺杆泵 19.steel sheet and rolled-steel shapes钢板和滚压成型钢 20.straightening operation矫正操作 21.sensing devices 传感器 21.digital or pulse motor数字与脉冲马达 22.drilling钻 boring镗 reaming铰 gear-cutting operations齿轮加工 汉译英
1.切削刀具cutting tools 2.紧固件,如螺母fasteners such as nuts 3.刚和铸铁steels and cast irons 4.马氏体和奥氏体martensite and autenite 5.机械特性mechanical properties 6.computer-aided manufacturing计算机辅助制造 7.数控系统numerically controlled systems 8.大批量生产技术mass production techology 9.控制单元control units 10.靠模附件profiling attachment 11.弹性模量和伸长率elastic modulus and percentage elongation 12.规模经济economy of scale 13.闭环系统close-loop system 14.有色金属non-ferrous 15.液压系统hydraulic system 16.弹性和屈服极限elastic and yield limit 17.低碳钢和合金钢low-carbon steel and alloy steel 18.龙门刨工作台pianner-table 短句:
1、low carbon steels do not become hard when subjected to such a heat treatment, because of the small amount of carbon contained.当经历热处理、低碳钢不会变硬、因为含有少量碳。
2、most simply, engineering is the art of directing the great source of power in nature for the use and the convenience of man.简单的说,工程是伟大的艺术指导的权力来源自然的使用和方便的人。
3、Manufacturing processes may be unit production with small quantities being made and mass production with large numbers of identical parts being produced.制造工艺可以分为被制造的小量产品和大量相同零件被制造。
4、Computer simulations to develop the optimum/tempetature conditions for the specified steel parts.计算机仿真可以为特殊钢部件达到最佳的时间和温度条件.
5、These machines can be easily dismantled (not \)and reassembled (not \together again\这些机器易拆易装,便于检修
6、在金属加工工业中,一个共同的目标就是降低成本,并减小钢件的变形量。The simultaneous lowering of costs,optimization of performance and minimization of distortion of steel parts is a goal common to all in the metalworking industry.
7、在弹性范围内,载荷被卸载后,事件的变形消失Within the elastic range,when the load is removed it can be seen that the deformation disappears.。
8、要成为一个名副其实的内行,需要学到老.To become a real expert, you need to learn.
9、即使绝对纯金属可以生产出来,工程师们对它并不特别感兴趣.Engineers would not be
particularly interested in such a metal even if it were to be produced.
10、除了车床外,铣床大概是当今制造业中被使用的最通用的机床.Milling machines are probably the most versatilc machine tools used in modern manufacturing with the exception of the lathe.
11、金属和非金属的差异一般很难界定.The distinction between a metal and a nonmetal is not always clear cut. 长句:
Allowable working stress is taken as a proportion of the yield or proof stress;that is,the component is only stressed within its elastic range when in service.For example, consider the screwed fastening shown in Fig. 1.l. When the nut is tightened normally the bolt is stretched slightly and,providing it is stressed within its elastic range,it will behave like a very powerful spring and will pull the joint faces together very firmly. 许用应力和屈服应力是成比例的,也就是说,在它工作的弹性极限极限范围内只受许用应力,例如,图1.1中螺杆的紧固,当螺母被正常轻微的拧紧时,在它的弹性范围内会提供一个应力,就像弹簧一样,使它们面对面的紧固的结合在一起。
Grinding machines utilize abrasive grains, bonded into various shapes and sizes of wheels and belts to be used as the cutting agent. Grinding operations are used to impart a high-quality surface finish on the workpiece. In addition, the dimensional accuracy of the workpiece is improved since tolerances of 0.00001 in. [0. 00025mm] are possible in grinding operations. Both internal and external surfaces can be ground by using the variety of grinding machines available. Related operations—which use abrasivesin various forms such as paste, powder, and grains—include lapping, honing, and drum finishing.
Economic manufacturing does:
The complete design of a machine is a complex process. The machine design is a creative work. Project engineer not only must have the creativity in the work, but also must in aspect and so on mechanical drawing, kinematics, engineerig material, materials mechanics and machine manufacture technology has the deep elementary knowledge.
One of the first steps in the design of any product is to select the material from which each part is to be made. Numerous materials are available to today's designers. The function of the product, its appearance, the cost of the material, and the cost of fabrication are important in making a selection. A careful evaluation of the properties of a. material must be made prior to any calculations.