圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 第13章 英语语言变体(Ⅰ)
13.1 复习笔记
1. Regional dialects of English 地域方言 2. Social dialects of English 社会方言 3. Styles of English 英语语体
4. Genres and registers of English 英语语类和语域
Ⅰ. Regional dialects of English Ⅱ. Social dialects of English Ⅲ. Styles of English
Ⅳ. Genres and registers of English
Ⅰ. Regional dialects of English(地域方言)
Dialect: A variety of a language used recognizably in a specific region or by a specific social class is called a dialect.
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www.100xuexi.com 圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 方言:是指在一个特定的区域或一个特定的社会阶层内所使用的能够识别的语言变体。 Like other languages, English may vary in its use in different places and at different historical times. The former results in regional or geographical dialects. It is worth noting that the social value of a regional dialect or variety reveals the social status of its speakers.
Ⅱ. Social dialects of English(社会方言)
English also varies with the social attributes of its speakers, resulting in what is called social dialects (also termed “social-class dialects”, “sociolects”, or “class dialects”). Often, they arise from the separation brought about by different social conditions.
Ⅲ. Styles of English(英语语体)
English, like Chinese, makes a distinction between two styles: formal style and informal style.
Formal Style: It occurs in social contexts that are formal, serious, often official in
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www.100xuexi.com 圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 some sense, in which one has to mind one’s language and in which the manner of saying or writing something is regarded as socially important.
Informal Style: It also has two forms, written and spoken. 非正式语体:非正式语体也有两种形式:口头语和书面语。
The spoken type occurs in casual, relaxed social settings in which speech is spontaneous, rapid, and uncensored by the speaker.
口头语具有自发性,突然性,出现在较为随意轻松,说话者感觉不受约束的场合。 The written type of informality occurs in the writing of personal letters, short text messages, lecture notes, daily emails, and the like.
Ⅳ. Genres and registers of English(英语语类和语域)
English is characterized by its variability in different genres. 英语的语类具有可变性。
Genre: A genre is a particular class of speech events which are considered by the speech community as being of the same type.
Traditionally it is classified according to purpose and other criteria; novels, newspaper articles, and business letters each belong to separate genres, for
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www.100xuexi.com instance.
圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 传统上根据使用的目的和标准将语类进行分类。例如在小说,报刊文章,商务信函中所使用的都属于不同的话语类型,即不同的语类。
A register has three components: field of discourse, tenor of discourse, and mode of discourse.
13.2 课后习题详解
Check your understanding
State whether each of the following statements is True or False. (1) A language often has some dialects. 【答案】T
(2) London Cockney is very prestigious in Britain. 【答案】F
(3) Different social classes often have their own dialects. 【答案】T
(4) Spoken English is informal in style. 【答案】F
In-Class Activities
1. Regional dialects used to coincide with geographical barriers, like mountains and
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www.100xuexi.com barriers seem to disappear. Ask
圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 rivers. However, as modern communications technology develops, such physical
(1) Do you speak any local dialect(s)? Demonstrate a little bit.
Key: Yes, there still exists a unique dialect in my hometown. According to latest research on language, there are ten kinds of dialects in China and each has their special properties. Some dialects can even be divided to more dialects that vary a little in pronunciation and intonation. (2) How did dialects come into existence?
Key: People speaking the same language are long separated and then variations occur.
(3) What do you think about the future of dialects? Should we take measures to protect our dialects?
Key: Dialects will be disappeared, if we ban speaking dialects or without transmitting to next generation. Yes, we should take measures to protect our dialects, because it’s our valued culture legacy.
2. Temporal dialects are also one dimension of linguistic variation. For example, English has gone through several major stages of development, from Old English, through Middle English, to Modern English. Study the following passage from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Act Ⅳ, Scene iii.
HAMLET: A man may fish with the worm that hath eat of a king, and eat of the
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