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B. Special tracking codes for drug packages are used to identify counterfeits. C. It shows the danger of counterfeit drugs.

D. Some measures are being taken to fight counterfeit drugs.

23. Which of the following country may have serious problems of counterfeit medicines? A. Canada.

第二节:根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。(E涂AB, F涂BC, G涂CD)

You dream. You make goals. You work hard. You expect results. But, a lot of times those expectations are not met. You don’t achieve your goals. You may lose hope. Here are some things to do when you aren’t hopeful about anything in your life :

24 .

Improve your skill sets or learn new ones. Spend your time in forming productive habits, which make you stick to a schedule and teach you persistence (执着). And this sort of determination helps you to move ahead in your life although you might face many difficulties in your way.

Don’t try to control everything.

One of the reasons why we become hopeless is that we see things not going our way. A lot of things influence your life and you can’t control everything.

25 . Worrying about things you can’t control isn’t going to help. Focus on what you can control or improve and forget about the rest.

Avoid coining to a conclusion too soon.

We are sometimes too quick to judge a situation before it even unfolds (展现)completely. Wait before forming an opinion about a certain situation. Because we always overthink things and worry unnecessarily. And the thing isn’t as bad as our mind makes it be. 26 . Completely think through your situation.

When you’re upset about a certain situation not going your way, take out a pen and paper.

B. India.

C. New Zealand.

D. Japan.

27 . Writing your thoughts down will give you a clear idea. Besides, it will give you the time to rethink and make a correct decision.

Allow yourself to open up to endless possibilities.

28 . When you believe that a good thing is coming your way, you prepare yourself for it and work accordingly. It pushes you in the direction of more hard work.

A. Let it go

B. Raise your own abilities

C. If you have made up your mind, stick to it D. Then list the things you can and can’t control E. Hope is an amazing feeling that lifts your life

F. The desire to control every situation only makes you tired G. You just need to take a step back and reflect on your thoughts

第三部分:完形填空(满分40分,共20 小题,每题2分)

I work as the reception manager at my hotel. A(n) 29 came in a few weeks ago with a note attached that the guest would be travelling with her 30 father.








when 31 with them when they arrived as his daughter wanted to make his trip to Ireland as 32 as possible. Upon seeing this note and noting I would be the one to 33 them in, I decided to learn some basic 34 language.

I greeted the guest in my usual way, 35 for the surname on the booking. Once I heard the name I 36 immediately who was standing in front of me.

I had been learning for over two 37 how to say “welcome to Ireland. My sign language is 38 but if you need anything during your 39 just let me know and we will help you”.

I smiled at the father and daughter in front of me, turning to the father who I greeted in sign language and began the bit I had 40 for him. The

father smiled and was so 41 . Seeing his reaction was 42 for me. It was so worth the last few weeks of learning basic sign language.

On check-out I sadly wasn’t 43 but they had left a gift for me with a note saying “thank you very much for what you did on check-in. My father has been in 44 form since you checked us in and insisted we get you a 45 before we left. You have no idea how much this 46 to my father and me and we can’t thank you enough. You’ve made his trip very special with one simple 47 ”.

They wrote a letter to the general manager also asking to give me a raise, which I really 48 . I cried for a solid 5 minutes when I came to work today to find this gift in my locker.

29. A.guest B. invitation

D. warning

C. forgetful D. stubborn B. dealing C.

C. booking

30. A.deaf B. blind 31. A.discussing

cooperating D. bargaining 32. A.soon B. long

C. formal D. smooth

D. drive

33. A.guide B. invite C. check 34. A.body B. sign 35. A.asking

D. applying

C. official D. foreign B. paying C. charging

36. A.greeted

D. realized

B. decided C. forgot

37. A.hours B. days 38. A.fluent

D. helpful

C. weeks D. months

B. terrible C. standard

39. A.stay B. travel C. study 40. A.learned

D. bought

B. left

D. dinner C. booked

41. A.kind B. tired C. polite D. happy

42. A.fair B. enough C. natural D. regular 43. A.sleeping

D. waiting

B. normal C. amazing B. noticing C. working

44. A.healthy

D. hopeful

45. A.job B. gift C. surprise D. chance

46. A.meant B. devoted C. attached D. owed 47. A.word B. note 48. A.deserved

appreciated D. suggested


1. What was Jeff’s first____________ (react) when you told him about the news? 2. The famous____________(music) was invited to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo.

3. Lang Lang, an extraordinary____________(piano) surprised his fans participating in an entertainment-based programme.

C. comment D. gesture B. doubted C.

4. The DNA test shows that the father and the son have different t of blood.

5. The American society is often r to as a big melting pot. 6. You are not allowed to camp here without ____________(许可). 7. Everyone’s fingerprints are ____________(独一无二的).

8. Our understanding of education and society is different from that of the earlier_________(一代).

9. We were all deeply moved and proud of having such a ____________(负责的) teacher. 10. Some people care much about their ____________(外表) and always ask if they look fine.


High prams (婴儿车) with coverings that protect a baby’s head could go some way towards reducing exposure to dangerous particle (颗粒) pollution.

By installing air quality sensors and taking prams for a walk, a team at the University of Surrey, UK, has found that higher prams are better, because most particle pollution is concentrated in the first meter above road level. On average, children in prams breathe at a height of about 0.85 metres, meaning they are exposed to about 60 percent more pollution than adults.

On top of this, particle pollution is more dangerous to babies than adults, says Jonathan Griggs at Queen Mary University of London, who was not involved in the study. Babies breathe faster than adults and they are easily hurt for the effects of pollution because the protective mechanisms in their lungs are not yet fully developed, he says.

When choosing the best pram for defending against pollution, the weather is also a factor. Hot summer air concentrates pollution close to the ground, making seat height particularly important. But when the air is cold, the heat from car exhausts (排气管) causes dangerous particles higher in the air, after which they fall. In these cases, prams with some kind of covering can help protect children from pollution falling down on them from above.

“There are very few existing studies to draw convincing evidence on which pram design is best,” says Prashant Kumar, who led the research. So far he is only able to identify broad things to look for in a pram. In the future, it may be possible to purchase add-on air filter (过滤) systems for prams. One currently in development is called Brizi, which consists of a flat headrest with wings on either side of the baby’s head. Air is sucked in on one side, cleaned, and blown out the other, creating a bubble of slightly higher air pressure, which keeps out particles.

“Designing better prams is only a temporary solution to dealing with pollution itself,” says Griggs. “It’s certainly cautious not to stick your child next to an exhaust pipe, and most importantly reduce emissions on roads.”

1. One of the research findings is that high prams with coverings are .



