An Evaluation of Junior English Textbook-Go for It
【期刊名称】《校园英语》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)007
【摘要】This paper evaluates the junior English textbook- Go for it to provide some references for teachers when they selecting coursebooks and hopefully helps them make proper decisions in the process of teaching.It is found that the coursebook is keeping up with the latest language teaching theories and is beneficial for developing students' communicative competence,while there are still some problems needs paying attention to. 【总页数】1页(105) 【关键词】 【作者】李嘉琪
【作者单位】渤海大学外国语学院 【正文语种】英文 【中图分类】 【相关文献】
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An Evaluation of Junior English Textbook-Go for It