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the garden he would bark until someone opened the gate. As the neighbours complained of the noise, my husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in. Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate. However, when I was going out shopping last week, I noticed him in the garden near the gate. This time he was barking so that someone would let him out! Since then, he has developed another bad habit. As soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he comes into the garden and waits until the gate shuts. Then he sits and barks until someone lets him out. After this he immediately lets himself in and begins barking again. Yesterday my husband removed the gate and Rex got so annoyed we have not seen him since.

我们的狗,雷克斯,过去常坐在大门外面,黑暗。每当它想到花园里来就吠叫,直到有人把门打开。由于邻居们对狗叫,我丈夫花了几个星期的时间训练它用脚爪按住门闩把自己放进来的。雷克斯很快成了开门的专家。然而,当我出去购物的最后一周,我看见他在花园门口。这次它叫着让人把它放出去!从那时起,他养成了另一个坏习惯。当他从外面把门一打开,就走进花园,等着门关闭。然后他就坐下汪汪叫起来,直到有人把它放出去。这以后他马上把自己放进来,然后又开始叫。昨天,我丈夫把门卸了下来,雷克斯很生气,此后我们再也见不到他。 60 The future卜算未来

At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortune-teller called Madam Bellinsky. I went into her tent


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and she told me to sit down. After I had given her some money, she looked into a crystal ball and said: 'A relation of yours is coming to see you. She will be arriving this evening and intends to stay for a few days. The moment you leave this tent, you will get a big surprise. A woman you know well will rush towards you. She will speak to you and then she will lead you away from this place. That is all.'

As soon as I went outside, I forgot all about Madam Bellinsky because my wife hurried towards me. 'Where have you been hiding?' she asked impatiently. 'Your sister will be here in less than an hour and we must be at the station to meet her. We are late already.' As she walked away, I followed her out of the fair.


61 Trouble with the Hubble哈勃望远镜的困境

The Hubble telescope was launched into space by NASA on April 20,1990 at a cost of over a


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billion dollars. Right from the start there was trouble with the Hubble. The pictures it sent us were very disappointing because its main mirror was faulty! NASA is now going to put the telescope right, so it will soon be sending up four astronauts to repair it. The shuttle Endeavour will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble. A robot-arm from the Endeavour will grab the telescope and hold it while the astronauts make the necessary repairs. Of course, the Hubble is above the earth's atmosphere, so it will soon be sending us the clearest pictures of the stars and distant galaxies that we have ever seen. The Hubble will tell us a great deal about the age and size of the universe. By the time you read this, the Hubble's eagle eye will have sent us thousands and thousands of wonderful pictures.

哈勃望远镜被发射到太空的美国宇航局于四月201990的费用超过十亿美元。从哈勃就有麻烦。它传送给我们的图像很令人失望,因为主镜是错误的!国家航天局准备把望远镜,它将把四名宇航员修复它。奋进号航天飞机将把宇航员对哈勃太空望远镜。号上的一只机器手将抓住望远镜并托住它宇航员进行必要的修复。当然,哈勃位于地球的大气层,它很快就会把我们最清晰的图片遥远的恒星和星系,我们见过。哈勃将告诉我们许多关于宇宙的年龄和大小。当你读到这个的时候,敏锐的哈勃望远镜已经为我们送来了成千上万张精彩的照片。 62 After the fire大火之后

Firemen had been fighting the forest for nearly three weeks before they could get it under


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control. A short time before, great trees had covered the countryside for miles around. Now, smoke still rose up from the warm ground over the desolate hills. Winter was coming on and the hills threatened the surrounding villages with destruction, for heavy rain would not only wash away the soil but would cause serious floods as well. When the fire had at last been put out, the forest authorities ordered several tons of a special type of grass-seed which would grow quickly. The seed was sprayed over the ground in huge quantities by aeroplanes. The planes had been planting seed for nearly a month when it began to rain. By then, however, in many places the grass had already taken root. In place of the great trees which had been growing there for centuries patches of green had begun to appear in the blackened soil.


63 She was not amused她并不觉得好笑

Jeremy Hampden has a large circle of friends and if very popular at parties. Everybody


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admires him for his great sense of humour -- everybody, that is, except his six-year-old daughter, Jenny. Recently, one of Jeremy's closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding reception. This is the sort of thing that Jeremy loves. He prepared the speech carefully and went to the wedding with Jenny. he had included a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success. As soon as he had finished, Jenny told him she wanted to go home. Jeremy was a little disappointed by this but he did as his daughter asked. On the way home, he asked Jenny if she had enjoyed the speech. To his surprise, she said she hadn't. Jeremy asked her why this was so and she told him that she did not like to see so many people laughing at him!

杰瑞米汉普登有一大群朋友如果很受欢迎的人。人人都钦佩他那绝妙的幽默感——人人,就是说,除他6岁的女儿珍妮。最近,杰瑞米的一个最亲密的朋友请他在一个婚礼上祝词。这是杰瑞米所喜欢的那种事。他认真准备了讲稿,带着珍妮去婚礼。他包含了很多有趣的故事,并在讲话,当然,这是一个巨大的成功。他刚一讲完,珍妮就告诉他说她想回家。杰瑞米因此感到有点扫兴,但他还是按照女儿的要求做了。在回家的路上,他问珍妮是否喜欢演讲。使他吃惊的是,她说她不喜欢。杰瑞米问她为什么不,她告诉他,她不愿意看到那么多的人嘲笑他! 64 The Channel Tunnel海峡隧道

In 1858, a French engineer, Aime Thome de Gamond, arrived in England with a plan for a


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