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C. encouraging people to use plastic bags D. making things worse by taking no action

29.Which of the following best describes the author's outlook on the environment? A. Optimistic. B. Confused. C. Concerned. D. Indifferent. 30.The purpose of the article is to .

A. encourage the public to take action against rubbish B. discourage people from supporting the plastic industry C. call on the government to protect the environment D. encourage supermarkets to give away recyclable bags

Passage Four

Those who work in the Netherlands often feel that a lot of time is wasted in discussions that lead to nothing. There are often meetings with documents,an agenda and a chairmen. All those present will have their say,after which their remarks are discussed. He who decides to skip a meeting though he has nothing more urgent to attend to,will find it unwise. The interacting that takes place during a meeting is very important for the general process. He who does not appear is saying that he does not think the subject is sufficiently important,or that the apparently does not take his colleagues seriously. Furthermore,he might miss some of the essential information that may become evident during the meeting. Those who are present show an interest in the problems of their colleagues. They supply questions,rather than commands,and thus declare themselves “co-responsible”. The Dutch,in their final conclusions,like to use such metaphors as “We are all in one line” or “Our noses are pointing in the same direction again”.

If you present a decision,you will find that everyone has something to say about it and has questions to ask. This is why the Dutch will not be quick to present something as the only correct solution. The advantage to this approach is that such a meeting will often lead to genuine suggestions for improvement on certain aspects of a plan. As a result,the plan will be a joint approach.

This time-consuming and seemingly useless process helps colleagues become a team. The amount of time that is lost around the table is more than what made up for inefficiency,once everyone goes back to work. Statistics show Dutch employees are among the world leaders when it comes to work productivity.

31.According to Paragraph 1,meetings in Dutch companies seem to .


A. be held usually for important issues

B. waste a lot of time in fruitless discussions C. enable employees to know each other better

D. be good occasions for employees to show their talent

32.To Dutch employees,one who is absent from a meeting . A. does not take his colleagues seriously B. may have something more urgent to do C. does not miss much critical information D. may have nothing to say at the meeting

33.According to Paragraph 3,why can't Dutch employees come to a quick decision? A. People are constantly in dispute.

B. An idea usually undergoes a full discussion. C. Suggestions often lead nowhere.

D. People often forget the aims of meeting. 34.What does the last paragraph tell us? A. Many leaders in the world are Dutch. B. Dutch employees are highly productive.

C. Dutch companies are the most successful in the world. D. Dutch employees work hardest in the world.

35.The author's attitude towards the Dutch meeting is quite . A. unclear B. negative C. positive D. neutral

Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure(20 points)

Directions:There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

36.Your house is always so neat-how do you it with three children? A. manage B. serve C. adopt D. build 37.You look well. The air and the sea foods in Hawaii must you.

A. agree about B. agree to C. agree on D. agree with 38.How the president this effective solution to the problem remains unknown. A. put up with B. came up with C. caught up with D. kept up with 39.The Somali robbers' attacks on the sea urged all nations to take immediate action. A. fresh B. free C. frequent D. fluent 40.She got so well prepared that she passed the challenging test . A. at most B. with luck C. with ease D. at best 41.Everybody was touched word after hearing her moving story. A. with B. without C. beyond D. to 42.You'd sound a lot more polite if you make a request a question.

A. in search of B. in the form of C. in need of D. in direction of


43.Your understanding of the theory is satisfactory. You must read more after class. A. far from B. up to C. along with D. so far 44.Be quick, you will miss your flight.

A. otherwise B. unless C. and D. rather 45.If you are about other teaching methods,we'll discuss them later. A. interested B. curious C. anxious D. impressed

46.The number of college graduates going into business-related fields has increased. A. shortly B. partly C. sharply D. mostly 47.I my experiment report all the morning and haven't finished yet.

A. write B. was writing C. have written D. have been writing 48.There are forty students in our class,most of are from big cities. A. them B. us C. whom D. who

49.I still remember the day we first met,during my first visit to the town. A. when B. that C. which D. in that

50.-I forgot my phone on the train,but luckily someone gave it to a railway official -How unbelievable! I mean,it have been lost.

A. will B. might C. should D. must 51.I'll let you know as soon as he back.

A. will come B. comes C. should come D. come 52.At no time in the whole building.

A. smoking is permitted B. smoking be permitted C. is smoking permitted D. be smoking permitted 53.Today we have the of listening to two very unusual men.

A. privilege B. right C. power D. advantage 54.The ceremony will be broadcast on television.

A. live B. alive C. living D. lively 55.Homework should not be used as a of controlling children.

A. meaning B. mean C. means D. medium 56.What the secretary suggests to Mr. Brown is well worth .

A. considering B. considered C. consider D. to be considered 57.I have a new computer from the supplier.

A. requested B. asked C. ordered D. demanded

58.The book gives you a good of what life was like in Japan in the 19th century. A. painting B. drawing C. portrait D. photo 59.It has made me much more to the needs of the disabled.

A. sensitive B. sensible C. safe D. secure 60.He ate some poisonous mushrooms with serious .

A. results B. impacts C. outcomes D. consequences


61.The bad weather completely our holiday.

A. spoiled B. destroyed C. defeated D. damaged 62.Tom hadn't had education before he joined the army.

A. many B. little C. few D. much 63.Try she might,Sue couldn't get the door open.

A. what B. that C. like D. as 64.It was quite a long time I realized what had happened to the old man. A. after B. when C. since D. before

65.Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, the behavior of animals depends mainly on instinct.

A. so B. whereas C. unless D. that

66.The of her paper published in“Scientific American”is animal life in rainforests. A. topic B. structure C. logic D. idea

67.Twins often complain that people tend to treat them as a pair, as individuals. A. rather than B. better than C. less than D. worse than 68.It is a beautiful old house,but the broken windows its appearance. A. improve B. ruin C. change D. prove

69.The researchers believe that the mice eating the special will grow twice as fast. A. diet B. menu C. order D. dish 70.The museum called in an expert to if the painting was a fake. A. criticize B. praise C. determine D. describe 71.The speech contest will give him an opportunity to his talent.

A. deny B. decide C. differ D. demonstrate 72.Are you sure you have enough resources to this talent.

A. carry out B. bring about C. lead to D. put on

73. the introduction,the professor explained the major concept that would be covered in the class.

A. By B. Like C. For D. In 74.We kept our distance from the hunter and his game disturb the hunt. A. so as not to B. so as to not C. so that not to D. so that to not 75.Whether at home at work,Tom always works hard to make good use of his time. A. plus B. and C. or D. nor

Part Ⅳ Cloze(10 points)

Directions:There are 10 numbered blanks in the following passage. For each blank,there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

Researchers in Britain are telling schools that children should be doing more learning outdoors. The researchers say there is currently too 76 focus on sitting in classrooms


to pass exams. They say outdoor learning in 77 for students' social skills,health and development. It also 78 their quality of life. There have been five major reports over the past decade that stress the need for students to learn outdoors and experience nature more. The researchers say that schools are not talking the 79 of these reports. They say outdoor learning is 80 the decline in Britain. The researchers want Britain's government to act to put outdoor learning on the curriculum of all schools.

The report is from researchers at the University of Plymouth. It says there are many benefits of outdoor learning for children. One advantage is 81 it builds confidence in children as they experience things that were 82 for their parents,like climbing tree. Another advantage is that it makes children more 83 of the environment and teaches them to 84 nature. There are also health benefits as children exercise more 85 sitting in a classroom or being at home with video games.

76. A. much B. many C. few D. little 77. A. strange B. important C. exciting D. surprising 78. A. widens B. completes C. improves D. weakens 79. A. action B. attention C. advice D. notice 80. A. on B. in C. at D. for 81. A. which B. that C. how D. when 82. A. normal B. magic C. strong D. clever 83. A. afraid B. frightened C. aware D. careful 84. A. admire B. respect C. build D. provide 85. A. in case B. by far C. instead of D. as for

Paper Two 试卷二

(30 minutes)

Part Ⅴ Writing(15 points)

Directions:You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic of \You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below.



Part Ⅰ Dialogue Completion(15 points)




