摘 要
本毕业设计课题为邵新路A5合同段(K31+600-K35+100段)施工图设计。 本路段经过地区总体地势起伏较大,为典型的山岭微丘区地形二级公路,但由于选线合理,沿着山谷走向,因此路段经过的地区较为平坦。公路全长2.5km ,由于地形的限制,设计时速为40km/h。路面宽7m,路基宽8.5m,路面两侧为0.75m的土路肩。
The graduation project for the ShaoXin road of the Contract Section-- A5 (K31 +600- K35 +100 section) construction design.
The road through the region more generally, is a typical mountain terrain-Hill District secondary road. But the alignment is reasonable, go along the valley and river, therefore road through the area more smooth. Road length 3.5 km, the design speed of 40 km / h. Road-7 m, roadbed width 8.5 m, on both sides of the road for 0.75 m of soil shoulder.
The design of this secondary road construction were a geometric design of the structure and design. In the geometric design of roads, respectively, were flat, vertical section, cross-sectional design. The curve of the road-a total of 5 intersection, with an average of about 1.43per km, the minimum radius of 100m, the smallest ease of use of 40 m, without a limit-radius curves. Highway S-curve has set up two, does not set a simple curve. Line of the largest Zongpo 0.809%。The structural design of the road, conducted embankment road design, the culvert design, engineering design protection. After traffic analysis, the form of concrete road surface. 15 cm thick cushion for the natural gravel, grass-roots level to 15 cm thick cement stabilized gravel, surface to 24 cm thick cement concrete; this paragraph 3 highway design culvert, in the form of two. According to the needs of Engineering ,the project of protection just including the slope protection design.
In addition to the geometric design and structural design, but also for the calculation of the project, construction plans and the budget.
Key words: Secondary roads; geometric design, structural design, engineering calculations, construction budget plans
目 录
摘 要 ....................................................... I ABSTRACT .................................................... II 1 设计总说明 ................................................. 1 1.1 任务依据及设计经过 ....................................... 1 1.2 设计标准 ................................................. 1 1.3 几何设计 ................................................. 1 1.4 结构设计 ................................................. 2 1.5 施工图预算 ............................................... 3 2 路线设计 ................................................... 4 2.1 道路技术等级的确定 ....................................... 4 2.2 路线主要技术指标 ......................................... 5 2.3 平纵横综合设计 ........................................... 6 2.4 平面线形设计 ............................................. 7 2.5 纵断面设计 .............................................. 13 2.6 横断面设计 .............................................. 15 2.7 土石方的计算和调配 ...................................... 18 3 路基路面及排水设计 ........................................ 20 3.1说明 .................................................... 20 3.2 路基设计 ................................................ 20 3.3 路基排水设计 ............................................ 26 3.4 路面设计 ................................................ 27 3.5 接缝 .................................................... 30 4 涵洞 ...................................................... 31 4.1 涵洞结构设计 ............................................ 31 4.2 涵洞进出口的防护和加固 .................................. 33 5 其他沿线设施及环境保护 .................................... 35 5.1沿线设施 ................................................ 35 5.2 设计原则 ................................................ 35
6 总结 ...................................................... 36 外文原文及翻译 .............................................. 37 参考文献 .................................................... 43 致 谢 ...................................................... 44