Characterization of the Rice Floral Organ Number
Mutant fon3
Li JIANG;Qian QIAN;Long MAO;Qing-Yuan ZHOU;Wen-Xue ZHAI
【期刊名称】《植物学报(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2005(047)001
【摘要】A spontaneous rice mutant named floral organ number 3 (fon3) had major mutations in floral organ numbers. Genetic analysis indicated thatfon3 acted as a single recessive gene. Microscopic observation showed that the number of floral organs infon3 increased centripetally. For example, the number of pistils was the more frequently increased than organs in the outer whorls. Homeotic conversion of lodicules and glumes into palea/lemma-like organs was observed in some flowers. Scanning electron microscopy observation showed that the size of flower meristems was maintained the same or similar until the lemma primordium started to differentiate, at which time the floral meristem became enlarged, suggesting abnormal development of the inner whorls of rice florets. The relationship offon3 with other similar rice mutants is discussed. 【总页数】7页(100-106)
【关键词】development;floral organ number;fon3 mutant;rice (Oryza sativa L.)
【作者】Li JIANG;Qian QIAN;Long MAO;Qing-Yuan ZHOU;Wen-Xue
Characterization of the Rice Floral Organ Number Mutant fon3