在线英语培训 立刻说英语 英语中极具杀伤力的丧文化 好像现在说点励志的东西都不太符合主流了,丧才是最佳状态,学英语的小朋友做好接招的准备了吗,极具杀伤力的丧文化来了。
1、“你只知道人家化妆比你好看,却不知道,她们卸了妆不仅比你好看,皮肤还吹弹可破。” You only know that they look prettier than you in their make-up.What you don't know is: underneath those make-up, not only are they prettier than you, they also have perfectly good skin.
Why does fate always mess up with geniuses?Because no one bother caring about idiots.
When God closes a door for you,he'd close the windows all together.
Some people are said to be like pigs because they sleep too much.That's not fair, pigs get up earlier.
Why do schools install mirrors in the restrooms?Because they want you to know: with such unsatisfying appearance of yours, your only chance is to study.
6、“人生很多事,终究会随着时间好起来,比如很多人原本只是胖,时间长了就变好胖。” Things do get improved as time goes by.For example, some people were fat and
在线英语培训 立刻说英语
they got fatter and fatter.
Days are dark and troubled now.Just keep going, so you can see more darkness beyond them.
Life is not all about the muddle that you see,but also the ones that you will see,such as your ex's wedding invitation.
People say there are more opportunities in the metropolises.But did anybody ever say they were yours?
Who said you lack perseverance?You managed to be single for decades!
They say it's easy for a girl to pursue a man,easy like poking through a veil.But that has to be when the man already has a crush on you.Otherwise what you need to poke through would be a bunch of barbed wire with electricity running through.