Abstract: the campus culture is the spirit and soul of the school, the whole school educational environment is not an important part of the space. The school \cultural values in order to open, the fusion is the border to education, and the view of the culture in mind and to education. In order to build the school \harmonious educational environment. Our school to the young pioneers innovation brand activities as the carrier, precision tillage \children become a citizen consciousness of life; The members of the collective cooperation consciousness; A member of society service consciousness; The environmental protection consciousness of earth's children of international vision of small citizens. Key words: the campus culture; Kind; Joy; and
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在学校创建伊始,学校以品格成长课程及中国优良品德概念月主题活动为契机,深化“兼容并蓄、和美共生”的校园文化建设。师生之间一声轻轻的问候,一个灿烂的微笑,一个友好的顿首,一个无声礼让手势,形成师生“触及心灵,深耕品格”的和善校园。让队员们的行为、品格慢慢成长并在体验教育中呈现出语善、视善和行善。这样的氛围就能在学校内部形成强大的凝聚力,促进学生身心健康发展,激发师生高度的学习、工作的热情, 让自然优美、人文和善的校园文化真正发挥着潜移默化、润物无声的功效。 一、和善文化