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Challenging Yourself Ⅰ

Ⅰ 单句语法填空

1.The museum is built in honor of the (explore) who is believed to have discovered the island. 答案:explorer

2.The government is taking measures to improve conditions for (agriculture) production. 答案:agricultural

3.Many people went to California in search gold. 答案:of

4.Some of our class had decided to visit the Great Wall means of bicycling on Sunday. 答案:by

5.It took as long three years to carry out the plan. 答案:as

6. was not until she took off her glasses that her father recognized her. 答案:It 7.Wanda Plaza in Xiamen, (locate) in what was a remote village several years ago, is now a busy area. 答案:located

8.More than a dozen people were dug of the ruins alive after the earthquake. 答案:out

9.It was that he didn’t pass the exam made us very disappointed. 答案:that

10.As is reported,Russia uses (two) as much energy as the whole of South America. 答案:twice Ⅱ 单句改错

1.Nuclear is saying to be a carbon-free way of generating →said 2.His father had both his legs break in the →broken

3.The room is empty except for a bookshelf stands in one →standing 4.Whenever I meet the girl,she always wear a →wears

5.We don’t want to risk become involved in a civil →becoming Ⅲ 完成句子


that he has settled down in America. 答案:It is believed

2.彼得的夹克衫看起来和杰克的一样,但价格是他的两倍。 Peter’s jacket looked just the same as Jack’s, but it cost his. 1

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答案:twice as much as


that he realized how important health was. 答案:It was not until he fell ill




