论文题目:新形势下情境内容教学法在高中 英语词汇教学中的应用研究
In high school vocabulary teaching, the requirements of the teacher is no longer a simple model of teach-learn. In the requirements of the new curriculum standards, there are a lot of experts have a certain research on the relevant aspect. Those reaches must reveals the active and effective of the students in vocabulary learning.Various theories have emerged, they play a certain role in high school vocabulary teaching. However, this is only a part of research on vocabulary learning.There are still a long way to achieve efficient learning.To come to the effective learning, we need the teachers’ and students’ help and improvement.
The context theory focuses on situations. It emphasizes the atmosphere and environment. In the study of the words,we can design certain situation for each words.In this way,it can improve the memory and the usage of the words. The students in a certain context will have a deeper understanding and grasp of vocabularies. In different dialogues ,the students not only can remember the words in the quick way,but also can review the known words.In this way,the learned words common and fluency. It also can Strengthen language sense. The CBI focuses on the content which teachers needs to innovate.At the same time, we can also use the multimedia teaching, and give students vision,
hearing to various stimuli, and deepen their understanding of vocabularies. The CBI includes not merely one part , it covers a lot of things. Teachers must consider many factors. Combining the context theory and the CBI, we can fully use the advantages of both.students can not only remember the words, but learn to use words. This is not only beneficial to learn the words, but also can enhance the students' sense of language.
Key words: Context theory, CBI, high school, English vocabulary
New curriculum standard
1、Introduction...........................................5 1.1、The background of the study................................................5 1.2、The purpose of the study.............................................................7 1.3、The significance of the study........................................................8 2、The current problems and causes in high school English vocabulary teaching in the new situation..................9 2.1、The current problems in high school English vocabulary teaching .............................................................................................................9 2.2、The causes of the problems in high school English vocabulary teaching...................................................................................................10 2.2.1. In the textbook’s level............................................................10
2.2.2. In the teacher ‘s level.............................................................13 2.2.3. In the student’s level..............................................................13 2.3. The relevant teaching situation in our province and the new
curriculum under the new situation........................................................13 3、 The theory of literature review.....................14 3.1、Context theory............................................................................14 3.1.1、The definition of the context theory...................................14 3.1.2、Functions of context theory................................................15