Environmental Parameters of Broiler House with Three overlap Cages in Winter and Autumn
Environmental Parameters of Broiler House with Three overlap Cages in Winter and Autumn
【期刊名称】《动物与饲料科学:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2017(009)005
【摘要】[Objective] The study was to monitor the indoor environmental parameters of broiler house with three overlap cages and analyze the differences in winter and autumn. [Method] In the process of feeding, the same broiler house in the same farm was chosen to determine indoor ambient temperature, humidity and air quality at 3-6 weeks age of broilers in different seasons. The measure points were distributed in four different positions in the house. [Result] There was no significant difference in ambient temperature between autumn and winter (P>0.05). The ambient temperature in the house in winter was slightly higher than that in autumn. The humidity in autumn was significantly higher than that in winter (P<0.05). The temperature and humidity in two seasons could meet the requirements of broiler growth. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in ammonia concentration between autumn and winter, while ammonia concentration in winter was slightly higher than that in autumn. The carbon dioxide concentration of broiler house in winter was significantly higher than that in autumn (P<0.05). The total
Environmental Parameters of Broiler House with Three overlap Cages in Winter and Autumn