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连词篇:(介词,副词) Firstly : previously , beforeha nd, foremost, i nitially, origi nally, formerly,

prin cipally, mai nly, esse ntially, basically, gen erally,

to begi n with, to

com monly, uni versally, on the whole, fun dame ntally, start with, first of all, at

the outset …

Then: subsequently, afterward, thereafter, after that, succeeding (adj.), sec on darily, what is more, Lastly: point,



furthermore (further more) … in conclusion,

to conclude, as a final lly …


last of all, last but not least, fina

Too: as well (句末),in additi on, boot, excessively, also … And: plus,

besides, moreover, additi on ally,

as well as, along with, in additi on, bonus, with


Or: otherwise, if not, before, or else

So (adv): therefore, thus, con seque ntly, accord in gly, for that reason, hence, that ' s why

Because: as, due to, sin ce, as to, in that, for the reas on that, for, now that …

But: however, moreover, nevertheless ,

as a result,

nonetheless, on the contrary,

on the other hand, 让步 although, even thought, though, even if, while, as, despite the fact that …

Only: just, merely, barely, singly, solely, rarely Without:

exclud ing.

Very: extremely, acutely, decidedly, deeply, exceed in gly, greatly, highly, un com monly, profo un dly, unu sually …

Actually : as a matter of fact, in deed, in fact, in point of fact, in reality, i n truth, literally, truly


Important : essential, significant, vital,

requisite, critical,

crucial , profound, play a

fun dame ntal, primary,

pushi ng role,i ndispe nsable,

eleme ntary, un derly in g, rudime ntary, basically, n ecessary -附加-傻句替换:I thi nk that A is more importa nt than B.( 傻句!以下句中的'important'可随意替换同义词)

这是经典大 1. A is importa nt to B.

2. A plays an/ a important role to B. 3. A is of

(great\\e normous\\sig nifica nt\\awesome)

to B.

without A.

4. B can not (live\\developed\\grow\\survive\\achieve) 5. A means (a lot\\a great deal\\much) to B. 6. The importa nee of A (to B) can n ever be (exaggerated\\de ni ed\\ig no red\\doubted). 7. A is everything /the whole world to B. 8. B is fun dame ntal

on A.

9. A matters /counts to B. 10.

Nothing is more crucial to B than A.

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11. A is to B what the to fish\\the heart is to a huma n) Big: giga ntic,

(foundation is to a skyscraper'water is

massive, colossal, eno rmous, imme nse, garga ntua n,

tremendous, titanic, giant, vast, large, huge, monster, bulky, ->ma ny nu merous, myriad,

infin ite,

everlasting , undying,

->forever (adv): infinity, eternal, timeless, en dless, cha ngeless, perpetually …

Small: mi nimum, diminu tive, min ute, petite, wee, un dersized, tee ny, tin y, little, petite


Good marvelous, fabulous, gorgeous, spectacular, outsta nding, disti nguished, remarkable, superb, in credible, un believable, out of this world, magnificent, charming, stunning, fantastic, terrific, excelle nt, great, won derful, amaz ing, awesome

Bad: awful, terrible, dreadful, defective, faulty, imperfect,

in adequate, poor, substa ndard, un satisfactory, harmful, damag ing, deleterious, detrimental, hurtful, Clever: brilliant, knowledgeable, excelle nt, bright, smart

Happy delightful, delectable, elated, glad, overjoyed, pleased, jubila nt, merry, joyful,

Beautiful : charm ing, charismatic, attractive,

gorgeous, pretty,

ruinous, unhealthy, evil, immoral … intellectual, intelligent,

en deari ng, sweet, adorable, eye-catch ing, han dsome, hot, cute, good-look in g, lovable, en gag ing

Fast: swift, quick, rapid, speedy, hasty, nippy, like lightning.



+hurry (v): hustle, rush, make haste, tear, step on it, dash, get a move on, step on it, scoot.

Easy: simple, effortless, no trouble, painl ess, pla in

saili ng, un complicated, un dema nding, un problematic, a piece of cake (informal), child ' s play (informal), …

Clear: obvious, apparent, blatant, comprehensible, conspicuous, disti net, evide nt, mani fest, palpable, pla in, pronoun ced, recog ni zable, tran spare nt,

in telligible, lucid, pla in,

un dersta ndable, uninvo Ived, simple,

Direct : bald, basic, frank, n aked, pla in, sin cere, stark, straightforward, can did, forthright, outspoke n Difficult : hard, tricky, complicated, complex, in tricate, invo Ived,

kno tty, perplex ing, puzzli ng, thor ny

An gry: anno yed, cross, displeased, en raged, exasperated, incen sed, in furiated, irate, mad (in formal), livid (in formal), berserk, outraged, rese ntful...

Dan gerous: perilous, break neck, cha ncy (i nformal), hazardous, in secure, precarious, risky, un safe, vuln erable


Think (that): hold the (opinion/ belief/ position/stand point/idea) that, assume, believe,

deem, reck on, argue, maintain, suppose, con ceive,

in sist, be convin ced, to my kno wledge, pers on ally,

from my pers onal

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perspective, as far as I am concern ed, from my point of view, from my an gle, con sider, con ceive, perspective...

Show: con vey, reveal, express, corroborate, justify, imply, verify, clarify, sig nify, exemplify,

illumi nate, substa ntiate, dem on strate,

elucidate, deno te, characterized as, in struct, display, disclose, in dicate, means, expla in, give an/a example (reas on, expla natio n) of, bear out, point out, point toward

Know: realize, comprehe nd, ide ntify, dist in guish, discer n, no tice, perceive, recog ni ze, see, un dersta nd, figure out, be acqua in ted with, be familiar with,

Get: acquire, atta in, acquire, achieve, obtai n, gai n lear n

Suggest: have a proposal in,

In crease : mag nify, expa nd, proliferate, mushroom, improve, enhan ce, advanee…

Impress : affect, in spire, en grave on, i mpri nt of, In flue nee : impact, affect, guide, sway,

Stop: halt, cease, con clude, desist, end, pause, put an end to, quit, refrain, shut dow n, term in ate



Male: create, assemble, built, con struct, form, manu facture; fore, cause, compel, constrain, require …

Give: prese nt, award, con tribute, hand out, provide, supply

deliver, don ate, grant, hand over,

drive, impel, induce, oblige, prevail,


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