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Unit1 Hello!I’m Sam


句型:1. Hello, your name, please?你好,你叫什名字? 2. Wow! This is my new book!哇!这是我的新书。 3. Show me your pen!让我看看你的钢笔。 4. Nice to meet you!见到你很高兴! 音标:Aa/?/ Unit 2 It’s a goat.

单词:sheep绵羊horse马chicken小鸡cow奶牛goat山羊rabbit兔子fish鱼turtle乌龟frog 青蛙lizard 蜥蜴world世界smile微笑tail尾巴love爱

句型:1.It’s a long tail.这是一条长尾巴。 2. Smile, please!请笑一笑。

3.—What’s this, Mr. Li?—李先生,这是什么? —It’s a goat.—它是一只山羊。 4.Let me try.让我试一下。 音标:Ee /e/ Unit3 I like apples.


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句型:1.—What would you like, sir?你想要什么,先生? —I want some apples.我想要一些苹果。

2.—What would you like, Miss?你想要什么,小姐? —I want some coconuts, please!我想要一些椰子。 —How many?要多少? —I’d like one, please.要一个。

3.—Would you like an apple?你想要一个苹果吗? —Yes, please / No, thanks.是的。/不用了,谢谢。 Unit4 What’s in my hat?


句型:1.What’s on the table now?现在桌子上有什么? 2. This is my friend, Tony.这是我的朋友,Tony. 3.It’s our fun time today.今天是我们玩的时间。 4. Please watch carefully.请看仔细。 5.What’s in my hat?我的帽子里有什么? 音标:Ii /I/

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Unit5 My body and the monster’shop单脚跳jump跳跃shake摇动turn转动take拿走hippo河马tiger老虎crocodile鳄鱼句型:1. Who wants to try?谁想试一下?

2.He’s got three eyes,four hands, four ears and three legs.他有三只眼睛,四只手,四只耳朵和三条腿。

3. Touch your head!摸你的头! 音标:Uu / ∧/

Unit6 Let’s play games

单词:bounce the ball拍球hide and seek捉迷藏kick the shuttlecock踢毽子pick and put捡和放draw the clown’s nose画小丑的鼻子hopscotch跳方格catch the beanbag接沙包throw the beanbag扔沙包

句型:1.Let’s play games.我们一起玩游戏。

2. Which one do you want to play first?你想先玩哪一个游戏? 3.—Where is Sam?—Sam在哪儿?

—He must be in the lemon house.—他一定在柠檬房子里。

4. Pick an apple and put it under the chair.捡起来一个苹果并把它放在椅子下面。

5. Do you understand?你明白了吗? 音标:Aa /e I/

Unit7 Fruit and Vegetable Party

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