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166--* Those new mistakes * *即便犯下错误 *

167--* Oh oh oh oh ooh Try everything * *哦,哦,哦,哦,哦尝试一切 * 168--* Oh oh oh oh ooh Try everything* * 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦尝试一切 * 169--* Oh oh oh oh ooh Try everything* * 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦尝试一切 * 170--* Oh oh oh oh ooh* * 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦 * 171--* Try everything* * 尝试一切 *

172--I'm Gazelle. Welcome to Zootopia. 我是志羚姐姐,欢迎来到动物邦。

173--And welcome to the Grand Pangolin Arms. Luxury apartments with charm.


174--Complementary delousing once a month. Don't lose your key! 每个月除跳蚤一次,不要搞丢你的钥匙! 175--Thank you. 谢谢。

176--- Oh, hi! I'm Judy, your new neighbor! - Yeah? Well, we're loud. - 喔,你好!我叫朱迪,你的新邻居! - 喔?是吗,我们很吵。



177--Don't expect us to apologize for it.

别指望我们会道歉。 178--Greasy walls.

油腻腻的墙壁。 179--Rickety bed.

摇晃晃的席梦思。 180--Crazy neighbors.

疯狂的邻居。 181--I love it! 我爱死了!

182--Come on! He bared his teeth first!

拜托喔,是他先亮大板牙的! 183--- Excuse me! - Hmm? - 不好意思! - 嗯? 184--Down here! 下面这边!

185--- Hi. - O... M... Goodness!- 嗨。 - 欧... 我的 ...天啊! 186--They really did hire a bunny. 他们真的雇了一只兔子。

187--Ho-whop! I gotta tell you, you're even cuter than I thought you'd be. 矮油!我要告诉你,你比我想像中的还可爱。

188--Ooh, ah, you probably didn't know, but a bunny can call another



bunny \

哦,啊,你可能不知道,一只兔子可以说另一只兔子“可爱”, 189--but when other animals do it, that's a little... 但其他的人呢,有一点...

190--Ohhh. I am so sorry! Me, Benjamin Clawhauser. 噢噢噢。我很抱歉!我,洪金豹。

191--The guy everyone thinks is just a flabby donut-loving stereotyping you.

那个大家都认为我只是个爱吃甜甜圈的肥肥警察。 192--- Oh. - No, it's okay. - 哦。 - 其实还好。

193--Oh. You've actually got... there's a... 哦。事实上你的...有一个...

194--- A what? - In your neck. The fold. - 一个什么? - 在你的脖子缝里。

195--- The... this... - Oh, there you went, you little dickens! - 额...这... - 噢你这个狡猾的小家伙!

196--Hehehe, I should get to roll call, so which way do I... 呵呵呵,我应该去报到了,所以哪一边是...

197--- Oh, ball pen's over there to the left. - Great. Thank you! - 哦,在左手边。 - 很好,谢谢你!

198--Oh... That poor little bunny's gonna get eaten alive. 哦......那可怜的兔子会被生吞活剥。


cop, WORD整理版

199--Hey! Officer Hopps. You ready to make the world a better place? 嘿!哈波丝警官。准备让这个世界变得更好了吗? 200--Attention! 注意!

201--All right. All right. Everybody sit. 好吧。好吧。大家坐下。

202--I've got three items on the docket. 我的文件上有三个重点。

203--First, we need to acknowledge the elephant in the room. 首先,我们必须对房里的大象致敬。 204--Francine. Happy birthday. 弗软瑟斯。生日快乐。 205--Oh.哦。

206--Number two. There are some new recruits with us I should introduce,第二。我们有个新兵要介绍,

207--but I'm not going to because... I don't care. 但我不会,因为......我不在乎。

208--Finally, we have 14 missing mammal cases. 最后,我们有 14 起失踪哺乳动物的案件。

209--All predators. From a giant polar bear to a teensy little otter. 所有的食肉动物。从一只巨大的北极熊到一只小小的水獭。 210--And City Hall is right up my tail to find them. 而市政府正逼着我们赶紧破案。



211--This is priority number one. Assignments. 这是第一要务。分派工作。

212--Officers Grizzoli, Fragmire, Delgato. 警官吉佐利官、梵软哥迈尔、戴嘎头。

213--Your team take missing mammals from the Rainforest District. 你们团队负责失踪的热带雨林区的哺乳动物。

214--Officers McHorn, Rhinowitz, Wolfard. Your teams take Square.

警官李麦克、德拉格维奇、欧文。你们团队负责撒哈拉广场。215--Officers Higgins, Snarlov, Trunkaby. Tundratown. 警官西金斯、萨利姆、毕塔克。负责极地区。 216--And finally, our first bunny, Officer Hopps. 最后,我们的第一个兔子,哈波斯警官。 217--Parking duty. Dismissed. 开交通罚单。解散。 218--Parking duty? 交通罚单?

219--Chief? Chief Bogo? 局长?蛮牛局长?

220--Sir. You said there were fourteen missing mammal cases. 局长。你说有,共有十四人失踪的案件哺乳动物。 221--- So? - So I can handle one. - 那又怎样? - 我可以接下一个。





