T: Look at the picture. His name is Allen. What is he doing? Recently he has also joined a fitness club. So he changed a lot. But do you know what he used to be? Can you guess why Allen joined the fitness club? What was wrong with him? Students show their guessing.
T: you just had good guessing. Now please listen to the tape and check you guessing. While listening, please underline the new words you met and pay attention to the pronunciation. Help students work through the new words.
设计意图: 展示Allen的图片,让学生根据图片去预测Allen的故事。通过预测激发学生阅读的欲望,使学生对文章内容有所期待。预测过程中,给与学生一些引导,让他们多开口说英语。预测完之后,让学生边听录音边检查他们的预测,同时将生单词画出来。听录音能让学生知道单词的发音。) 2. fast reading
T: Now please read the passage quickly and answer my questions on PPT. (1) What were Allen’s living habits? (2) What was wrong with him? (3) What advice did the coach give him?
Ask some of the students answer the questions and check the answers.
(设计意图:让学生带着问题进行快速阅读,培养他们快速阅读并获取信息的技能,同时为后面的表格填写作了充分准备。) 3.careful reading
T: Good job. Now please read the passage more carefully and finish the second table on page71.
Read and fill in the chart
Students read the material and fill in the table on page71. Teacher asks 3 students to give their answers and check whether they are right or not.
(设计意图: 在填空练习中,训练学生细节阅读能力以及综合分析能力)
(设计意图:这篇阅读讲述了Sara和Allen 两个人生活习惯转变的故事。两个故事相对独立,所以在上课过程中,我把这篇阅读分两部分讲。讲课的方法相似。一方面是考虑到学生的基础知识非常薄弱,这篇阅读的生单词相对较多,分开讲课一学生们)
1. Read and complete the coach’s diary.
The Ss to finish the coach’s diary in pairs, and the teacher checks the answers by asking several students to answer it.
(设计意图:通过学生两人一组完成健身教练的工作日记,再次对阅读材料中的重点词汇短语进行巩固,同时也加强了学生的综合运用语言的能力。) Step Three Writing (30 min) Example writing
Teacher: Ask two students to write down the sentence on the board according to the first picture. For example
Jim used to play computer games and go to bed late.
Students: Look at the following pictures and use the given words and phrase to write down a sentence, following the examples on the board.
Step Four summary (10 mins) Healthy lifestyle Unhealthy life style Jim used to play computer games and go to bed late. Step five Homework (5 mins) ( 三选二)
1. Put all the sentences together to tell the story of Jim. 2. Finish off the exercise20 on page 83.
3. Imitate Jim’s story and write a short story about your life style.
(设计意图:通过阅读材料并模仿例子,结合实际写出自己生活习惯的小故事,以巩固课堂上所学内容,并能学以致用,另外通过三选二的作业方式,来满足不同学业水平学生的需求。) 学案:
1. Put all the sentences together to tell the story of Jim. 2. Finish off the exercise20 on page 83.
3. Imitate Jim’s story and write a short story about your life style..
Unit 5 It’s time to change. Healthy lifestyle Unhealthy life style Jim used to play computer games and go to bed late. 课后反思:
在听说课的教学中,通过对材料的整合,来进行以任务为指导的听说训练,以及多种活动的有效实践,使学生提高在听的过程中有目的地把握材料大意,获取主要信息的能力;同时又从听力中归纳出学习的重点。 。