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21 ? _______ COld the Weather is in ChangSha these days! Staying inside might be a good ChOiCe?

A. What


C. What a

22. GOOd news for you. guys! MS? Li, an excellent teacher, Will teach history next term.



B.us C, them

23. — IS that Jane Sharing her idea With us?

—It __________ be her. She is On the PIane to Zhangjiajie now. A. must

B. cant


C. Can

24. I Still Can t UnderStand this PaSSage ______ there is no new WOrdS m it.

A. because

B. if

C, though

25? Tom, never __________ the rubbish before throwing it into the right bins!

A. mixing

B. Io mix

C. mix

26. My advice On how to deal With πιbbish _________ by my CIaSSnIateS at the meetinglast Friday?

A. accepted

27. —What do you think Of Tony?

—WeIL he is the best Player in the CIUb andhe WOrkS ________ than the OtherS? A. hard

B. harder

C. hardest

B. has been accepted

C. WaS accepted

28. — DO you think the twins Will go to the Party tomorrow?

—I think they Will if they _______ by their parents. A. are allowed

B. Will beallowed


29. The TV news report SayS there __________ a heavy ShOWer the day after tomorrow.

A. is

B. Will

C. Will be

30. — EXCUSe me, COUld you PleaSe tell me __________ from here to the nearest hospital?

—Sure. It,s about tlιree kilometers. A. how far it is

B. how far is it

C. how IOng it takes



A Small boy at SUmmer CamP received a bag Of COOkieS in the mail from his mother. He ate a few, and then PUt the rest Under his bed? The next day, after lunch, he Went to his tcnt(帐篷)to get a COOkie? The box WaS _31_

? COOkieS Were his favorite. HOW _32_ the Iittle boy was!

That afteπιoon a CamP Ieader SaW another boy SIttillg behind g tree. He WaS eating the StOlen COOkieS! 'That young nιaιι∕' he Said to IliIllself tfcmιιst be taught not to

He returned to the group and found die boy WhOSe COOkieS Ilad been stolen. Billy/ he said. Λ know WllO StOle your COOkieS. Will you help me teach him a _34_ ?\




WelL yes. BUt aren't you gomg to PUniSh him?” asked the _35_ boy.


VOUthe Ieader explained. ' I Want you to Call your mother. ASk

No, that WOUId Only Inake him

her to SelId you another box Of cookies/'

The boy did as the Ieader asked? A few days later, he received another box Of COOkieS in the mail?

\? GO down there? Share your COOkIeS With him.',

'But IleS the _37_ 广 PrOteSted (抗议)the boy. I know. BUt try it—See What happens.*'

Half an hour IateL the CanIP Ieader SaW the two COme IlP the hilL hand in hand? The boy WhO had StOlen the COOkieS WaS trying to get the Other to _3& his jackknife (大折刀)? He Wanted to COOkieS? The Other boy WaS just refusing the gift from his new friend _40_ COOkieS

Weren,t that ImPOrtaiItanyWay.

31. A. full

32. A. disappointed 33. A. apologize 34. A. IeSSOn 35. A. StUPid 36. A. hug 37. A. thief 38. A. buy 39. A. turndown

40. A. IOnely


B.gone B. PleaSed B. Iie B.SOng B. PUZZIed B. thank B. Ieader B. accept B. Pay for B. rudely

39— the StOlen

? HC Said that a few Old

C. dirty C. PrOUd C. Steal C. POenl C.

CareIeSS C. hate C. Player C. hide C. hand in C.



题, 第一 Tj图表理解阅读下而的图表,从题中所给的A.B.C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。 (共5小




POSter COnteSt

?Time: APril 20th—APril 28th ?Theme (主题):Water is life!

StUdentS are encouraged to Create POSterS to ShOW Water is Widely USed in OUr everyday Iife? OUr goal is to get StUdentS thinking about the importance Of OUr most ValUable natural resource(资源 M)—water!


USe as Iittle Writing as POSSible.

Original (原创)artwork only. POSterS With PiCtUreS Iike MiCkey MOUSe Will not be accepted.

YOU Can OnIy SUbmit (提交)One poster.

FOr more information. PleaSe Call Blair W∞ds at (562) 697—1726. 41 ? The PUrPOSe Of the COnteSt (比赛)is ____

A. to tell StUdentS how to drink Water WiSeIy B. to CaIl On StUdentS to fight Water POnUtiOn C. to tell StUdentS Of the importance Of Water 42. The POSter SUbmitted ShOUld __________ ?

A. express different themes B. be Created WithOUt COPying

C. be explained With detailed IangUage




