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2016年硕士研究生招生考试试题 (A卷)

科目代码及名称: 904 英语教学法 适用专业:045108学科教学(英语) (请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效) Part I Notion Explaining (20 points, 2 points each) Directions: Explain the following ten notions. 1. field-dependence (a cognitive style) 2. second language 3. foreign language 4. the six designing principles for the National English Curriculum 5. lesson plan 6. the inductive method (in grammar teaching) 7. introversion 8. extroversion 9. receptive vocabulary 10. productive vocabulary Part II Statement Judging (20 points, 1point each ) Directions: Read the following 20 statements, and decide which one of them is true or false. If the statement is true, put T in the bracket to the right of the sentence; if false, put F in the bracket. 1. The answer to the question “What is language” is the basis for syllabus design, teaching methodology, teaching and assessment procedures in the classroom. 2. Different views generate the same teaching methodologies. 3. The primary phase is designed into two levels. Level 1 covers Grade 3 and Grade 4. Level 2 covers Grade 7 and Grade 8. 4. Robertson and Acklam (ibid) propose three additional elements for a good lesson. 第 1 页,共 4 页

科目代码及名称: 904 英语教学法 适用专业:045108学科教学(英语)

(请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效) 5. According to Robertson and Acklam (ibid) , the three additional elements for a good lesson are E.S.A. ?E? stands for engage, ?S? stands for students, and ?A? stands for activate. 6. Discipline in the language classroom refers to a code of conduct which separates a teacher and a group of students so that learning can be more effective. 7. Display questions are those that the answers are already known to the teacher. 8. Display questions are used for checking if students know the answers. 9. Genuine questions are questions which are used to find out dated information. 10. Since genuine questions often reflect real contexts, they are therefore less communicative. 11. A mistake refers to a competence error that is either a random guess or ?a slip of tongue?. 12. A mistake is a failure performance to a known system. 13. A mistake has nothing to do with the language competence, but a result from a temporary breakdown. 14. When a mistake is challenged or given enough attention, it cannot be self-corrected. 15. An error has indirect relation with the learners? language competence. 16. Errors do not result from carelessness nor hesitation, but lack of knowledge in the target language. 17. Language errors can be self-corrected no matter how much attention is given. 18. Phonetic rules regarding what sounds a letter or a cluster of letters should be avoided introducing at the beginning stage, especially for young learners. 19. Stress and intonation should be taught at the very beginning. 20. Stress and intonation are not as important as the sounds themselves. 第 2 页,共 4 页

科目代码及名称: 904 英语教学法 适用专业:045108学科教学(英语)

(请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效) Part III Question Answering (30 points, 5 points each ) Directions: Answer each of the following 6 questions. Your answers are suggested to show the basic principles or connotations contained in the questions. 1.Why does Stern, the author of the book Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching think that we regard the use of the term ?language acquisition? as of no theoretical significance and treat it as purely stylistic alternative to ?language learning?? 2. What are the five components of communicative competence discussed by Hedge? Write the implications of each of these components for language teaching. 3.According to Prof. Wang Qiang, in what ways are English teachers who are faced with the new curriculum expected to change? 4. Bloom?s taxonomy classifies the question types into six. What are the six question types? What is the significance if each of them is used in a language classroom? 5. The deductive method relies on reasoning, analyzing, and comparing. Teachers would like to use the method to teach grammar. What weaknesses and merits does the method have? 6. Should the teacher use a multiple-choice comprehension question in the post-listening activity? Why or why not? Part IV Textbook Adapting (40 points) Directions: Use the material in the Appendix as an example to describe the ways of adapting textbooks for preparations of English lessons for Grade 8 students. 第 3 页,共 4 页

科目代码及名称: 904 英语教学法 适用专业:045108学科教学(英语)



