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these are all my reasons why i want to be an exchange student in xxx.

my goals during the one year in canada

i hope i can acquire advanced skills and methodologies in communication, and the professional knowledge on language and the western customs, through my personal experience. also i want to develop the independent personality which will allow me to live and study in a completely new environment and enter the society after my graduate in xxx university. if i am given the visa to study in canada, i am sure i can achieve my goal and return to china after one year to finish my undergraduate study.

my reasons to return to china after one year

as a matter of fact, i am still a student in xxx university for i am an exchange student. i will go back to china to finish my undergraduate courses.

more importantly, i love my family. my parents and relatives are all living in china. i am the only child in my family and they have spent all of their savings on my education. i have the duty to pay back with my achievement and my care for them in their late years. i don’t want to separate with my parents. and i believe to share my success with them is one of my greatest happiness in my life.

there are sufficient job opportunities after my returning to china. my experience abroad will offer me more choices in the talent market.

thank you for your time. yours sincerely,

datesignature of applicant study plan模板3 study plan

(application of student visa to study in *******)

i believe that this study plan, submitted as an application for a student visa to study in canada’s university of ********, can provide you with an outline of my plan for two years of graduate study in canada and my subsequent career

development in china. i look forward to my application being assessed and approved at your earliest convenience. personal status:

i am ********, male, born on the **** of *****, ******. to realize my dream of becoming an excellent engineer, i chose to pursue professional knowledge in electronics and information

engineering in ********************, xian, shanxi province, china, in september ******. after four years of undergraduate study specializing in electronic information engineering in the college of ****************, i received a bachelor’s degree in

engineering in *****. i did very well in my undergraduate study at ******, and was ranked no. 1 in my major. as a result, i was accepted into ********* as a ph.d. student in september *****, without being required to take an entrance examination. i worked very hard as a graduate student in the ***** lab of the ******, a very famous lab in my field in china. while at ****** i published ***** papers and proposed ***** patents which are under review.

during my four years of undergraduate study, i took several core courses related to electronic information engineering, and after ****** years of graduate study at ******, i acquired relevant research experience and developed a strong research interest in communications. i am confident that all of these relevant experiences will contribute positively to my graduate study at ****.

the reasons i wish to study at *****, as a master’s student in the faculty of applied sciences school of engineering:


签证准备:如何写一份满意的学习计划书 在申请留学及签证的过程中,经常会被要求写学习计划书(study plan),那如何才能写




审核您的其它材料决定是否给您发放留学签证,因此学习计划书是一份很关键的文件。 总的来说,学习计划书需要包括以下几方面内容。


为什么选择该国、该大学与该专业;3、详细的留学时间安排; 4、介绍留学所需资金及来源;



的理由要非常充分,并且绝对不能和申请人的其他材料发生矛盾。 由于使馆的工作人员每天要处理大量的文件,因此学习计划书切不可写的太长,并且说明一个问题最好只用一个段落,段落前加上标题,以便使馆的工作人员对您一段


文字中“挖掘”您“潜在”内容。 学习计划书的重点部分是未来的职业计划和留学后回国的理由,通过这一部分来告诉大







特别需要注意的是,学习计划书中关于回国理由等涉及事实论据的地方,不能任意编造。 最后需要强调的是,由于学习计划书在表达上要求非常有条理,逻辑严密,简洁有力,



洲留学生工作签证计划实施 2014年澳洲留学生工作签证计划实施 据报道,自2014年2月15日起,留学生将在毕业后得到在澳洲寻找工作的机会,因为

政府的留学生工作签证计划将正式实施。 尽管澳洲政府希望通过收紧457签证而将“澳洲人放在就业的第一位”,但移民局却对留




40%,而中国学生占14%,尼泊尔人的比例接近8%。 工作签证的放宽令工会大为不满,而工党内部也有人警告称留学生将夺走本地毕业生的

工作。然而,移民部长brendan oconnor认为新政策是“为了使澳洲成为更受欢迎的高质量 留学目的地”。


表示政府将监控着签证的实施情况,并“根据经济和就业形势做出调整”。“申请者的专业不要求在sol列表中,也无需进行职业评估。”移民局网站上说。 去年底,移民局网站发布了即将实施的毕业工作签证(psw)的更多细节。据悉,现行的

临时居留485签证(tr)将直接改名为临时毕业生485签证(temporary graduate visa),

该签证将分为两类,一类是新出台的psw签证,另一类则是graduate work签证,也就是传 统的tr签证。


1. 两年的澳洲学习(92周的课程)。

2. 必须在满足两年学习要求后的6个月之内申请。 3. 在cricos注册学校用英语学习。

4. 雅思4个6或者oet。graduate work签证要求申请者所学专业在sol专业列表上,需要做职业评估。签证有

效期为18个月。篇三:签证常见问题与学习计划 你为什么要去美国?

i want to improve chinese education system by experiencing american education

by myself. 为什么选这个学校?

找一下这个教授的校网照片及联系方式,如果不会找,你把他的名字及所在的专业给我, 我来找一下。


both of my parents are working for the government, my father is working in cppcc,

you know it is chinese peoples political consultative conference. here is their

employment certificate.my parents are working for chinese government now. and these are their business

cards. (hand on the cards)你有没有父母的工作证明和家里的房产证? yes, here it is. we have five houses and one is in shanghai, this is the real

estate certificate. we already rented it out, here is the rent contract. of course, these are work certificates and house certificates. 你毕业后的打算

i would like to be a teacher in my hometown and contribute to improve the chineseeducation system.

study planmy name is huang yitao, i was born in april 27, 1992. from 1999 to 2005 i studied

at cixi shiyan primary school, from 2005 to 2008 at cixi shanglin midd1e school, and

from 2008 to now im at cixi high school, which is the province-level key high school.每一种类别的签证都是有有效期限。尤其是学生签证,其限制条件多一些。再加上学生





