Renewable Energy Pte. Ltd Feasibility Study Report
XXXX股份有限公司 (胡志明市临川工业园)
3MWp 屋顶分布式光伏并网发电项目
Dean Shoes Company LTD.
(Saigon Linh Trung Export Processing Zone)
3MWp Distributed Grid-connected Rooftop PV Project
Feasibility Study Report
Renewable Energy Pte. Ltd
Renewable Energy Pte. Ltd Feasibility Study Report
1. 项目概况 Project Overview ..................................................................................................... 3 2. 地理位置及交通 Geographical Location and Transportation .................................................. 3 3. 气候环境Climate and Environment ......................................................................................... 5 4. 太阳能资源分析 Solar Energy Resource Analysis ................................................................. 5 5. 建设场地Project Site ............................................................................................................... 8 6. 工程规模及发电量Project Size and Power Generation .......................................................... 8 7. 光伏系统设计方案Design Scheme of Photovoltaic System ................................................... 8 8. 光伏阵列设计及布置方案Design and Layout of Photovoltaic Arrays ..................................... 9 9. 电力接入系统方案 Power Access System Plan ..................................................................... 9 10. 监控及保护系统 Monitoring and Protection System ............................................................. 9 11. 设备选型Equipment Selection ............................................................................................ 10 (1) 光伏组件选型 PV Module Selection ............................................................................... 10 (2) 逆变器选型 Inverter Selection ......................................................................................... 11 (3) 光伏支架 PV Brackets .................................................................................................... 13 12. 防雷措施 Lightning Protection Measures ........................................................................... 13 (1) 防直击雷措施Direct lighting strike protection measures ................................................ 13 (2) 防感应雷措施Inductive lighting protection measure ....................................................... 14 13. 并网电器安全措施Safety Measures for Grid-connected Electrical Appliances .................. 14 14. 土建工程Civil Works ........................................................................................................... 15 15. 工程管理设计Project Management Design ........................................................................ 15 16. 环境保护与水土保持设计Design for Environmental Protection and Soil & Water
Conservation........................................................................................................... 16 17. 劳动安全与工业卫生 Occupational Safety and Industrial Hygiene .................................... 16 18. 节能降耗分析 Energy Saving and Consumption Analysis ................................................. 16 19. 商业模式以及工程设计概算 Business Model and Engineering Design Budget ................. 19 20. 财务评价与社会效果分析 Financial evaluation and social effect analysis ......................... 20 21. 结论Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 22 22. 工程任务Engineering Tasks ............................................................................................... 23 23. 工程建设必要性 Necessity of Project Construction ............................................................ 23
Renewable Energy Pte. Ltd Feasibility Study Report
1. 项目概况 Project Overview
(1) 项目名称:XXXX股份有限公司(胡志明市临川工业园) 3MWp 屋顶分布式光伏并网发
Project Name: Dean Shoes Company Ltd (Saigon Linh Trung Export Processing Zone). 3MWp Distributed Grid-connected Rooftop PV Project
(2) 建设规模:本项目规划建设规模为 3MWp
Project Size: The planned construction scale of this project is 3MWp
(3) 拟建地点:XXXX股份有限公司(胡志明市临川工业园) A、B、C、D、E 工厂屋顶
Proposed location: Roof of Factory A, B, C, D, E, Dean Shoes Company (Saigon Linh Trung Export Processing Zone) Co., Ltd
项目概况 Project Overviews 编号 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 项目 Items 总装机容量 Total Installation Capacity 总可用屋顶面积 Total usable roof area 海拔高度 Altitude 经度 Longitude 纬度 Latitude 工程代表年太阳总辐射量 Total annual solar radiation 工程年均日照小时数 Annual average solar hours 参数 Parameter MWp m2 m 3 约 20000 Around 20000 33 东经 106°45’58.65” 北纬 10°52’07.55” 6745.28 1873.69 备注 Note °′″ °′″ MJ/m h 2. 地理位置及交通 Geographical Location and Transportation
Saigon city is located in the Mekong delta region of southern Vietnam, southern part of Tinh Tay Ninh and Tinh Bunh DUOng. in the eastern provinces of Tinh Dong Nai and Tinh Ba Ria, in the western provinces of T?nh Long An and 15 km from the coast of south China's
Hainan province. It covers an area of 2,094 square kilometers, 50 kilometers directly from the city center to the sea, 6 meters above sea level, and has a coastline of 15 kilometers.
Renewable Energy Pte. Ltd Feasibility Study Report
Location Map of Saigon City
Saigon city is an important transportation hub in southern Vietnam, home to Vietnam's largest inland river port and international airport. Saigon port is a commercial port with an annual throughput of 4.5 to 5.5 million tons. Railways lead to Hanoi and other large and medium-sized cities. Roads lead to all parts of the country. Roads and waterways lead to Cambodia and Laos. City have good international air links to Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur and Manila.
此外,新山一国际机场(Tan Son Nhat International Airport )是胡志明市的主要航空运输枢纽,也是越南最大的航空枢纽,可与河内和岘港等越南其他地区以及亚洲其他国家连通。此外,胡志明市与越南首都河内之间的高速公路,以及与资源丰富的广宁省首府下龙之间的高速公路均已竣工,亦有利胡志明市各家企业进行商业和工业活动。胡志明市与越南芒街市和谅山市之间建有高速公路,而该两市分别接壤中国广西省东兴市和凭祥市,亦有助海防进入中国西南部市场并与当地供应链连系。
In addition, Tan Son Nhat International Airport is the main air transport hub in Ho Chi Minh city and the largest in Vietnam, with links to other parts of Vietnam, including Hanoi and da nang, as well as other countries in Asia. In addition, the completion of highways between Ho Chi Minh city and Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, and Thanh pho Ha Long, the capital of the resource-rich Quang Ninh, has also facilitated commercial and industrial activities by Ho Chi Minh city enterprises. Highways are built between Ho Chi Minh city and the Vietnamese cities of Thanh pho Mong Cai and Thanh pho Lang Son, which are bordered by Dongxing city and Pingxiang city in China's guangxi province, facilitating haiphong's access to markets in southwest China and the links with local supply chains
Renewable Energy Pte. Ltd Feasibility Study Report
3MWp B
3. 气候环境Climate and Environment
Saigon city has a tropical monsoon climate, which is divided into rainy and dry seasons.The rainy season lasts from May to November and the dry season lasts from
December to April.The average annual temperature is 27.5 degrees, with a lowest temperature is 21 degrees in January.
The climate in Saigon city is mild, with an annual average temperature 27 degrees Celsius, a monthly temperature difference of no more than 5 degrees, an annual rainfall of about 2,000 millimeters, and an average humidity of 75% to 78%.
4. 太阳能资源分析 Solar Energy Resource Analysis
越南位于亚赤道区域,有良好的太阳能资源,越南光照条件颇为优厚,拥有 1600-2700 年日照小时数,平均光照量 4-5KWh/㎡,甚至高于中国 I 类资源区,富饶的光照条件已成为越南光伏投资的重要因素。
Located in the sub-equatorial region, Vietnam has good solar energy resources and favorable lighting conditions, with 1600-2700 hours of sunshine per year and an average light output of 4-5kwh / ㎡ , even higher than the category I resources area of China. The
rich lighting conditions have become an important factor for Vietnam's photovoltaic investment.