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1. My Italian Treat (BCAD)

Everyone has heard of the famous Italian dishes of pasta (面食) and pizza, far fewer have actually had the chance to taste them in Italy. But I was lucky enough to visit the country with my school and enjoyed my fill of these and other lively foods. We went to the town of Vietri, Salerno, in southern Italy. On the fist day, we were told that dinner would be at 7:30, but it actually began at 7:50. Our teachers had told us in advance about the relaxed pace of Italian life ! But still, we were starving (饥饿的). However, once it did, it was worth all the waiting.

The sea-food salad was delicious, not too sour and not too salty. The cheeses were a different matter; I had heard they were famous, but it took me a while to get used to them. The fruits were excellent, so fresh they tasted as if they had just been picked.

As we had been banned from drinking alcohol, we sipped (吮吸) water, instead of wine at meals. There were two types, one was ordinary, the other sparkling (发泡的) water. It tasted like a flavorless soda.

During the visit, we discovered that real Italian pizza was very different from anything we had tasted before. It was cheap,

savory(美味的) and had a soft texture (质地). My favorite was a plain one with just a cheese topping. Once I ate a whole one, almost 20cm in diameter (直径). I so stuffed (塞满) myself that I felt ill at the end of the meal.

To be honest, unlike the other, I didn’t much like the pasta. Perhaps I am too much in love with Chinese noodles to really take to them.

My friend and I walked the whole of the town trying out different kinds of pastry (糕饼). The combination of sugar, cream and chocolate made them delicious. But if you hadn’t had a sweet tongue, you would not have liked them, since they were very sweet.

Every day, last thing in the evening, we had ice cream at a local store. We tried all the flavors ! It was so satisfying to go to bed on a full stomach with the memory of a whole day of eating fresh in your mind. Here’s hoping that you too get to sample the wonderful food of Italy !

1. In the article, the writer mainly tells us about _________. A. Italian pizza B. her experience of trying Italian foods

C. the beautiful sights of Italy D. Italy’s mysterious traditions

2. On the fist day in Italy, the dinner was delayed by 20 minutes probably because __________.

A. the food they ordered was difficult to prepare B. waiting would give them a bigger appetite C. Italians have a relaxed attitude to life D. the Italians weren’t very welcoming

3. During their stay in Italy, the writer enjoyed all of the following Italian foods EXCEPT____.

A. pasta B. pizza C. sea-food salad D. pastries

4. The article tells us that the writer ___________. A. fell in love with Italian cheeses at her first bite B. felt ill after trying many flavors of ice cream C. doesn’t have a sweet tongue

D. was not allowed to drink alcohol in Italy

2. Hard Road to Success (BADC)

I had my fist job at a local diner called the Buttercup Bakery when I was 22. I worked there for seven years and learned so many lessons, especially from a fellow waitress Helen, who did what she loved –serving people. She made everyone smile and feel good.

Being a waitress changed my life. One of my regular customers was Fred Hasbrook, an electronics salesman. When I saw him walking toward the diner, I tried to have it on his table as soon as he sat down.

Thanks to the confidence I picked up from Helen, I dreamed of having my own restaurant. But when I called my parents to ask for a loan(贷款), they said: “We just don’t have the money. “

The next day, Fred saw me and asked;” What’s wrong, sunshine ” I shared my dream with him and said :”Fred, I know I can do more if somebody would just have faith in me. “ He walked over to some of the other diner regulars and the next day handed me checks totaling $50,000 ---along with a note. It reads: “The only collateral(担保物) on this loan is my trust in your honesty as a person. Good people with a dream should have the opportunity to make that dream come true.” I took the checks to Merrill Lynch, a brokerage house (经纪人事务所), where the money was invested (投资) for me. But my investments soured (变坏,令人失望) and I lost the money. I found myself thinking about what it would be like to be a stockbroker(股票经纪人). I decided to apply for(申请) a job at Merrill Lynch. Even though I had no experience, I was hired



