接下来我就根据意义实行分类,再结合例句给大家介绍这些强调词汇(以adv.为主)的作用,并且总结这些词在新概念三册中的所有相关例句。非常巧,这其中包含了大量新概念三的经典钻石句,这也间接说明了我在此总结并希望大家熟练掌握强调词汇的重要性。希望大家在看完各部分的单独分析后再参照我后面所列出的新概念三册里的例句巩固加深记忆并且掌握各种语境下的用法。 一、“很” :VERY
awfully (= terribly 既可表可怕 也有awfully beautiful = very beautiful表示“很”)
badly (非常极度 The babies are badly in need of domestic milk powder substitute.)
bloody (英式英语中表“忒”的意思 例如bloody well right表示“非常好”)
dame (英语口语表示强烈情感时候经常用 例如“很好”用dame good)
deadly (极度的绝对的 He was deadly heartbroken by her ex-girlfriend.)
dearly (从深情引申到深深 He was dearly in love with her at that time.)
dreadfully (= terribly 例如表示“怕得要命”be dreadfully scared)
much (表很大水准上通常用作句首倒装 引导转折 Much as…+不带but的转折)
enormously (万分非常 He was enormously grateful for her backing him up then.)
enough (表充足= abundant = adequate 但接在adj. adv. 后表示“很” well enough)
exceedingly (= extremely 非常好的同意替换词He drove exceedingly fast.)
extremely (最常用的表极度的词语)
even (更加 He looked even better/worse after the treatment. 有时能跟long替换)
far (相当水准的 They seem far too close as normal friends.)
highly (各种讲话中最常用的表示“高度”的词 He was highly praised.高度赞扬)
over (太 过度的 例如over anxious表过度焦虑)
so (如此 It was so stupid of him to come up with such an idea that almost killed us.)
terribly(注意跟thanks to = because一样没有感情偏向He was terribly lucky.)
too (常跟其它表示“很”的词搭配使用 He is only too willing to be of her service.)
way (常以way too/over/off/above搭配的形式出现表示“大大”或“远远超过”)
well (= way 例如His intelligence is well above an average 3-years old.) 新概念三册里的例句:
L12: They were taking a badly damaged boat from the Virgin Islands to Miami to have it repaired.
L21: Mendoza did much to change crude prizefighting into a sport, for he brought science to the game.
L22: Much to the aristocrat's amusement, the gaoler returned a few moments later with a pair of glasses and the usual copy of the letter with he proceeded to read to the prisoner.
L26: Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose the things we want, for advertising exerts a subtle influence on us.
L30: Eric had been the eldest son of the family, very much older than his two brothers. 二、“仅” :ONLY
almost (= narrowly 几乎差不多 He was almost asleep.) a mere (= merely 仅仅不过 a mere kid/50 dollars) but (= only 例如hopes that lasted but a moment仅仅持续了片刻的希望)
barely (=hardly仅仅 几乎没 I could barely do it without the supporting figures.)
exclusively (排他的独有的 This room is exclusively for women.)
hardly (刚刚 注意和narrowly区别 例如hardly missed= didn’t miss没有错过)
just (= narrowly 差点就不 主义和hardly区别 例如just missed being hit没被砸)
merely (只不过 I merely wanted to be informed of the truth of the accident.)
narrowly (勉强的 恰好 注意和hardly区别 例如narrowly missed= missed)
scarcely (= hardly几乎不 I scarcely ever loved her when we were together.)
scantily (= hardly 除表缺乏外还表示“仅仅” The room was scantily furnished.)
simply (= merely 只不过 It is simply a matter of time.) 新概念三册里的例句:
L6: At this time of the morning, the arcade was almost empty.
L16: When he went outside half an hour later, he was astonished to find the little black lamb was almost white. L27: Beggars almost sell themselves as human being to arouse the pity of passers-by.
L35: There are rare instances when justice almost ceases to be an abstract concept.
L43: The sides of the dish were so smooth that it was almost impossible to attach hawsers and chains to the rim without damaging it. 三、“就” :JUST
以下词语常用于表示“尤其”或“就是”的意思。 especially (= particularly格外 特别I love her, especially when she smiles.)
exactly (如你所说 用于表示赞同Is she the one you are waiting for? Exactly.)