The ethics of socially sensitive research
Many of the studies conducted and topics researched in psychology have wider implications for those who are investigated and society as a whole. The ethics of socially sensitive research involves the psychologist being aware of:
? The implications of investigating
certain controversial topics. ? The possible uses to which their
research findings will be put. ? The amount of influence the
psychologist has on public policy. ? The basis or validity of their
research findings in controversial areas.
? The availability, understanding and
interpretation of the data they provide.
DECIDING WHAT TO RESEARCH Even the very act of phrasing
hypotheses-deciding who and what is to be investigated-has ethical implications.
2 研究结果有可能被应用。
3 心理学家对公众策略有很大的影响。
4 研究结果的可靠性和有效性仍有争议。
5 对所提供数据应用性的理解和解释。
通过假设来决定要研究伦理问题的 内容及相关人物.
? Investigating potentially socially
sensitive areas, such as race and its
effects on IQ or the genetic basis of
homosexuality, may serve to legitimise or perpetuate socially constructed differences and prejudices. Alternatively, one might argue that the only way to dispel such prejudices or tackle genuine difference is to investigate them objectively and scientifically to reach the truth. Avoiding controversial topics just because they are controversial (and may involve stress to the researchers) could be regarded as an avoidance of social responsibility.
? Whether objectivity in the phrasing
and investigation of research hypotheses is possible is debatable. As the humanist psychologist Rogers(1956) ,in his debate with the behaviorist Skinner, commented 'In any scientific endeavor-whether \a prior subjective choice of the purpose or value which that scientific work is perceived as serving'.
? We must remember that what is
investigated, even in seemingly pure academic research, is subject to social values. Much psychology,
especially in the USA, has been (and still is) funded by the military and large businesses, for example Zimbardo’s research into the psychological effects of
imprisonment was funded by the US 经被大量应用到商业中,例如:津巴多对囚禁心理影响的研究已被应用到美国军队。 navy.
THE USE OF KNOWLEDGE Psychologist should consider how their findings will be used and who will be affected by them.
Knowledge is rarely neutral in practice, it can be used to improve the human condition or worsen it. The application of psychological knowledge to warfare is a good example. Watson(1978) has commented 'Psychology can be a worrying science in the hands of the military'-research on deindividuation and attitude change can be used to train soldiers to kill or brainwash prisoners of war, yet psychological research on intergroup conflict and post-traumatic stress disorder can
also help prevent war or treat the victims of it.