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范文范例 精心整理

under在......下面 in在.......里面

“颜”外之意(一)black黑色------black dog 沮丧 black tea红茶

Unit 5 my body and the monster’s


hair头发 eye眼睛 ear耳朵 neck脖子 foot脚 hand手 head头 nose鼻子 mouth嘴 arm胳膊 leg腿 face脸 knee膝盖 shoulder肩膀 finger手指 turn left左转 turn right右转 touch your head摸摸你的头 stamp your foot跺跺你的脚 clap your hands拍拍你的手 wash your face洗脸 brush your teeth刷牙


1. 询问是什么东西:

What’s this? 这是什么?

---It’s a nose. 它是一个鼻子. 2. 询问五官能干什么?

What can you see?你能看见什么?

----- I can see a book.我能看见一本书. What can you hear?你能听见什么?

------I can hear a car.我能听见小汽车声. 4.谈论五官的功能:

We can see with our eyes. 我们能用眼睛看. We can hear with our ears. 我们能用耳朵听. We can smell with our noses. 我们能用鼻子闻. We can taste with our tongues. 我们能用舌头尝. We can touch with our hands. 我们能用手摸.


1. 情态动词“can”,表示能/会. 没有人称和数的变化,后面永远接动词原形.

2. Have/has 的用法(当主语是第三人称单数时用has, 其余用have)

(1)表示某人拥有某物. 例如:I have a book. (2)表示吃,喝. 例如:have some bread.

(3)表示“进行,举行”.例如:have a meeting. (4)固定搭配“have+三餐”.

例如:have breakfast/ have lunch/ have supper(dinner)



范文范例 精心整理

1.写出相对应的身体部位. 2.小作文(介绍自己)

Hello, my name is lily/Sam. I am a girl/boy. I am ten years old.

I have two big eyes. one small nose and one small mouth. I like red and blue. This is me. Do you like me?

“颜”外之意(二)white 白色

white lie 善意的谎言 A white night 一个不眠之夜

U6 Let’s play games


want想要 draw画画 put放 pick捡 play games玩游戏 bounce the ball排球 Kick踢 catch抓住


1. 询问某人在某地

Where +be(am, is are)+姓名? ----姓名+be+地点.

例如: Where is Sam? ------He is in the house. 2. Be 动词的用法:

Be 动词真伟大,生出am is are. 我(I)用am, 你(you) 用are. is 跟着他(he),她(she),它(it). 我们(we),他们(they)也用are.


用be 动词(am, is, are)填空.

(1)I _______ a girl. (2) She ________ Danny. (3) He ________ a boy. (4) It _________ a dog. (5) We ________ friends (6) They_______ teachers. (7) Li Ming_________ a student. (8) Jenny and Danny_______good friends.

“颜”外之意(三)yellow 黄色

A yellow dog 卑鄙小人 a yellow card 黄牌

U7 Fruit and vegetables Party



范文范例 精心整理

potato土豆 bean豆角 carrot胡萝卜 orange 桔子 tomato西红柿 Mr.先生 Mrs.夫人 Miss.小姐/女士 have a party举行晚会 go away走开 up and down上上下下

go home回家 on the tree(长在树上) in the tree(存在树上) 了解词汇:lemon柠檬 lime酸橙


1.Which one do you like, the banana or the apple?你喜欢香蕉还是苹果? -----I like the banana.我喜欢香蕉.

2. Where is my watermelon? 我的西瓜在哪里? ------ Here I am. 我在这儿.


选择疑问句:一般疑问句+ or +被选择情况?

------ 根据情况选一种回答.


green hand 新手 green tea 绿茶

U8. Colours around us


blue蓝色 green绿色 red红色 yellow黄色 brown棕色 white白色 black黑色 purple紫色 pink粉色 gray 灰色 truck 卡车 lorry a lot of(=lots of)许多 have a look看一看 have got有


1. 询问物品的颜色

What colour is it?它是什么颜色? -----It is red.它是红色. 2. 询问是否喜欢某种颜色

Do you like red?你喜欢红色吗?

-----Yes, I do/ No, I don’t. 是的,我喜欢/ 不是,我不喜欢 3.询问喜欢什么颜色

what colour do you like?你喜欢什么颜色? ------ I like red. 我喜欢红色.


1. It的用法


例如:I like this dress. I want to buy it. (2) 用来代替指示代词this/ that. 例如:What’s this?


范文范例 精心整理

----- It’s a cat.

(3) 可用来表示时间,距离,天气,数字等

例如:What’s the time(=What time is it)? -----It’s five o’clock.

2.black. white. brown. green.首字母大写时可作姓氏. Mr. Black 布莱克先生 Mr. White 怀特先生 Mr. Brown 布朗先生 Mr.Green 格林先生


1. 连线

Red apple 黄色的柠檬 Green pear 蓝色的天空 Yellow lemon 红色的苹果 Brown bear 黑色的绵羊 Blue sky 绿色的梨 Black sheep 棕色的熊 2.实际情况回答问题

(1) What’s your favourite colour?_______________________ (2) What’s your favouite clothes?_______________________ (3) What’s your favourite food?_________________________

日常口语: You are a lucky dog. 你是个幸运儿.

U9 Where is my toy car?


bike自行车 bus公共汽车 car小汽车 taxi出租车 plane飞机 ship轮船 train火车 motorbike摩托车 boat小船 on在......上面 in在......里面 under在.....下面 behind在….后面 next to在......旁边 (in front of在.......前面 near在…..附近 far from离…很远)

重点句型: 1.询问某物在某地

Where is my toy car? 我的玩具车在哪里? -----It’s under the table. 它在桌子底下.

2.询问数量(不可数名词或价格how much, 可数名词复数how many) 例如:How much is the book? 这本书多少钱?

-----It’s 5 yuan. 5元


Have you got a toy car? 你有玩具车吗?

----- Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t 是的,我有/ 不,我没有. 4.询问怎样去哪里?(交通方式)

How do you go to school? 你怎样去学校?


范文范例 精心整理

-----I go to school by bus. 我乘公共汽车去学校.


1.How much 与 How many的区别 How much 询问“多少钱”,也可询问“多少”(不可数名词) How many 询问 “多少”(接可数名词复数)

2. 乘坐某种交通方式用介词by+ 交通工具,但是“步行”用on foot 拓展练习:

1.There is a big apple tree_________ (在......前面)my house. 2.A pencil is __________ (在......里面)the pencil-case. 3.There is a cat_________ (在......下面)the tree. 4.There is a book __________ (在......上面)the table.

Unit 10 An easy maths lesson


one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty

20 —— 90(整数)都以ty 结尾:twenty thirty forty fifty

Sixty seventy eighty ninety 几十几:(几十和几中间要用连字符— 连接)例如: twenty-one


1.How many books do you have?你有几本书? ------ I have two books. 我有两本. 2. Five minus two is three.(5-2=3) One plus one is two.(1+1=2)


1.Five- four=________ 2. One+three=_________ 3. Three+two=__________ 4. Eight-one=___________ 5. Six-two=___________ 6. One+four=___________ 7. Ten-six=___________ 8. Three+five=__________

U11 our family tree


mother妈妈 father爸爸 grandfather爷爷 grandmother奶奶 me我 brother兄弟 sister姐妹cousin堂兄妹 niece侄子、侄女 nephew外甥女、外甥 uncle叔叔 aunt阿姨 daughter女儿 son儿子

read(ing )a book读书 read(ing) a newspaper看报 eat(ing) fish吃鱼




