【创新+拓展设计】高考英语题型之读后续写素材整理(10) 美句赏析 ——适用于2021~2023届高考
01. As I waited, my heart pounded. 当我等待的时候,我的心怦怦直跳。 02. We don't know what life holds in store for us. 我们不知道等待我们的将是什么样的生活。in store (for sb),即将发生(在某人身上); 等待着(某人) 03. It wasn't at all what I was expecting. My heart plunged[pl?nd?] down to my boots. 这完全不是我所期待的。我失望透了。 04. I perked[p??k] up again immediately. He soon perked up when his friends arrived. 朋友一来他就精神起来了。perk up振奋,活跃 05. His eyes blazed into the crowd. \if ready to fight all the students at once. 他的眼睛直视着人群。\谁说的?\他吼了一声,握紧拳头,好像准备马上和所有的学生搏斗似的。 06. His eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. 他热情四射,眼里闪烁着光芒。 07. The weeks of getting ready of our adventure made me mad with impatience. 为我们的冒险作准备的几个星期使我急不可耐。 08. The audience fell silent again, waiting to hear his answer. 听众又沉默了下来,等着听他回答。 韩哥智慧之窗-精品文档
09. He looked ready to explore with rage. 他看上去怒不可遏。
10. At last the great day arrived. 这一天终于到来了。
11. Suddenly, we heard a familiar, roaring voice. \came lumbering[?l?mb?(r)] up like a bad-tempered bear. It was Professor Challenger. 突然,我们听到一个熟悉的咆哮声。\嘿,你!等等!\一个像一只脾气暴躁的熊一样的身影笨重地走了过来。是查林格教授。He turned and lumbered back to his chair. 他转过身来,蹒跚着走回到椅子边坐下。
12. Suddenly, we heard a strange whistling noise. It was coming from somewhere ahead of us. Then a gabbling [?ɡ?bl] sound filled the air.
13. He opened the envelope and took out a piece of paper. He unfolded it and looked on both sides. Then he gave a great burst of laughter.
他打开信封,拿出一张纸。他打开它,朝两边看了看。然后他大笑起来。 14. He came swaggering in, his hands in his pockets, as if he'd just strolled up the street.
他大摇大摆地走了进来,两手插在口袋里,好像刚在街上散步似的。 15. A arrogant[??r?ɡ?nt] voice boomed out from the darkness. 黑暗中传来低沉有力的傲慢的声音。
16. When she looked at her children, she felt a glow of pride. 看见自己的孩子,她感到由衷的自豪。
17. Great trees met high over our heads, almost shutting out the sun. Plants writhed[ra?e]扭动,翻滚 and twisted upwards, trying to catch its rays.
大树在我们头顶枝叶相连,几乎遮住了太阳。植物相互缠绕,试图得到阳光。 18. The sound made my skin crawl. 那声音使我毛骨悚然。
19. We struggled on, sometimes sinking in boggy[?b?ɡi] swamps, sometimes hacking[h?k]开辟道路 our way through jungle. All the way, we were plagued by clouds of biting, stinging insects.
20. We ran until we sank down, gasping for breath. 我们一直跑到倒在地上,喘着粗气。 21. She sank back into her seat, exhausted. 她筋疲力尽,又坐回椅子上。
22. Suddenly, something swooped [swu?p]俯冲 out of the starry. We heard the swish[sw??] of leathery wings.
突然,有东西从星空中飞了出来。我们听到了翅膀的嗖嗖声。 23. A thump, thump, thump, like heavy footsteps, was coming closer. 一种呯呯的声音,如同重重的脚步声,正在靠近。
24. I pushed on though that dreadful forest, with rustlings, howls and all sorts of strange cries around me.
我穿过那片可怕的森林,四周响起沙沙声、嚎叫声和各种奇怪的叫声。the sound of the trees rustling[?r?sl] in the breeze 树木在微风中发出的沙沙声
25. We ducked down低下头,弯下身 behind the wall so they wouldn't see us. 我们弓身躲在墙后不让他们看见。
26. All of us ducked down. I peeped out and saw the most extraordinary creatures. 我们都俯下身。我往外窥视,看到了最奇特的生物。
27. A huge flapping[fl?p] shadow rose into the air with the rabbit. For a moment, its monster wings blotted out the moon. Then it vanished over the cliff top above us. 一个巨大的振动翅膀的影子叨着兔子一起升到空中。有一阵子,它巨大的翅膀遮住了月亮。然后从我们上方的悬崖顶上消失了。With a flap of its wings, the bird was gone. 鸟振翅飞走了。
28. It was all over in a flash. We sat there in stunned silence. 一瞬间就结束了。我们坐在那里,目瞪口呆。
29. And then, for the first time in their lives, the two old enemies shook hands. 然后,这两个宿敌有生以来第一次握手。 30. None of us could wait to find out. 我们迫不及待想弄明白。
31. I knelt/bent down to take a closer look. \我跪下来仔细看了看。\是个骷髅!\我颤抖着大喊。
32. I expected him to argue. But he simply said, \我以为他会吵架。但他只是简单地说, \我博学的朋友是对的。\33. I felt a chill round my heart. 我感到心头一阵寒意。
34. His words sent a chill down her spine. 他的话让她觉得毛骨悚然。
35. I felt the hairs rise on the back of my neck. 我感到脖子后面的汗毛都直立起来了。
36. I stopped, trembling. The hairs prickled [?pr?kl] at the back of my neck, my eyes darted round.
37. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled when I heard the door open. 听到开门声,我颈后汗毛倒竖。
38. We walked back to camp in silence. The two villagers dropped behind us. They were muttering again, and casting scared glances up at the plateau.
我们默默地走回营地。两个村民落在我们后面。他们又叽叽喳喳地咕哝着,向高原投去惊恐的目光。cast a look/glance/smile 向…投以...
39. He stomped[st?mp] along for a moment in silence, stroking his huge black beard in thought. Then he startled us by roaring, \
他默默地迈着重重的步伐走了一会儿,在沉思中抚摸着他的大黑胡子。然后他吼了一声,吓了我们一跳, \我明白了!\
40. Puffing [p?f] and panting[p?nt], I hauled[h??l] myself onto the grassy summit. 我气喘吁吁地爬上长满青草的山顶。 41. I was starting to puff a little from the climb. 爬坡弄得我有点喘息起来。
42. He found her panting for breath at the top of the hill.
上到山顶他发现她上气不接下气。She hauled herself out of bed. 她费劲地下了床。