Unit 1
As a foreigner doing business in the United States, I feel very rushed. I am used to friendly opening exchanges when doing business. Here in Chicago, things are different. There is no time for getting to know one another. This does not seem appropriate to me. There is no chance to develop a sense of trust when people meet to talk over issues. There are no rituals like tea or coffee before discussing business, though this is a(n) convention in my country. When we discuss business it starts with a(n) leisurely chat. I think that it is important for business partners to get familiar with each other first and to feel relaxed. If the exchange is too abrupt , there is a risk that something will be forgotten. Some possibilities go without being assessed when there is too much pressure. I don't believe this is the best strategy for proper communication. Besides, the perception is that they just don't care about you as an individual here. You are basically just another means of making money.
All of this used to create a real dilemma for me. At first, it caused me to have as little interaction with American business partners as possible. Gradually, though, I have come to understand the cultural differences between our two countries. This has really helped me to feel more comfortable doing business here.
这一切,用来创建一个真正的困境我。首先,它使我有小小的互动与美国商业合作伙伴尽可能。渐渐地,虽然,我已经明白了我们两国之间的文化差异。这真的让我感到更舒适,在这里做生意。 完型
I am frequently asked the question, ”Can you use chopsticks?”. I have lived in Korea, Japan, and China. In each country, I have, more often than not and without having requested one, been given a fork when one was available. I have politely refusde and said that I would be fine with chopsticks. Sometimes, I have to make further explanation.
Chopsticks are the least of my worries when I am eating in an Asian home or restaurant. In fact, learning how to use chopsticks takes me nothing but a few weeks. This is not to say I was skillful, though. Learning how to use chopsticks is easy for me, whereas learning the rituals and how to conduct myself at the table is quite difficult. Just how many times do I have to say “no, thank you” when I really mean “no, thank you, I truly am full”? How do I get away with refusing more food without offending someone? If I insist and I still get more, is it appropriate just not to eat it? This would be impolite where I come from.
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I have enjoyed many great meals and my interactions with the people have been great. I am increasingly aware that I will never be able to give back as much as I have received. I don’t know how I can ever thank all of the people who introducde me to eating in Asia. 我常问的问题,“你会用筷子吗?“。我住在韩国,日本,和中国。在每一个国家,我有,更多的往往不是没有要求,得到一个叉时,可用。我有礼貌地refusde说我用筷子就好了。有时候,我必须做进一步的解释。 筷子是我最不担心当我吃在亚洲的家庭或餐厅。事实上,学习如何使用筷子带我只有几个星期。这并不是说我是熟练的,虽然。学习如何使用筷子对于我来说是容易的,而学习礼仪和如何进行自己的表是相当困难的。有多少次我必须说“不,谢谢你”的时候我真的是“不,谢谢你,我真的吃饱了吗?我如何去拒绝更多的食物而不得罪人?如果我坚持,我仍然得到更多,这是适当的就不要吃它吗?这是不礼貌的我从哪里来。 我所享有的许多伟大的膳食和我交往的人都曾经是伟大的。我越来越意识到,我永远不能回报我所得到的东西。我不知道如何感谢所有的人谁,我吃在亚洲。
Unit 2
Bill Johnson's path to Olympic gold was different than that of most. In fact, even though he was the first American man to ever win the downhill skiing event, many rejected him as a true Olympic hero. He was a rebellious kid who came from a troubled background, and he boasted too much. Moreover, he only became involved in skiing because a judge sent him to a ski school after he had stolen a car at age 17. There was no lifelong commitment to the sport. He did not exemplify the Olympic spirit. He did not gain distinction by continuously training for his event.
Still, few failed to appreciate his marvelous race in the 1984 Winter Olympic Games in Sarajevo. He was just a natural skier and his technique was perfect for the course. And so even before the race began, he was claiming victory. \can stop me,\he had boasted. He also caused some comments when he talked about the millions of dollars he would be able to make after he won the race. This made many skiers hostile toward him. That just encouraged him even more. Then on the day of the event, he turned out the fastest. \takes a lot of courage to throw yourself down a mountain,\Bill Johnson remarked proudly after he won a gold medal for the United States. \that.\
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翰逊后赢得金牌的美国。”不可以这样做。” 完型
This was what all of the training and pain was about-winning .I watched TV to see the young runner who had been under my coaching for the last few years .I would have been there on the spot had it not been for the traffic problem .I couldn’t make it even on my bicycle. While I watched the young runner enter to the cheers of thousands of people ,I could not help thinking of the pains that he had gone through in his training.
The young runner was hardly considered to be promising when he first came to me .There were countless training sessions full of pain for him .I had seen fatigue written on his face I had heard him swear at me .I had been indifferent to his anger and pain .It was clear that only hard work could earn him success .I had smiled to myself when I found that he had too much passion to give up .And he would persist with the training until he reached perfection .I had never forgot to remind him that despite the challenges he had to keep on practice. It was unfair that he had no time for his G F. But that was life for him.
The thunderous shouts and cheers drew me back to the TV screen .Oh, my dear ,the young runner was gaining speed .He was running to the finish line .He was strong enough to beat other runners .His courage ,heart and discipline together with his years of practice won him the honor. Tears rolled down my cheeks when I found on the screen the young runner was looking around .I understood at once that he was looking for me .For year ,he had become so used to my presence ,success or failure .It must have seemed strange for him to find me missing.
Unit 3
At first, my dad was not in favor of me marrying Will because Will is black. I guess my dad was a bit of a racist. Unfortunately, no arguments could counter dad's beliefs. Despite his protests , though, Will and I decided to go through with our wedding. On a marvelous June day we were married in the park. The wedding went off without any hostile words or embarrassing exchanges. It was actually quite beautiful. There was just one problem. Many of our friends and relatives didn't attend our wedding. I had to conclude that my dad was not the only prejudiced person we knew. Other than my father, no one had come out to speak against my relationship with Will. It did not seem appropriate for them to show their resistance to our marriage in this way. My dad had strong reservations about my marriage to Will, but at least he was there. Will and I decided to overcome this burden by showing everyone how wrong they were. We wanted not only to love one another, but also to defy racial hatred by loving one another. We probably weren't being all that realistic, but we did succeed with one person. My dad and Will have developed an amazing friendship. My dad says he has forgotten why he ever had any doubts about our marriage.
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它似乎不适合他们展示他们的抵抗我这样。我爸爸有强烈的保留我的婚姻将,但他至少有。将和我决定克服这一负担,每个人展示他们有多错。我们希望不仅彼此相爱,而且无视种族仇恨的爱彼此。我们不可能都是现实的,但我们成功了一个人。我的爸爸,已经制定了一个惊人的友谊。我爸爸说他忘记了他为什么会有任何的怀疑,我们的婚姻。 完型
I didn’t marry for all the “right reasona”. Love had nothing to do with marriage. And, for my husband’s part, well, I suspect love was on his mind either. He marride me because I made him feel yound. He was such an ordinary man going through his very ordinary midlife crisis. He was divorced, looking for younger women and a career change. That didn’t bother me, though. He was still fairly charming, pretty hansome and abore all rich. I married for money, and I don’t have any doubt about it. My friends don't applaud my decision, but I can also tell that they wish, at least a little bit, for some of the same things that I now enjoy. They always prefer to spend a lot of time by my swimming pool than at their common little homes. And another thing, they are always complaining about their “beloved”. “He’s always watching how much I spend.”“It's become more like a business relationship than a marriage.”
My husband, however, doesn’ t care how much I spend and our marriage never became a business because it already was one. You could say, we have a mutual understanding. We are very realistic about the whole thing. It is painful for my friends when they realize that love is just an illusion. Marriage for never existed for me. And, he’ll never divorce me. He’d lose too much money.
我不娶为所有的“合理的”。爱情与婚姻无关。而且,我的丈夫的一部分,嗯,我怀疑爱在他心中是。他嫁给我因为我让他感觉年轻。他是一个普通的人会通过他的很普通的中年危机。他离了婚,寻找年轻妇女和职业生涯的变化。那不打扰我,虽然。他还相当迷人,漂亮的英俊和热爱的一切丰富。我结婚是为了钱,而我没有任何的疑问。我的朋友们不赞赏我的决定,但我也可以告诉他们希望,至少一点点,因为同样的一些事情,我现在享受。他们总是喜欢花很多时间在我的游泳池比在自己的小家。还有一件事,他们总是抱怨他们的“亲爱的”。“他总是看着我花多少钱。”“这是变得更像一个商业关系比结婚。” 我的丈夫,但是,并不在乎花多少钱,我们的婚姻从来没有成为一个企业因为它已是一个。你可以说,我们要相互理解。我们都是很现实的事情。这是痛苦的我的朋友当他们意识到爱是幻觉。婚姻不存在我。而且,他不会跟我离婚。他已经失去了太多的钱。
Unit 4
What do we know about love? Is it, as some people would suggest, a mysterious force? Or can it be explained and possibly even created? Well, even in this scientific and reason-driven age, love seems still to defy total understanding. We can, however, know something about love and make stronger connections between individuals.
One thing that seems to affect love is distance. The common idea is that the love between people grows as they are separated. Sometimes it is true that longing for someone who has gone overseas becomes more intense.
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Something that nourishes love is danger. Send both lovers to dangerous places and they will end up loving each other more. This could be caused by the worry it develops. It could also be that feelings of uncertainty or need transform into love with time.
Love gives us warmth, courage, and a feeling of being safe, but it also demands selfless devotion and sacrifice. If you are truly committed to finding true love, you should make yourself more interesting. Do things that you enjoy and try to meet people who share identical interests.
爱让我们温暖,勇气,和一个安全的感觉,但它也需要无私的奉献和牺牲。如果你是真正致力于寻找真爱,你应该让自己更有趣。做你喜欢的事情,并努力满足人们谁分享相同的兴趣。 完型
Love is important because without it life has no meaning or purpose. Love allows us
to do more than we could ever accomplish without its power. So often we take good care of our physical needs. We make sure our bodies are fed, cleaned, clothed, exercised and rested. However, we tend to overlook the most important need-love. Of course, as a society, love is not overlooked. Popular media constantly places great emphasis on what we need to do to atract “love”. But being loved is not as powerful an emotional need as that desire to love someone else.
They need to love and care for others is built into us biologically. This need is what
allows parents to give up sleep and food while raising their children. This need is what allows people to put themselves at risk to save others fromnatural disasters or threats. Love means to children, hold dear.and treasure. We do not hurt, or cause pain to those we love; rather, we seek to alleviate their suffering. It’s not about wanting
to possess or control others; it’sabout wanting to set themfree. Love is the power that allows the wheel of life to continue turning, for when we love we look beyond our own needs and desires. We sacrifice our time, our energy, our wishes, and sometimes even ourslves because of love. It is love that allows emergency services personnel to face danger. It is love that allows soldiers to risk everting. The ultimate definition of love is not about feeling good but rather doing good. 爱很重要,
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