William Shakespeare莎士比亚 1564-1616
1. Historical plays & comedies & early tragedies Romeo and Juliet罗密欧与朱丽叶 The Merchant of Venice威尼斯商人;
2. Great tragedies
Hamlet哈姆雷特/王子复仇记; Othello奥塞罗; King Lear李尔王;
The Tragedy of Macbeth麦克白; Timon of Athens雅典的泰门;; Measure for Measure恶有恶报;
3. Tragi-comedies
The Tempest暴风风雨;
Shakespearian sonnet 14行诗
Not for an age, but for all time. 永垂不朽
Quatrain 成组句 Couplet 对偶句
John Milton 约翰·弥尔顿 1608-1674
Three periods: 1. Short poems
Milton's poetry and prose reflect 1. deep personal convictions 2. a passion for freedom and self-determination
3. the urgent issues and political turbulence
4. achieved international renown within his lifetime. Special Features
1. Rich and complex texture, multiplicity of the classical (Biblical and mythological) references, wealth
(The phases of Il Penseroso沉思的人; Milton's parallel and
life the political
2. Pamphlets & tracts
The Defense of the English people为英国人民声辩; The Second Defense of the English people再为英国人民声辩; Comus科马斯;
major historical Lycidas列西达斯; 2
Stuart Britain. )
3. poems
Paradise Lost失乐园; Paradise Regained复乐园; Samson Agonistes力士参孙
of ornament and decoration 2. Subjects are magnificent
3. The characters are human and believable
4. In the ending, life not death is triumphant Influence
Romantic poets William Blake and Percy Shelley, who saw Satan as the real hero of the poem and a rebel against
Heaven........Winston Churchill
Daniel Defoe 丹尼尔·迪福
Robinson Crusoe《鲁宾逊漂流记》1719
Artistic features:
1. D had a gift for organizing minute detail---both credible and fascinating. 2. His sentences are sometimes short and
rambling---an impression of casual narration.
A Journal of the Plague Year《大疫年记事 》1722
3. His language is smooth, easy, and
The Shortest Way with the Dissenters《消灭不同教派的捷径 》 Poems
Hymn to the Pillory《枷锁颂》→wrote in prison. imitated the lyric poem of Greek poet Pindaros(品达罗斯) .
1. Sings the praises of labour mostly vernacular地方的.
everything is common English at its best instead of artificial..
His novels enjoy a popularity among middle class.
1660-1731 3
1. The Father of Captain Singleton《辛格尔顿船长》1720 the Fiction 2. important English novelist 标志着近代英国小说的形成 3. versatile 多产的
Moll Flanders《摩尔·弗兰德斯 》1722
The True-Born Englishman《地道的英国人》1701→his first ironic 2. Beautifies the colonialism poem & the most successful poem.
4. Belaud the individualism.
5. Affirm the power of human, 3. Reflects the aggressive and brave image
espcially the force of reason 4 Jonathan Swift斯威夫特1667-1745 ( a master of satire ) Dublin ,Ireland an attack on pedantry(买弄学问) The Battle of Books书的战争; Style: simple, clear, vigorous language; direct and precise prose; a master satirist; deadly irony & powerful satire. A Tale of A Tub一个木桶的故事; 1. in the form of a parable 2. a satire upon all religious sects an attack on Christianity itself Swift’s Artistic Features 1. Satire Swift was a man of great moral integrity and social charm. His satire is usually masked by an outward gravity and an apparent earnestness which renders his satire all the more powerful. Guilliver’s Travels格列佛游记 Lilliput 小人国--the Tories(托利党) & the Whigs(辉格党) Brobdingnag 大人国---a satire on English lords and ladies Flying Island 飞岛国---corrupted philosophers & projectors Country of the Horses 智马国---the conflicts of English society and people A Modest Proposal一个温和的建议 2. Simplicity and Directness Swift is always most unsurpassed in the writing. He defined a good style as “proper words in proper places.” 5 Henry Fielding Joseph Andrews 约瑟·安德鲁传--epistolary novel 书信体小说 Mr Jonathan Wild the Great大伟人江奈生·魏尔德传 The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling汤姆·琼斯; Literary Views firmly believed the educational function of literature purpose of the novel was not just to amuse, but to instruct 3.“the just copies of human manners” (人类态度的完整拷贝) Literary Features 亨利·菲尔丁1707-1754 (英国现实主义小说的奠基者) Amelia阿美利亚 first to give the modern novel its structure and style narration “all-knowing God” language is easy and familiar, but quite vivid and vigorous 6 Robert Burns 彭斯1759-1796 (the Poems in the Scottish Dialect苏格兰方言诗集 His theme: & friendship natural beauty of his native Scotland patriotism of his compatriots and their struggle for liberty national Poems: The Tree of Liberty自由村; Scots Wha-Hae苏格兰人; The Two Dogs两只狗; poet of Scotland 苏格兰民族诗人) 7 William Blake 布莱克 Songs of Innocence天真之歌; Songs of Experience经验之歌; First Important Romantic Poet spiritual freedom of the individual 1757-1827 (simple without being naive; childlike without being childish; , simple, direct, immense meaning images (a precursor of innocent without being insipid乏味 ) Romanticism in English poetry The French Revolution法国革命; The Marriage of Heaven and Hell天堂与地狱的婚姻; 名诗:Lamb; London; The Tiger 8 William Wordsworth 威廉·华兹华斯1770-1850 (Poet Laureate桂冠诗人) (developed and cherished a love Lyrical Ballads抒情歌谣集 浪漫主义先驱) Romantic Poetic Principles \ (mark the break with 18th century classicism and the beginning of classic statement of Romantic poetry romanticism in English poetry); The Solitary Reaper Composed upon Westminster Bridge principles; manifesto of the English Romantic movement in poetry Literary Concept The function of poetry lies in its power to give an unexpected splendor to familiar and of nature) Theme: Nature Ordinary people Ordinary life commonplace things, to “incidents and situations from common life.” All kinds of people, ordinary peasants, children, even outcasts, can enter poetry. Language in poetry advocated using the language of Preface: Al good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. common people. was very important in poetic creation. 9 Jane AustinNovels: Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见; Sense and Sensibility理智与情感; Emma爱玛; Mansfield Park曼斯菲尔德公园; Persuasion 劝导 Northanger Abbey诺桑觉 works show a wealth of character Fragments and early drafts: Lady Susan The watsons Sanditon studies, and abound in wit, humor and charm. Themes She never touched upon the class conflicts of her time, and in her works the extremes of wealth and poverty are unknown. She restricted her subject, matter to a narrow range of society and events: a quiet, prosperous, middle-class circle in provincial surroundings. She treated her writing material with such subtlety of observation, depth of psychological penetration and delicacy of touch that she is ranked Writing Features earliest fictional ventures are full of charming and delicate comedy. was almost uninfluenced, by the current fashions in fiction or by the revolutionary ideas. stories of commonplace people of the upper middle class. 简·奥斯丁1775-1817