Ⅰ.Vocabulary & Structure
Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence.
1、 We have got to ______ a new way to solve this problem. A. tell about B. put out C. think of D. take over
2、 I agree to the idea ______ our staff should use recycled (再生的) paper to save money.
A. what B. as C. which D. that
3、 The Quality Control staff is responsible ______ the quality of the products that come out of the factory.
A. for B. of C. with D. to
4、 The new manager has greatly changed the company ______ he took over the position.
A. if B. since C. although D. while
5、 ______ the members cooperate well, the team will keep winning games. A. As far as B. As well as C. As long as D. As soon as
6、 Thank you for your letter of May 6th, in which you ______ about the bicycles of Model 897. A. ask B. feel C. know D. think
7、 I'm told that I will share an office room ______ five other newcomers. A. in B. with C. to D. at
8、 Can you help me to ______ a sales plan in that area?
A. set up B. give in C. put on D. work out
9、 Those ______ are interested in the job position need to send an email to us.
A. what B. whom C. which D. who
10、 I'm pleased to tell you that the fax machines you ordered are ______ now. A. available B. convenient C. wonderful D. important
11、 As a matter of fact, they would rather leave for Beijing than ______ in Shanghai.
A. stay B. staying C. stayed D. to stay
12、 I broke a dish while washing up this morning. Of course, I did not ______. A. love to B. need to C. mean to D. want to
13、 ______ is often the case, one third of the workers have over-fulfilled the production plan.
A. What B. This C. That D. As
14、 We didn't finish the work in time. You ______ us since you were there. A. might help B. should help
C. could have helped D. must have helped
15、 Mr. Jones, ______ life was once very hard, is now very successful in his business. A. of him B. his C. whose D. by whom
16、 I decide to leave the company next month, where I ______ for exactly three years.
A. work B. is working
C. will be working D. will have worked
17、 Can you ______ the difference ______ the two phrases? A. tell; between B. speak; from C. say; of D. talk; between
18、 Since Dick was busy, he rarely had time to go to the cinema; ______. A. Jane did too B. Jane didn't as well C. so did Jane D. nor did Jane
19、 The May Day Holiday ______ over, we must now get down to work. A. be B. being C. to have been D. to be
20、 I haven't met him ______ the last committee meeting.
A. for B. since C. at D. before
Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage. Children model themselves largely on their parents. They do so mainly through identification. Children identify 21 a parent when they believe they have the qualities and feelings that are characteristic of that parent. The things parents do and say and the 22 they do and say to them therefore strongly influence a child's 23 . However, parents must consistently behave like the type of 24 they want their child to become. A parent's actions also affect the self-image that a child
forms 25 identification. Children who see mainly positive qualities in their 26 will likely learn to see themselves in a positive way. Children who observe chiefly 27 qualities in their parents will have difficulty seeing positive qualities in themselves. Children may 28 their self-image, however, as they become increasingly 29 by peers groups' standards before they grow up.
Isolated events, even dramatic ones, do not necessarily have a permanent 30 on a child's behavior. Children interpret such events
according to their established attitudes and previous training. Children who know they are loved can, for 31 , accept the divorce of their parents' or a parent's early 32 . But if children feel unloved, they may interpret such events 33 a sign of rejection or punishment. In the same way, all children are not influenced 34 by toys and games, reading matter, and television programs. 35 in the case of a dramatic change in family relations, the effect of an activity or experience depends on how the child interprets it.
21、 A. to B. with C. around D. for 22、 A. gesture B. expression C. way D. extent
23、 A. behavior B. words C. mood D. reactions
24、 A. person B. human C. creature D. adult 25、 A. before B. besides C. with D. through
26、 A. eyes B. parents C. peers D. behaviors
27、 A. negative B. cheerful C. various D. complex
28、 A. modify B. copy C. give up D. continue
29、 A. followed B. influenced C. given D. depended 30、 A. idea B. wonder C. stamp D. effect 31、 A. effect B. example C. truth D. fact 32、 A. death B. reward C. advice D. teaching
33、 A. as B. being C. of D. for 34、 A. even B. ever C. alike D. also 35、 A. Oh B. Alas C. Right D. As
Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension
Directions: There are four reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer.
Passage 1 Falls are the number one cause of death to old people at home. Most old people can live safely at home if they make a few changes. Falls are common as people are getting older. Up to half of home accidents could be prevented by making some very simple changes. Here are a few suggestions:
Mark trouble spots with bright tapes. The first and last steps on stairs are usually high-risk accident areas. Applying bright tapes and using bright light in these areas would make these spots easier to see.
Put grab bars(扶手) in the bathroom. A large number of falls occur in the bathroom. This is unfortunate (不幸的) because it's easy to make the area safe from accidents. Putting grab bars in the bathroom gives people something to hang on to.
Invest in a personal alarm. A personal alarm can be started if a person falls or otherwise gets in trouble. With the push of a button, the alarm automatically sends a signal, which gets someone to call and see if the person needs help.
36、 By making some very simple changes at home, old people ______.
A. are free from home accidents B. can improve their health
C. are likely to live longer D. can live more safely 37、 Last steps on stairs may become a high-risk accident area if they are ______.
A. not painted in a different color B. not marked with bright tapes C. fixed with grab bars D. very brightly lit
38、 Falls in the bathroom are considered to be unfortunate because ______. A. they can easily be avoided
B. old people seldom fall in bathrooms C. grab bars do not help to prevent falls
D. bathroom accidents are difficult to prevent 39、 A personal alarm is designed for old people to ______. A. detect safety conditions at home B. avoid fails in the bathroom C. send out signals for help D. make phone calls easily
40、 The purpose of this passage is to tell people that ______. A. most old people die from accidents at home
B. up to half of home accidents could be prevented
C. falls at home can be avoided by taking some simple measures D. protection of old people should be the first concern for the public
Passage 2
We don't have beds in the spacecraft, but we do have sleeping bags. During the day, when we are working, we leave the bags tied to the wall, out of the way. At bedtime we untie them and take them wherever we've chosen to sleep. On most spacecraft flights everyone sleeps at the same time. No one has to stay awake to watch over the spacecraft; the craft's computers call us on the radio.
On the spacecraft, sleep-time doesn't mean nighttime. During each
ninety-minute orbit(轨道) the sun \and shines through our windows for about fifty minutes, then it \dark side of the Earth. To keep the sun out of our eyes, we wear black sleep masks. It is surprisingly easy to get comfortable and fall asleep in space. Every astronaut(宇航员) sleeps differently: some sleep upside down, some sideways, and some right side up. When it's time to sleep, I take my bag, my sleep mask and my tape player with earphones and float(漂浮) up to the flight deck(驾驶舱). Then I get into the bag, and float in a sitting position just above a seat, right next to a window. Before I pull the mask down over my eyes, I relax for a while, listening to music and watching the Earth go by under me.
41、 When the astronauts are working, sleeping bags are fastened ______. A. on the wall B. to their seats
C. onto the flight deck D. anywhere they like
42、 Why can all the astronauts sleep at the same time? A. They have to follow the same timetable.
B. The radio will take care of the aircraft for them. C. There are enough sleeping bags in the spacecraft.
D. There is no need for them to watch over the spacecraft. 43、 To relax himself before sleep, the writer often ______.
A. makes a bed B. gets into his bag C. listens to music D. wears a sleep mask 44、 How long does it take the spacecraft to go round the Earth?
A. Forty minutes. B. Fifty minutes.
C. Ninety minutes. D. Twenty-four hours. 45、 The best title for this passage is ______. A. Traveling in Space
B. Sleeping in the Spacecraft C. Equipment Used by Astronauts D. The Earth Seen from Outer Space
Passage 3
The way people hold to the belief that a fun-filled, pain-free life equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness then pain must be equal to
unhappiness. But in fact, the opposite is true: more often than not things that lead to happiness involve some pain.
As a result, many people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true happiness. They fear the pain inevitably brought by such things as marriage, raising children, professional achievement, religious commitment, self-improvement.
Ask a bachelor why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying. If he is honest he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment. For commitment is in fact quite painful. The single life is filled with fun, adventure, excitement. Marriage has such moments, but they are not its most distinguishing features.
Couples with infant children are lucky to get a whole night's sleep or a three-day vacation. I don't know any parent who would choose the fun to describe raising children. But couples who decide not to have children never know the joys of watching a child grow up or of playing with a grandchild. Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations. It liberates time: now we can devote more hours to activities that can genuinely increase our happiness. It liberates money: buying that new car or those fancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless. And it liberates us from envy: we now understand that all those who are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all.
46、 According to the author, a bachelor resists marriage chiefly because ______.
A. he is reluctant to take on family responsibilities B. he believes that life will be more cheerful if he remains single C. he finds more fun in dating than in marriage D. he fears it will put an end to all his fun adventure and excitement 47、 Raising children, in the author's opinion, is ______.
A. a moral duty B. a thankless job C. a rewarding task D. a source of inevitable pain 48、 From the last paragraph, we learn that envy sometimes stems from ______. A. hatred B. misunderstanding C. prejudice D. ignorance 49、 To understand what true happiness is one must ______.