A 提示说词
评分方法和标准:两组单词6个词中说对4个即可通过。 1)请说出三种家用电器 2)请说出三种服装 3)请说出三种身体部位 4)请说出三种运动 5)请说出三种家庭成员 B 看图说词略 C 模仿
评分方法与标准:模仿分4节,模仿3节准确即可通过。 Set 1
a curtain——a purple curtain——I want a purple curtain——I want a purple curtain for my room. D 听听做做
考生听录音并按指令逐个完成一系列的动作。考试时间为1分钟。 评分方法与标准:活动中有5个指令,完成3个指令规定的动作即通过。
道具:三个小盒子,分别放在桌子的左边、中间和右边,桌子上放一块糖、一块巧克力和两块积木,中间的盒子里放一把钥匙 Are you ready? Now let’s begin. 1) Let’s clean up the desk.
2) What can you see on the desk? Name three of them 3) Put the candy and the chocolate into the box on the left-hand side of the desk
4) Put the blockds into the box on the right
5) Take the key out of the box in the middle. Giveit to the teacher
Ok. That’s the end Set2
道具:一叠白纸,三只水笔:橙色,红色和绿色,练习本上放一张树的卡片,练习本旁边放一张猫的卡片 Are you ready? Now let’s begin.
1) With the green pen, draw a big circle on a piece of paper.
2) Draw a tree in the middle the circle
3) Then, with the red pen, draw two small apples on the tree.
4) Pick up the card on the eercise-book.
5) Put it on the right-hand side of your picture.
Ok. That’s the end E 快听快答
评分方法与标准:考生听录音中的6问题,答对4个算通过。 Set1
1) Do you like juice? (Yes, I do.)
2) Who has a watch in your family? (My mother/father.) 3) What color is grass now. (Green.) 4) What day is it today? (Sunday.)
5) Do you have an exercise-book for PE lessons? (No I don’t.)
6) Where do apples grow? (On tree.) Set2
1) Do you like biscuits? (Yes, I do)
2) Who has a mobile phone in your family? (My father/mother)
3) What color is the chocolate? (Brown)
4) Are you wearing a T-shirt now? (No, I am not) 5) Who often write with a chalk? (Teacher)
6) Where can you see so many people? (in the school) F 看图问答