Fuzzy Set-Based Risk Evaluation Model for Real
Estate Projects
SUN Yijian;HUANG Rufu;CHEN Dailin;LI Hongnan
【期刊名称】《清华大学学报(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2008(013)0z1
【摘要】With the rapid development of residential real estate market, risk evaluation has been an important task in the process of project. This paper describes a risk evaluation method for residential real estate pro- jects based on fuzzy set theory which uses linguistic variables and respective fuzzy numbers to evaluate the factors. The primary weights of factors and evaluation of alternatives are determined by applying linguistic variables and fuzzy numbers. The notion of Shapley value is used to determine the global value of each fac- tor in accomplishing the overall objective of the risk evaluation process, so the primary weights are revised, thus the importance of factors can be reflected more precisely. A major advantage of the method is that it al- lows experts and engineers to express their opinions on project risk evaluation in linguistic variables rather than cdsp values. An illustration is presented to demonstrate the application of the method in risk evaluation. The results are consistent with the results calculated by conventional risk evaluation method. The research demonstrates that the method is objective and accurate, and is of an application value in the risk
Fuzzy Set-Based Risk Evaluation Model for Real Estate Projects