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as you are young .

when the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80. thank you!


good evening , ladies and gentlemen . i am joy and glad to give you a speech about stress , yes , just the topic you see on the screen. psychologist tell us that stress is a state of worry caused by the problem of living , such as too much work or study , heavy responsibilities , and quickened pace of life .

statistics show that stress es from every detail in our life .

financial problems , poor health , being laid off may be the stress that most adults now suffering . as students in the university , we are also under our special stress . while study , having to take various tests and submit a project against a deadline may put a great pressure on us . and the things make us felt stressed may be our parents?s greater

expectations on us than we could reach . later , when we are likely to graduate , some other problems will also annoy us . i think we will worry a lot about our ability to pete in the job market and how we can best use what we?ve learned at college in our future job . from:lyipo238./ddxgz/ hlac240./yyylc/ fzipo230./dzpkjq/ jgssgjj240./21dwf/ gbdzrbh228./21djq/ 第四篇:英语演讲稿-关爱大自然主题 caring for nature--overpopulation

what is nature? it’s everything that exists in the world

independently of people, such as pants and animals, earth and rocks, and the weather.

now more and more people are focusing on the nature. it is no doubt that the nature is important to every human being. no nature, no life. because of the supplies of the nature, we have lived happily for a long time. and we started to gain every thing available from the nature. and this lasted so long a time. today, people have discovered that the nature around is getting worse and worse.

what is threatening the nature? air and water pollution,

overharvesting of plant and animal species, overpopulation and so on. overpopulation is the biggest source of pollution. let’s take overpopulation as an example.

what does overpopulation feel like? when we move slowly through the city in a tazi. when we enter a crowded slum district. when the

temperature is high and when the air is thick with dust and smoke. the streets are crowded with people. the streets seem alive with people. people eating. people washing. people talking. people sleeping. people visiting each other, arguing and screaming. people relieving themselves. people pushing their hands through the taxi windows, begging. people leading animals. people, people, people, people. as we drive slowly through the crowd, sounding the taxi’s horn, the dust, heat, noise and cooking fires made it like a scene from hell! i admit, frightening. to the nature, overpopulation is a big problem. more people, more

pollution. and the big population is threatening the nature every second. the rapid rise in world population is not creating problems only for the developing countries. the whole world faces the problem that raw materials are being used up at an increasing rate and food production can not keep up with the population increase. people in rich countries make the heaviest demands on the world’s resources, its food, fuel and land, and cause the most pollution. a baby born in the united states will use in his lifetime 30 times more of the world’s resources than a baby born in india. unless all the countries of the world take united action to deal with the population explosion there will be more and more people fighting for a share of less and less land, food and fuel, and the future will bring poverty, misery and war to us all.

for most of the developing countries, it is a good idea to control the population growth. for example, china has carried out birth control for years. and this plan has a great effect on the world population. if the population continues to increase, if the air and water

continue to be polluted, if we don’t do something to protect wild-plant and wildlife species will be declining. species and biological munities have difficulty adapting to change. economic opportunities and the quality of life of future generations are also put at risk. by protecting nature, we protect ourselves.

let’s unite together, hand in hand we stand all across the land.

we can make this world in which to live. hand in hand. control the population growth. take good care of our nature. xianxia high school


with the social development,countries are increasingly concerned about the science. human has been being benefit from various science technology fruition and being enjoying them.thanks to science and technology, we now live fortably and conveniently in houses furnished with air conditioners, washing machines and televisions etc. thanks to science and technology, we can eat fresh vegetables at the year round. thanks to science and technology, we can travel tong distances in the fraction of a second on planes, trains and cars. thanks to science and technology, we can even closer munication exchange. if the 20th

century’s greatest scientific and technological achievements of the internet,then the 19th century’s greatest scientific and technological achievements on the course ought to telephone.


和科技成果的互联网,那么19世纪最伟大的科学和技术在球场上的成就应该电话。 especially, after the mobile telephone appears, munication bees easier ,if people go out for business far away from their homes, the telephone can shorten the distance between them and their families. thus they will get fort whenever they are homesick or they get into trouble. with the help of the telephone, people can keep in touch with anyone at any time for urgent help. all in all, the telephone is so helpful that we can say that nowadays we can not live without the telephone in our daily life. science can also further improve the phone’s performance,so for people to create better conditions for the exchange.



however, science is a two-edged sword. while research is exerting it positive function, its negative influencemight be harmful to human or encumber our development.first, because of the many breakthroughs in the field of medicine, people are now living much longer than they used to. as a result, the population of the world is increasing, causing tots of problems. second, because of the development of industry, tots of the wastes from factories pour into the air and rivers, causing pollution of att kinds. third, some terrorists are using science and technology against mankind. they use biological, chemical and unclear weapons to threaten world peace.


nowadays,there is a heated debate over whether cloning technique should be used in human reproduction must be considered as a serious issue. clone,to a certain degree,is beneficial to mankind. however,the abuse of this science technology will bring human being unthinkable destruction.recently,scientists in some countries have already started their great plan to clone human. i'm afraid that terrorists may get hold of it and reproduce lots of nuclear weapons. besides these terrible aspects,the cloning of whole-being may destroy the diversity of people of the glob. cloning also can give a merical opportunity for businessmen. people will use it to earn illegal money. moreover,clone will arouse many moral questions,which will violate human rights. so we should be cautious to use science.





