【期刊名称】《通信技术》 【年(卷),期】2016(049)010
【摘要】The construction of reliability testing profile will directly affects the testing result of reliability. However, present reliability testing profiles of communication network are constructed by the experience and intuition, these test profiles cannot guarantee the testing effect lacking of rigorous evidence. In this paper, we propose a method based on communication application to construct the reliability testing profile of communication network. The mission profile is decomposed into communication application profile, movement profile and environment profile. We propose the concept of communication application profile, and then analysis the communication application profile from the perspective of traffic. This method can give an operational method to construct network reliability testing profile.%可靠性试验剖面构建的合理与否,直接影响整个可靠性试验的结果。目前,通信网络可靠性试验剖面的建立大多凭借经验和直觉,造成建成的试验剖面缺乏严格和缜密的依据,难以保证试验效果。因此,针对通信网络可靠性试验剖面构建的问题,提出将任务剖面分解成通信业务剖面、移动剖面和环境剖面的通信网络可靠性试验剖面构建方法,同时引入通信业务剖面的概念,从流量的角度分析通信业务剖面,提出基于通信业务的网络可靠性试验剖面构建方案,从而为构建网络系统的可靠性试