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1. (2015陕西) Many city people ______ their bikes to work every day. A. ride B. will ride C. rode D. have ridden 2. (2015武汉) —A nice car! Is it yours?

—No, it isn't. I ______ it from a friend of mine two days ago. A. borrow B. have borrowed C. will borrow D. borrowed

3. (2015黄石) The writer and speaker ______ a speech on Chinese culture in the hall now.

D. has given B. is giving C. will give A. are giving

4. (2015齐齐哈尔 ) Alice ______ for the bus at seven yesterday morning. B. was waiting D. will wait A. waited C. is waiting

5. (2015福州) So far, the AIIB (亚投行) ______ 57 countries to be the founding members.

A. attracted D. is attracting B. has attracted C. will attract 6. (2015 龙东) By the time I got back to school, the bell ______. D. will ring B. has rung A. rang C. had rung

7. (2015抚顺) — Why are you so happy? —My friend ______ me next month. B. was visiting D. visited A. visits

C. will visit


动词时态一般都有其相对应的时间状语,请熟记下列时态所对应的时间状语。 时态 时间状语 一般现在时 year, every often, always, usually, sometimes, never, once a week, twice a 等day, every week then, just now, yesterday, last night, a few days ago等 now, right now, at the moment, this week, these days等 等then, at that time, this time yesterday, from 8 to 10 yesterday morning already, just, yet, never, recently, lately, up to / till now, so far, in the past / 过去的时间点”等since +,for +last few months / years,“一段时间”“ 等before, by, by the time, by the end of last month / year 一段时间”等tomorrow, next Friday / week / year, in the future,“in + 等the next day / month / year / evening, the following month 一般过去时 现在进行时 过去进行时 现在完成时 中考时态考点梳理 - 1 - 过去完成时 一般将来时 过去将来时 【应试对策】中考测试动词时态必须与句中时间状语一致时,常在题干中加入具体的交际情景,以测试学生对动词时态知识的实际运用能力。因此,同学们要敏锐捕捉句中的时间标志 词,并且结合具体的语境,来确定动词的时态。 二、



考查。有时,命题者为了增加试题的难度,还会将两种从句进行糅合,来考查学生对时态的 辨析能力。 【中考例题】re going somewhere as soon as the holiday ______. '潍坊) Next month we8. (2015 D. is beginning C. begins

B. has begun A. will begin

if it raising of national flag to go Tian'anmen Square to watch the 9. (2015孝感) We will

______ tomorrow.

t rain D. won''t rain B. rains C. doesn A. will rain t know when ______ next week. Please call me when he arrives. '10. (2015南充) We don

B. does he arrive

A. will he arrive D. he arrives C. he will arrive

the he warned that ______ many ) Too people were absent. The chairperson (201511. 无锡meeting if necessary.

D. started B. cancelled A. would cancel C. would start ) The teacher told us that the sun ______ in the east. 雅安12. (2015D. rises

A. had risen B. has risen C. rose

【应试对策】在根据时态呼应原则解题时,要把握好以下两点:as long unless,as soon as, 引导的时间状语从句以及由if,afterwhen1. 在由,before,,until 引导的条件状语从句中,常用一般现在时表将来。as解答宾语从句与主句时态呼应题时,我们应熟知一下规则:如果主句的谓语动词是一 2.

般现在时,从句的谓语动词可根据需要,选用相应的时态;如果主句的谓语动词是过去时,宾语从句的谓语动词选用过去时态的某一种形式;如果宾语从句叙述的是客观事实、普遍真 理、自然现象或是习惯性动作等,不管主句用什么时态,从句都用一般现在时。 三、巧抓试题的语境,快解时态题对着课改的深入和中考命题手法的不断创新,近年来中考试题对时态考查的要求也越来 越高,大部分试题趋向情境化。这就对学生的语言基本功和语言运用的能力提出了较高的要 求。 中考时态考点梳理 - 2 - 【中考例题】

13. (2015菏泽) —Hi, Wang Ning! How's the weather in Heze now? —It is terrible. It ______ all the morning. A. rains

B. is raining

C. rain D. would rain

14. (2015南京) —When will Uncle Sam come to see us? —He' ll visit us this weekend. He ______ me that by e-mail. A. told B. is told

C. will tell D. was going to tell

15. (2015江西) —Do you have any plans for tonight? —Yes, I ______ at the new Italian restaurant in town. A. eat B. have eaten

C. ate D. am going to eat

16. (2015江西) —Ben and Sue aren't home, aren't they? —No. They ______ to London on business. A. have gone B. go

C. have been D. will go 【应试对策】想要准确地解答语境题型时态题,首先要通读试题,认真领悟语境,来捕捉有效地解题信息。在此基础上,可以快速剔除两个最弱的干扰项。接着再结合语境,综合运用所学的时态方面的知识,对剩下的两个选项进行比较,最终确定最佳答案。



一般现在时常用来描述经常出现、反复发生的动作或存在的状态,句子常带有特定的状语(如every day, always, often, sometimes, seldom, usually, nowadays等)。此


