除雪车毕业设计 篇一:
除雪机毕业设计说明书 封面 机械电气工程学院本科毕业设计 (设计) 题目: 除雪机系统设计 院 (系): 机械电气工程学院 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 学 号: 姓 名: 指导教师: 完成日期:
2017年5月22日 目 录 1摘要-----------------------------------------------------5 2除雪机研制的现实意义-----------------------------------7 3 研究现状与动态-----------------------------------------7 3.1国内除雪机现状----------------------------------------7 3.2国内除雪机发展方向------------------------------------9 3.3国外道路除雪机技术发展状况---------------------------10 3.4国内除雪机械的缺陷-----------------------------------15 3.5除雪机市场分析---------------------------------------16 4.总体方案分析与设计------------------------------------17 4.1方案一-----------------------------------------------17 4.2方案二-----------------------------------------------18 5.对课题提出的任务要求及实现预期目标的可行性分析----19 5.1 课题研究内容-----------------------------------------19 5.2可行性分析----------------------------------------19 6.除
雪机设计---------------------------------------------20 6.1除雪机与动---
力连接结构---------------------------------20 6.2犁形前雪铲曲面及铲体设计-----------------------------20 6.3 除雪装置升降机构------------------------------------23 6.4 推雪与扫雪机构-----------------------------------------23 6.5 铲刃------------------------------------------------25 6.6 仿形支重机构----------------------------------------26 6.7 液压控制系统----------------------------------------26 6.8 液压计算以及器件选择--------------------------------27 7.配套动力选择------------------------------------------277.1 动力选择---------------------------------------------27 7.2 动力校核---------------------------------------------27 7.3 除雪铲的力学模型及计算-------------------------------28 7.3.1除雪铲转移的行驶阻力------------------------------29 7.3.2 除雪阻力、附着力除雪功率的计算--------------------29 7.3.3除雪铲功率计算------------------------------------30 7.3.4计算步骤------------------------------------------30 8. 主要特点及技术性能参数------------------------------31 8.1 主要特点---------------------------------------------31 8.2 主要技术性能参数-------------------------------------31 8.3结束语------------------------------------------------32 参考文献--------------------------------------------------33 结论------------------------------------------------------35 设计心得-------------------------------------------------36 附件------------------------------------------------------37 扣扣1269408632(含全套图纸)
1.摘要 我国北方冬季降雪量大, 给各城市、园林、宾馆、别墅、庭院的道路, 机场
跑道与场区路面, 林区运材道路, 以及高速公路等的交通运愉工作造成了极大困难和
不便, 交通事故屡屡发生。为了及时清除路面上的自然降雪, 给交通运愉创造良好的
安全条件, 减少交通事故的发生, 在我国,传统的除雪理念是雪停后才开始除雪,由
路面停留时间过长而被碾压成实雪或冰。开发适合我国国情的除雪机械, 探索与高
速公路管理相适应的作业方式, 将有着深远的意义。 关键词:
除雪机 积雪 除雪 液压控制 提升装置 Abstract Winter snowfall in north China,give each city, garden, hotel, villas、garden road, airport runway pavement with YunCaiDao road, forest area, and a highway of transport and logistics work such as yourself caused a great difficulties and inconvenience, the traffic accident
To timely removal of natural snowfall road to transport and logistics, happen repeatedly.
and create a good safety conditions yourself, reduce traffic accidents, in China, the traditional philosophy is focusing on snow removal begins after it had stopped snowing, focusing on snow removal,Because most cannot seasonable clear road snow was vehicles into real snow or ice roller, thus focusing on snow removal object is actually pacted snow. In this concept, under the influence of mechanical design also focusing on snow removal past is mainly
directed against the clear for the paction snow, and developed various remove paction snow mechanical equipment. Compacted snow focusing on snow removal mechanical design technology difficulty bigger, equipment manufacturing cost is higher, cleanse rate is low, the working efficiency is low, the majority of pacted snow focusing on snow removal machine needs high-power vehicles as supporting power, fuel consumption, the whole equipment investment is big, frequently hundreds of thousands of yuan, difficult to large application.。
Summarize the experience and experience for many years and focusing on snow removal of parison of focusing on snow removal way, the author thinks that mechanization real-time focusing on snow removal is focusing on snow removal of scientific and reasonable way. From engineering point of view, the snow is paction process need to use a lot of energy, please paction, and put it on the ground to remove from the energy consumed greater double and more time, resulting in a waste In parison, focusing on snow removal real-time energy use only a small percentage of the former, it is the highest efficiency of save Labour focusing on snow