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配套练习七年级英语上册 期中检测听力原文 (新版)外研版

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Ⅰ.1.W:Where are you from?

M:I am from China.I am Chinese. 2.W:Tomorrow is Tuesday. M:Yes,you’re right.

3.M:How does your baby feel? W:Very happy.

4.M:How do you go to school? W:By bike.

5.W:What do you do after school? M:I like playing football.

Ⅱ.6.M:Excuse me?Where’s the shop?

W:It’s in front of the park,just behind the school. 7.M:When shall we meet tomorrow? W:What about a quarter past nine? 8.M:Where does Mr Zhang work? W:He works in a car factory.

9.M:Lucy,what would you like to drink,tea or juice? W:I don’t like either of them.Some water,please. 10.W:Tom,is the man your father? M:No,he isn’t.I don’t know him. Ⅲ.第一段对话:

M:Hello! Helen.Who are the two boys?

W:They are Tommy and Tony.They are my friends. M:Are they English?

W:No,they are Americans.

M:Do they like playing basketball? W:No,they like playing football. 第二段对话:

M:Can I help you,madam?

W:I want to buy a T-shirt for my daughter. M:Which T-shirt does she like?

W:She likes red ones.Red is her favourite colour. M:What about this one? W:How much is it? M:It’s 50 yuan.

W:OK.I’ll take it.Here’s the money.

Ⅳ. Sally and I are in the same school.Sally is twelve years old and I am thirteen.We’re good friends.This is Sally’s room.It’s big.A white desk is in the room.There are some English books on the desk.The schoolbag is blue.It’s new.

Sally’s father is near the desk.He’s about forty.He’s a bus driver.Where is her mother?She

is near the desk,too.She is a teacher at No.5 Middle School.模块专项训练

Ⅰ.从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空 how,how many,when,where,who 1.— Who shares an apple with his friends? —Me.

2.— When do you usually use a computer? —In the evening.

3. Where is Tim?I can’t find him.

4.— How many people are there in your family? —Six.

5.— How is your grandmother? —She is well.Thanks. Ⅱ.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.你多久用一次电脑?

How often do you use a computer? 2.你通常在电脑上做什么?

What do you usually do on your computer? 3.你爸爸经常使用互联网吗?

Does your father often use the Internet? 4.你怎样在电脑上听音乐?

How do you listen to music on the computer?

单项选择 1.导学号25794113(2016广东肇庆端州区西片区七年级上学期第二次联考)—Do you play computer games?

—Yes.They’re very C . A.difficult B.boring C.interesting D.fun 2.导学号25794114(2016江苏连云港东海县横沟中学七年级上学期第一次阶段检测)—Do you have B computer?

—Yes.I often look for things on Internet. A.a;an B.a;the C.the;the D.the;an

3.(2016广东佛山顺德12月月考,30)On the Internet,I B information and listen to music. A.turn on B.search for C.talk to D.write to 4.导学号25794115(2016广东佛山顺德12月月考,27)— A do you do homework on the computer?

—First,open the excel,and then click the mouse... A.How B.How often C.What D.Why

5.(2016~2017河南平顶山43中七年级第三次月考,26)— D do you like China?

—It’s very nice. A.What B.Where C.Who D.How

6.(2016山东乐陵实验中学12月月考)Before we use the computer,we should C . A.switch it on B.open it C.turn it on D.switch it off

7.(2016甘肃天水,30)There are many websites on the Internet and there C a lot of useful on the websites. A.are;informations B.are;information C.is;information D.is;informations 8.导学号25794116(2016四川自贡,22)—How can I get some A about the 2016 Olympic Games?

—Why not search the Internet? A.information B.experience C.practice

9.(2016湖北武汉,27)—Who is that lady?

—She’s Miss Green.She B us music,and she is so good. A.taught B.teaches C.will teach D.is teaching


请以“Computers in My Family”为题目写一篇短文,可以把你家电脑的使用情况以及对于电脑的认识写一篇短文告诉大家。


2.条理清晰,意思连贯,语句通顺。 【思路点拨】 (1)体裁:记叙文。

(2)人称:用第一人称和第三人称。 (3)时态:用一般现在时。

Computers in My Family

There is a computer in my home.My father often goes on the Internet.He likes listening to music and he often downloads music from the Internet.My mother doesn’t often use the computer,but sometimes she has a chat with her friends.I do my homework and play games at the weekend.I don’t spend too much time playing games on the Internet.

I think computers are important in our life.They are not only our teachers but also our friends.

配套练习七年级英语上册 期中检测听力原文 (新版)外研版


