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Magnetic guide of cold atoms using a U-shaped current-carrying conductor

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Magnetic guide of cold atoms using a U-shaped

current-carrying conductor

刘南春; 印建平

【期刊名称】《《中国物理:英文版》》 【年(卷),期】2003(012)009

【摘要】We propose a new scheme to magnetically guide cold neutral atoms using a U-shaped current carrying conductor.The spatial magnetic field distribution from the U-shaped current-carrying conductor and the relationship between the magnetic field and parameters of the U-shaped conductor are analysed.Our study shows that U-shaped current-carrying conductor can be used to realize single-or double-channel magnetic guiding of cold atoms in weak-field-seeking states and to construct wrious atom-optical elements.By using Monte Carlo simulations,the dynamic process of the guided atomic-beam splitting in an atomic-beam splitter composed by the U-shaped current-carrying conductor is studied,and some results are presented. 【总页数】9页(955-963)

【关键词】U-shaped current-carrying conductor; single-channel magnetic guide; double-channel magnetic guide; atom-optical elements

【作者】刘南春; 印建平

【作者单位】Department of Physics Suzhou University Suzhou 215006

China; State Key Laboratory for Optical and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Department of Physics East China Normal University Shanghai 200062 China 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】 【相关文献】

1.Magnetically Guiding Atoms with Current-Carrying Conductors [J], 刘南春; 高伟建; 印建平

2.Microwave coherent manipulation of cold atoms in optically induced fictitious magnetic traps on an atom chip [J], Feng Zhou; Xiao Li; Min Ke; Jin Wang; Ming-Sheng Zhan

3.Arrays of microscopic magnetic traps for cold atoms and their applications in atom optics [J], 印建平; 高伟建; 胡建军

4.Guiding Neutral Atoms with Two Current-Carrying Wires and a Vertical Bias Field on the Atom Chip [J], KE Min; YAN Bo; LI Xiao-Lin; WANG Yu-Zhu

5.Enhancement of Transfer Efficiency of Cold Atoms Using an Optical Guiding Laser Beam [J], LI Ke; WANG Xiao-Rui; HE Ling-Xiang; ZHAN Ming-Sheng; LU Bao-Long


Magnetic guide of cold atoms using a U-shaped current-carrying conductor


