1.控制传染源、切断传播途径to control the sources of infection and cut off the channels of transmission
2.打破传播链to break the chains of transmission
3.尽最大可能控制疫情波及范围to make every possible effort to curb the spread of the disease
4.构筑群防群治的严密防线to build stringent lines of defense across society
5.防控资源和力量下沉to channel both material and human resources down to the community level
6.基层防控能力capacity for prevention and control at the community level
7.医防结合Emphasis is needed on both prevention and treatment.
8.强化公共卫生法治保障to strengthen the legal framework of public health
9.统一的应急物资保障体系unified emergency supply system
10.疫情防控重点地区key regions in epidemic prevention and control
11.非疫情防控重点地区non-key regions; regions that are not critical in the epidemic prevention and control effort
12.低、中、高风险地区low-, medium-, high-risk regions
13.提高收治率和治愈率、降低感染率和病亡率to improve the admission and cure rates and reduce the infection and fatality rates
14.紧紧扭住城乡社区防控和患者救治两个关键to focus on stemming the spread at the community level and having all patients cared for
15.内防扩散、外防输出to prevent the coronavirus from spreading within the city/region or beyond
16.外防输入、内防反弹to prevent the coronavirus from re-entering the country to cause a new epidemic
17.京津冀地区联防联控joint prevention and control efforts in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
18.对抗疫医务人员保护、关心、爱护to provide full protection and care to medical workers fighting against the epidemic
19.统筹安排轮休to better schedule rotating shifts
20.医务人员科学防护和培训scientific prevention and proper training for medical workers
21.重点防控部位人员的物资保障to make sure that essential supplies can be rapidly directed to personnel in key posts
22.药品和疫苗研发drug and vaccine development
23.入境航班将分流至指定机场to redirect inbound flights to designated airports
24.第一入境点first point of entry
25.境外输入关联病例cases resulting from virus carriers traveling from abroad; patients infected by virus carriers traveling from abroad