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鲁教版初中英语54学制Unit 8 02

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Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf ?(SectionA 3a-4) 【教学目标】 1. 识记重点单词短语

2. 掌握如何表达应该给别人买什么礼物,掌握如何建议别人买礼物的表达法 重点句型:1). What’s the best gift you have ever received?

2). When did you get it? ----On her tenth birthday. 3)Who gave it to you? 一、预习感知:


在他六岁生日那天__________________ 多幸运的一个小伙子 _______________ 不够特别__________________ 不够有创意__________________ 不够友好________________________ 太个性化

谁送给他的___________________________做一顿特殊的饭菜________________ 二、 合作探究

1. What’s the best gift he/she has ever received? 翻译: 这里“he/she has ever received”是一个现在完成时的句子,充当gift的定语从句,省略从句引导词that。


2.What a lucky guy! 多幸运的一个小伙子!这是一个感叹句。 英语中感叹句有两种结构,1)一种以what 开头,其基本结构是: ①What+a(an)+形容词+单数可数名词+主语+谓语+其他!例如: What it is! 多冗长的一个故事啊!

What football match we saw last night!昨晚我们看的那场球赛多精彩啊!


What students they are!他们是多么聪明的学生啊! What people they are!他们是多么善良啊! 2)另一种是以how开头,其基本结构是:


How it is in winter in Hong Kong! 香港的冬天好暖和啊! How Mary speaks! 玛丽讲话好快啊!

三、 小组活动:用这一部分所学句型完成下列表格: Name What’s the best gift When Who



1.How about__________(drink) a cup of tea? 2.Why not_______(get) up earlier?

3.This is my ________(person) computer. 4. I don’t think the movie is________ (interest). 5.Jack got a football on his_____(eight)birthday. 二、单选

( ) 1. The dictionary ____ me $20. A. paid B. spent C. took D. cost ( ) 2. Mr. Lee was _______ tired that he couldn’t keep his eyes _________. A. too,open B. so,closed C. too,closed D. so,open ( ) 3.. What should I get my mom _______ her birthday? A. on B. for C. at D. in ( ) 4. Why don't you ________ a camera? That’s too cheap. A. got B. get C. gets D. getting ( ) 5. What’s the best gift John ________ ever received? A. have B. has C. had D. having ( ) 6. When did Joe get his first gift? On his _________ birthday. A. six B. sixth C. the six D. the sixth ( ) 7. Chinese is too hard ______ most of the foreigners ______ learn.

A. for to B. to to C. to for D. for for

( ) 8. Tomorrow is Sunday. How about ______ to visit your grandmother?

A. go B. going C. to go


1.How about a watch?(改为同义句)______ ______ a watch?

2.Why don’t you buy a scarf?(改为同义句)______ ______ buy a scarf? 3.I got my camera onmy tenth birthday.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ ______ get your camera?

4.She thinks cats are easy to take care of.(改为否定句)

______ ______ ______ cats are easy to take care of.

5.I don’t like dogs because they are very noisy at night.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ ______ like dogs?

6.My mother gave me a new pen. (对划线部分提问) you a new pen? 7.He is a lucky boy. (改为感叹句)

he is! / the boy is!

鲁教版初中英语54学制Unit 8 02


