Lean Six Sigma GB/BB Certification Instruction
In order to better promote CIP development in company, to define and regulate the certifying method, condition and related procedure for Lean Six Sigma GB/BB certificate.
2. SCOPE范围
3.1 CIP department(持续改善部): 3.1.1
To define the certifying method, condition, and related procedure. 制定公司精益六西格玛绿带、黑带认证的办法、条件及相关流程。
Select the eligible persons and send to CIP Steering Group for approval. 负责选定符合认证条件的候选人,并提交给公司改善推进委员会批准。
Responsible for certificate design and release. 负责相关的证书的设计及发放。
3.2 Training department(培训部): 3.2.1
Organize related quality tools training according to requirement of CIP department. 按持续改善部的要求负责组织相关的品质工具培训。
Responsible for making related certificates.
4 Certification Condition 认证条件
Staffs who want to get the certification must meet the following 2 conditions: 要取得公司认证必须符合下列两个条件:
4.1 Lean Six Sigma quality tools know-how 精益六西格玛品质工具知识:
Know how to apply Lean quality tools (required by Lean Six Sigma) in actual practice and its methodology (DMAIC/DFSS) to improve process/product, and design quality, and reduce waste.
There are following 2 ways that company acknowledges the staff who has been qualified in mastering Lean Six Sigma knowledge
要求掌握精益六西格玛工具在实际工作中的运用以及其方法论去改善工序、产品和设计质量,减少浪费. 公司认可以下两种方式证明被认证人员掌握了相关精益六西格玛知识.
4.1.1 The candidate who attended Lean Six Sigma training organized by CIP department, and passed the
examinations which equivalent to Lean GB/BB examination.
4.1.2 The candidate who has got related credentials to prove that he or she mastered the Lean Six Sigma knowledge
from his or her previous company, or already certified by external professional consulting company including China Quality Association or ASQ (American Society Quality Association).
4.2 CIP project CIP 项目:
Must lead to complete more than one or two CIP projects successfully as CIP department agreed: 必须主导并成功完成超过1个或2个在CIP部门备案的CIP 项目.
GB certificate: 1 project ; BB certificate : 2 projects at least 绿带: 1 个项目 ; 黑带: 至少2 个项目
5 Certification Procedure 认证流程
5.1 In the end of each year, CIP department selects those who are complied with the certification conditions and
reports to Company CIP Steering Group for approval.
每年终,CIP 部门根据认证条件选择出符合认证的人员,并送交给持续改善推进委员会.
5.2 All members of CIP Steering Group review & approve those candidates at CIP Steering Group monthly meeting
held by CIP department.
5.3 CIP department fills in / number the certificates based on the approval list, and hand them in to General Manger
for signature.
CIP 部门根据批准的人员名单填好认证证书及编号,最后送交给公司总经理签名.
5.4 CIP department arranges suitable date & place to release those certificates.
6 Certification Flow Chart:
CIP project leaders 项目主导人 No Certification condition 符合条件 Yes No Review & approve 评审&批准 Yes Fill in Certificates 填写认证证书
7. Attachment (附件):
7.1 Green Belt Certificate绿带认证证书
7.2 Black Belt Certificate黑带认证证书
Signed by General Manager 公司总经理签名 Archive 存档