Translation for Chinese Food
Abstract:Chinese Food has a long history and is famous all over the world.As an old Chinese saying goes:“People regard food as their prime want,and food satety should be given the top priority.”From this we know,people regrad food as the most important thing.Food culture is an important part of traditional Chinese culture.According to the survey,more than a third of the world’s poplution eat Chinese food.And there is an ever increasing interest in Chinese Food around the world.Translate Chinese dishes accurately into English can make foreign friends better understand the art and cultural connotation of the names of dishes,and at the same time they can taste the unipue flavor of Chinese dishes.The essay discuss the difference diet culture between Western and Chinese,the knife skills and culinary art of Chinese cuisine,translation methods of Chinese dishes names.
Key words:Chinese dishes names;different diet culture;knife skills;translation methods
一、Different diet culture between Western and Chinese and the characteristic of Chinese diese.
Because of the difference diet culture between Western and China,the dishes’ naming methods are different.In the western menu,only has the simple names of the dishes,then mark the major ingredient、minor ingredient and the cooking methods,giving someone the feeling of simple and practical..While in China,Chinese dishes are extremely rich,and there is variety of the names of the dishes.Chinese cookery is very particular about the names of the dishes.The names often consist of the name of the ingredient、knife skills、cooking methods and color,aroma and flavor of the dishes.These dishes’ characteristics are extremely complex materials,making use of the materials’ color,aroma and flavor,the character of cooking method,giving a beautiful name in order to cater to the customers. The names of the dishes does not reflect the ingredient and the cooking methods,but they are the reflection of the profound of dishes,reflecting the unique traditional Chinese diet culture.
二、Translation of the knife skills and techniques of the knife skill:
cutting,slicing,shredding,mincing,dicing,filleting,boning,skinning/peeling,scaling,mashing,carbing and so on..
一、Tanslation of cooking techniques:
Chinese cooking methods are so dazzling.List are as follows:
1. Stewed,such as:stewed brisket;Boiled,such as:boiled egg.Boiled has soft boiling and hard
2. Fried or pan fried、stir-fried.
3. Stewed or braised.Such as Braised Eggplant、Stewed or Braised Mutton. 4. Bake、roase.Such as Baked Bread、Barbecued Pork.、Roast duck.
5. Steamed,such as Steamed bun;Smoked,such as Smoked rabbit;Scalded,such as Scalded
Shrimps. 二、Translation strategies and skills for Chinese menu
Because of the great differeces between English and Chinese,in most cases when we translate the Chinese dishes into English,we should translate the dishes’ material,cooking methods and the flavour as far as possible. so that the customer can understand fully at one glance.
Chinese culinary art process is very complex.If you want to translate Chinese dishes into English skifully and accurately,besides the commonly used raw material,it is also necessary to know the food processing、cooking and it’s corresponding language in English at you finger’s tips.
The core content of Chinese dishes’ translation is what’s the dish’s raw material and what’s kind of cooking method does the dish use. (一)、Literal translation
1.Literal translation can make the source language and target language use almost the same form to express the same content,and get almost the same effect.So for the translation of dishes,literal translation is desirable and practical method.The following “formula” can be referenced.
Translation for dishes which begin with cooking method:
Tanslation of cooking techniques has been mentioned in the article.For the dishes which could reflect the cooking techniques clearly,when translated,the corresponding cooking techniques should be translated,then the mafor ingredient.Here are the three specific cases: (1)Cooking methods+Maor ingredient Chao Shan Pian: Stir-fried Eel Slices Wei Niu Rou: Simmered Beef
Qing Zheng Bian Yu: Steamed Limande
(2)Cooing methods+Major ingredient+(with)+ Accessory
Lazi Chao Rouding:Stir-fried Diced Pork with Green Pepper Furuzhi Shao Rou:Braised Pork with Preservec Bean Curd Xiefen Zheng Yudu:Stewed Fish Tripe with Grab Meat
(3)Cooking methods+Major ingredient(Shap) (with,in)+Flovoring Hongshao Liyutou:Braised Carp Head with Soy Sauce
La Wei Hui Xiaqiu:Braised Prawn Balls With Chilli/Chili Sauce Qing Dun Zhuti:Stewed Pig Hoofin Clean Soup
Translation for dishes which begin with major ingredient:
Some dishes don’t reflect the cooking methods,under such circumstances,just translate the major ingredient,then use the preposition with or in and plus its accessories or flovoring.Examples are as follows:
(1) Major ingredient(shape)+(with)Accessory Niu Rou Dou Fu:Beef with Beancurd
Ji Si Liang Mian:Cold Noodles with Chicken Shreds (2)Major ingredient(shape)+(with,in) Flovoring Tang Cu Yu:Fish with Sweet and Sauce
Jiao Yan Pai Gu:Spare Ribs with Pepper and Salt Mi Jiu Yu Juan:Fish Rolls with Rice Wine
Tanslation for dishes which begin with material’s shape or taste
This kind of translation regards material’s shape or taste as adjunct.Examples are as follows: (1) Flavor + Cooking methods + Major ingredient Shui Zhu Nen Yu:Tender Stewed Fish Xiang Jian Ji Kuai:Fragrant Fried Chicken
Shu Zha Yu Qiu:Crisp Deep-fried Taro Ball
(2) Shape(Flavor)+Major ingredient+(with)Accessory Chen Pi Tu Ding: Diced Rabbit with Orange Peel
Shi Shu Ji Pian: Sliced Chicken with Seasonal Vegetables
Dong Sun Niu Rou Si: Fried Beef Shreds with Bamboo Shoots (3) Shape(Flavor)+Major ingredient+(with)Flovoring Qie Zhi Yu Pian: Sliced Fish with Tomato Sauce
Huang Jiu Cui Pi Xia Ren: Crisp Shrimps with Rice Wine Sauce Tang Cu Gu Lao Rou: Fried Pork Slices with Sweet and Sour Sauce (二)、Literal Translation+Transliteration
For some dishes which have local colour,when translate such kind of dishes,material+place+style should be used.Such as Hunan Rou:Pork Hunan Style,Ma Po Dou Fu:Bean Curd Sichuan Style and so on.But if use“translated place/personal name”,this kind of translation method sounds more “Chinese”.Such as: Dongpo Rou: Dongpo Braised Pork Beijing Kao Ya: Beijing Roast Duck
But this kind of translation sometimes will make foreigners who are not familiar with Chinese dishes feel confused.They will ask who is Dongpo?So when such kind of situation happens, a further explanation is necessary.You can add the history of the dish or some explanation after it. Conclusion
When translate Chinese dishes into English,there are different translation methods can be adopted.For example,the Sichuan food “Gong Bao Ji Ding” has several translations: Sauteed Chicken Cubes with Peanuts Diced Chicken with Chili and Peanuts Fried Diced Chicken in Sichuan Style Grand Duke’s Chicken with Peanuts Gong Bao Chicken Kung Pao Chicken
Spicy Diced Chicken with Peanuts
Chicken with Hot Peppers and Peanuts
It can be seen that Chinese dishes’ translation is flexible and changeable.Chinese diet culture’s uniqueness determines the translation can not be limited to a certain translation method,but the comprehensive embodiment of different translation methods.
[1]朱歧新.英语导游必读[M].北京:中国旅游出版社,2005. [2]吴伟雄.中式菜谱英译浅谈[J].中国翻译,1986(5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 基于C8051F单片机直流电动机反馈控制系统的设计与研究 基于单片机的嵌入式Web服务器的研究 MOTOROLA单片机MC68HC(8)05PV8/A内嵌EEPROM的工艺和制程方法及对良率的影响研究 基于模糊控制的电阻钎焊单片机温度控制系统的研制 基于MCS-51系列单片机的通用控制模块的研究 )调节器 基于单片机实现的供暖系统最佳启停自校正(STR单片机控制的二级倒立摆系统的研究 基于增强型51系列单片机的TCP/IP基于单片机的蓄电池自动监测系统 协议栈的实现 基于32位嵌入式单片机系统的图像采集与处理技术的研究 基于单片机的作物营养诊断专家系统的研究 基于单片机的交流伺服电机运动控制系统研究与开发 基于单片机的泵管内壁硬度测试仪的研制基于单片机的自动找平控制系统研究 基于C8051F040单片机的嵌入式系统开发基于单片机的液压动力系统状态监测仪开发 模糊Smith智能控制方法的研究及其单片机 实现一种基于单片机的轴快流CO〈,2〉激光器的手持控制面板的研制 基于双单片机冲床数控系统的研究 基于CYGNAL单片机的在线间歇式浊度仪的研制 基于单片机的喷油泵试验台控制器的研制基于单片机的软起动器的研究和设计 机床短循环走丝方式研究 基于单片机控制的高速快走丝电火花线切割基于的机电产品控制系统开发基于单片机PIC单片机的智能手机充电器 26. 基于单片机的实时内核设计及其应用研究 27. 基于单片机的远程抄表系统的设计与研究 28. 基于单片机的烟气二氧化硫浓度检测仪的研制29. 基于微型光谱仪的单片机系统 30. 单片机系统软件构件开发的技术研究 31. 基于单片机的液体点滴速度自动检测仪的研制32. 基于单片机系统的多功能温度测量仪的研制 33. 基于PIC单片机的电能采集终端的设计和应用34. 基于单片机的光纤光栅解调仪的研制 35. 气压式线性摩擦焊机单片机控制系统的研制 36. 基于单片机的数字磁通门传感器 37. 基于单片机的旋转变压器-数字转换器的研究 38. 基于单片机的光纤Bragg光栅解调系统的研究39. 单片机控制的便携式多功能乳腺治疗仪的研制40. 基于C8051F020单片机的多生理信号检测仪 41. 基于单片机的电机运动控制系统设计 42. Pico专用单片机核的可测性设计研究 43. 基于MCS-51单片机的热量计 44. 基于双单片机的智能遥测微型气象站 45. MCS-51单片机构建机器人的实践研究46. 基于单片机的轮轨力检测 47. 基于单片机的GPS定位仪的研究与实现 48. 基于单片机的电液伺服控制系统 49. 用于单片机系统的MMC卡文件系统研制 50. 基于单片机的时控和计数系统性能优化的研究51. 基于单片机和CPLD的粗光栅位移测量系统研究 52. 单片机控制的后备式方波UPS 53. 提升高职学生单片机应用能力的探究 54. 基于单片机控制的自动低频减载装置研究55. 基于单片机控制的水下焊接电源的研究 56. 基于单片机的多通道数据采集系统 57. 基于uPSD3234单片机的氚表面污染测量仪的研制 58. 基于单片机的红外测油仪的研究 59. 96系列单片机仿真器研究与设计60. 基于单片机的单晶金刚石刀具刃磨设备的数控改造61. 基于单片机的温度智能控制系统的设计与实现 62. 基于MSP430单片机的电梯门机控制器的研制63. 基于单片机的气体测漏仪的研究 CAN/USB协议转换器 64. 基于三菱M16C/6N系列单片机的65. 基于单片机和DSP的变压器油色谱在线监测技术研究 66. 基于单片机的膛壁温度报警系统设计 67. 基于AVR单片机的低压无功补偿控制器的设计 68. 基于单片机船舶电力推进电机监测系统 69. 基于单片机网络的振动信号的采集系统 70. 基于单片机的大容量数据存储技术的应用研究71. 基于单片机的叠图机研究与教学方法实践 72. 基于单片机嵌入式Web服务器技术的研究及实现73. 基于AT89S52单片机的通用数据采集系统74. 基于单片机的多道脉冲幅度分析仪研究 75. 机器人旋转电弧传感角焊缝跟踪单片机控制系统 76. 基于单片机的控制系统在PLC虚拟教学实验中的应用研究 77. 基于单片机系统的网络通信研究与应用 78. 基于PIC16F877单片机的莫尔斯码自动译码系统设计与研究 79. 基于单片机的模糊控制器在工业电阻炉上的应用研究 80. 基于双单片机冲床数控系统的研究与开发 81. 基于Cygnal单片机的μC/OS-Ⅱ的研究 82. 基于单片机的一体化智能差示扫描量热仪系统研究 83. 基于TCP/IP协议的单片机与Internet互联的研究与实现 84. 变频调速液压电梯单片机控制器的研究 85. 基于单片机γ-免疫计数器自动换样功能的研究与实现 86. 基于单片机的倒立摆控制系统设计与实现 87. 单片机嵌入式以太网防盗报警系统 88. 基于51单片机的嵌入式Internet系统的设计与实现 89. 单片机监测系统在挤压机上的应用 90. MSP430单片机在智能水表系统上的研究与应用 91. 基于单片机的嵌入式系统中TCP/IP协议栈的实现与应用 92. 单片机在高楼恒压供水系统中的应用 93. 基于ATmega16单片机的流量控制器的开发 94. 基于MSP430单片机 95. 基于MSP430单片机的远程抄表系统及智能网络水表的设计具有数据存储与回放功能的嵌入式电子血压计的设计 96. 基于单片机的氨分解率检测系统的研究与开发 97. 锅炉的单片机控制系统 98. 基于单片机控制的电磁振动式播种控制系统的设计 99. 基于单片机技术的WDR-01型聚氨酯导热系数测试仪的研制 100. 一种RISC结构8位单片机的设计与实现 101. 基于单片机的公寓用电智能管理系统设计 102. 基于单片机的温度测控系统在温室大棚中的设计与实现 103. 基于MSP430单片机的数字化超声电源的研制 104. 基于ADμC841单片机的防爆软起动综合控制器的研究 105. 基于单片机控制的井下低爆综合保护系统的设计106. 基于单片机的空调器故障诊断系统的设计研究 107. 单片机实现的寻呼机编码器 108. 单片机实现的鲁棒MRACS及其在液压系统中的应用研究 109. 自适应控制的单片机实现方法及基上隅角瓦斯积聚处理中的应用研究 110. 基于单片机的锅炉智能控制器的设计与研究 111. 超精密机床床身隔振的单片机主动控制 112. PIC单片机在空调中的应用 113. 单片机控制力矩加载控制系统的研究 项目论证,项目可行性研究报告,可行性研究报告,项目推广,项目研究报告,项目设计,项目建议书,项目可研报告,本文档支持完整下载,支持任意编辑!选择我们,选择成功! 项目论证,项目可行性研究报告,可行性研究报告,项目推广,项目研究报告,项目设计,项目建议书,项目可研报告,本文档支持完整下载,支持任意编辑!选择我们,选择成功! 单片机论文,毕业设计,毕业论文,单片机设计,硕士论文,研究生论文,单片机研究论文,单片机设计论文,优秀毕业论文,毕业论文设计,毕业过关论文,毕业设计,毕业设计说明,毕业论文,单片机论文,基于单片机论文,毕业论文终稿,毕业论文初稿,本文档支持完整下载,支持任意编辑!本文档全网独一无二,放心使用,下载这篇文档,定会成功!
英语毕业论文-范本-中国菜名的翻译方法translation for chinese dishes